Lu Jiayi's eyes fell on Dale, and the old man suddenly felt like he was being stared at by some dangerous animal, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead instantly.

"If I let them go, and one day they bring hundreds or thousands of people back to the base for revenge, then all you can do is apologise, and others are likely to give their lives, so I don't care if that's an option, It doesn't work for me."

"As for the captivity you mentioned, they want to enslave us, kill a few of us, and even **** women in front of us! I still want to feed them with the food that everyone has worked so hard to grow? Why? You? are you willing?"

"I don't want to!"

"Of course not!"


Dale still hasn't given up hope, he

Seeing that the people had a firm attitude, **** silently closed his mouth and did not continue to speak, but his eyes were a little erratic.

Dale's face was a little pale, and he seemed to be stinged by people's heartlessness. He looked at them with blank eyes, and kept muttering something in his mouth.

Lu Jiayi didn't finish his words, and he also noticed Dell's expression.

"I know what you're thinking. It's inhumane to take other people's lives at will. Then I tell you, I will only give kindness to my own people, and there is no so-called sympathy for the enemy."

"You have to understand a truth, there is no concept of a country anymore, we are a small country, all people outside are potentially dangerous, and a country must have national laws, and troubled times need heavy codes. It seems that the crimes committed by these people are tantamount to treason, how should the crime of treason be punished?"

"capital offense!"

"capital offense!"

Hearing the passionate shouts from the crowd, Dale opened his mouth and shook his head speechlessly, while Glenn, who had been standing beside him all along, hugged his shoulders and comforted him softly.

Jesus also wanted to go back, but was stopped, and saw Lu Jiayi walking slowly to his side, and said in a serious tone.

"If you're thinking about letting these people go while we're not paying attention, I'll not only kill you, but I'll send everyone out to destroy them, including all the people in the mountaintop village will be expelled from the base, I hope you move you before you do anything. Let your brain decide if it's worth it."

Unexpectedly, his thoughts were guessed, and his expression was obviously stunned, and then the expression on his face became helpless, and he could only nodded.

"Continue the meeting, we will finalize the appointment list before dark."

Leaving the crowd to continue sorting out the votes, Lu Jiayi took Sean and Rick and left the scene, followed by a selected ten-member team.

It was already an hour later when they came back. Looking at the red stains on their bodies, everyone knew what they had done, but no one took the initiative to mention it.

Looking at Lu Jiayi with a bad face, no one took the initiative to approach him to talk to him, but the expressions in their eyes were not fear, but respect!

Comparing heart to heart, even Dell, who has always held objections, has to admit that Lu Jiayi is doing dirty work for everyone, and he took the initiative to bear this burden in order to let them live well. …

In the end, the large and small positions in the base were basically fixed, and the director of the government office was held by a very capable woman in her fifties. Her name was Ann Marie O'Reiler, who used to be a North Atlanta woman. The mayor of the town.

Although Lu Jiayi was not in a good mood, he still took the time to meet the future chief steward of the base. In fact, he knew that the other party's abilities were good, but at the beginning of the end of the world, this poor mother lost all her relatives. , which made her lose hope for a time, but some time ago she met a destined man again, this person is the gun master in the base.

Christian Piaru.

That's right, it's the guy in Bob's team before, who was also appointed as a technical advisor to the Ministry of Military Industry.

Piaru has always been very grateful to Lu Jiayi. After the two were together, they often mentioned the captain who he admired, and An also slowly recovered under his comfort.

When Lu Jiayi went to Washington, he began to show his prominence and won the approval of many people. This election was also logically elected.

As for most of the cadres in the army, Lu Jiayi took the team members to Washington, as well as Raphael, Wells and others who were originally soldiers.

That night, Lu Jiayi didn't show up again, but he was alone in the room and didn't know what to do. Even when he was eating, Amy noticed that he didn't show up and sent it to him.

There were quite a few guests in Dale's room. The originally small room was filled with people, and there were even a few people standing at the door, while Dale sat on the bed and kept talking.

"Okay, you don't have to accompany me anymore. I just don't think we have the right to decide the life and death of another person, let alone fifty lives."

Glenn followed him all the way, sitting next to Dale at this time, surrounded by people from the original Rick team.

"Even if they kill, are you willing to rape?"

"You didn't understand what I meant. I'm not a fool. I know they are bad people, but after all, it's a matter of human life. I don't want everyone to lose their sense of awe for life."

In the shadow outside the door, Daryl also stood quietly listening to the conversation of the people in the room. Hearing this, he suddenly felt unpleasant, so he stuck out half of his face and looked at Dale.

"Old man, you should go outside and see, people outside won't discuss life with you.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^, they will just take the things from you and throw you in the corpse, I assure you, those people will not even waste a minute on you bullet! "


It was already dark in Lu Jiayi's room at this time, and he was lying on the bed quietly. He was sleepy at first, but now he opened his eyes and lost sleep, and he kept thinking about today's events in his mind.

In fact, he is very confident in these These people in the base are almost all brought back by him personally. Although he also thought that there might be some black sheep, so many people appeared at one time. It was something he didn't expect.


To be honest, although these people deserved what they deserved, they got along for a long time anyway. It is obviously impossible to say that there is no trouble in their hearts, but I don't want to put this pressure on others, so I have to do it myself.

In fact, when Dale pleaded for mercy, he also hesitated for a moment. Maybe they were just fascinated for a while, but on second thought, they made this decision ruthlessly. This kind of thing must not set a precedent. Next time, more people will take the risk.

I don't care, but I still feel a little uncomfortable.

Lying on the bed staring at the dark floor, thinking about messy things in my mind, I fell asleep unconsciously.

Maybe by tomorrow everything will be fine.


Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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