I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 245: Hand speed is getting old

"Hey Lu, you're here."

That's right, this guy is the same Jim in the Dale RV at the beginning of the apocalypse.

He was supposed to be bitten on the day the quarry corpses attacked the camp, and was left by the protagonist group on the way to the CDC, but due to the appearance of the protagonist, this guy turned into a blacksmith in the base, and he could be considered him a hobby.

"I've basically made everything you want, but I haven't finished the gears you mentioned."

As he said that, Jim pointed to a few metal shell-like things on the ground around him. Lu Jiayi stepped forward to check it, and found that everything was done well, and the joints were all handled tightly. He nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay, your craft is getting better and better."

Jim is a person who doesn't like to express himself, but he seems very happy to hear the compliment. He put down his work and walked to the table next to him.

"This is the gear mold you want, it's not finished yet."

Lu Jiayi stepped forward and picked up one and took a closer look. He found that these wooden gears had already made a rough shape, but there was still a long way to go before they were completed.

He really wanted to finish it as soon as possible, and he was a little itchy, so he waved to a few people.

"I'll take care of it, you can do your own thing, and try to finish the shell I want today."

"Don't worry, Captain."

The attention of several people quickly returned to work again, because Lu Jiayi had already greeted them, so several people have been busy with this matter for the past two days, and this morning has reached the final stage.

Just after a few people were busy for half an hour, basically all of them stopped working, and the few people who started to work in the early morning were finally able to take a break for a while.

Jim took out a pack of cigarettes and lit one for himself. He unconsciously looked at Lu Jiayi who was still carving the mold.

Then his expression became dull, the cigarette in his mouth fell to the ground unconsciously, and the people behind him were also not much better, all staring at the captain who was engrossed in his work.

I saw Lu Jiayi's hands quickly fine-tuned, the carving knife on his right hand flew up and down, and the shape of the wooden gear was quickly formed in his hand.

The place carved by the carving knife is exquisite and delicate, and each tooth is the same size, and the naked eye can't see the slightest flaw.

"God, what technology is this?"

"It's so fast, I can't even see his fingers."

"You don't know the captain's ability, is it worth all the fuss?"

"You said it lightly!"


Lu Jiayi, who is highly concentrated, has no time for him at all. At this time, he devotes himself to the gear in front of him. Since he obtained the ability to make tools, he has at most made some simple things. He has never processed such precision as gears. parts.

This kind of feeling is very strange, obviously I have never touched these things, but once I get started, I feel like I can't stop, as if all the cells in my body are excited, the speed of my hands is getting faster and faster, and finally I have achieved a wonderful sense of balance.

Then he felt that the time seemed to slow down, and it felt that ten minutes had passed. Suddenly, he felt that all the parts had been processed.

When he looked up again, the situation around him startled him. He saw that the blacksmith shop, which was not a small size, was full of people, all of them looking at him with the eyes of a monster, but they looked down at him inexplicably, and there was nothing. its not right.

"What's the matter? Why are they looking at me like this?"

There was a burst of shouts from the silent crowd, followed by a round of applause.

"God, the captain is simply too good."

"Yeah, this is carpentry work, it's obviously an art performance, or a very professional kind."

"It's the first time I've seen Captain Lu such a unique skill, haha!"


He glanced at his watch inexplicably, and was surprised to find that it was almost noon. I remembered that it should have been early nine in the morning when he just arrived here.

Even sitting here all morning, the problem is that I clearly feel that it has been a while.

He waved at the crowd and sent everyone away, only then did he hear Jim say.

"Captain, the work you've done for more than two hours is equivalent to what I've done for two or three days. It's amazing!"

"Haha, I won the prize. I think there should be no problem with these gear molds. After grinding and polishing, the molds can be made."

Everyone said that what he can say, he can be as good as he is, anyway, it is not a day or two to be great.

"No problem, we'll deliver the parts to you tomorrow."

It was already half past eleven after leaving the blacksmith's shop. He touched his hungry belly and walked directly to the kitchen.

As soon as I ate in the dining hall, I found that the atmosphere in the room didn't seem right. There were very few people who came to eat at this time. Most of them were the elderly and children in the base.

Behind the dining window, several waiters in the kitchen looked angrily at a white man standing beside him.

Lu Jiayi didn't care, stepped forward and asked with a smile.

"Hey, what's up George."

The chef who was called George before the official cafeteria, he was the most excited one of them.

"Captain, this person is here to find fault on purpose."

When Lu Jiayi came closer, he also saw Frank who was standing in the same place and kept shaking his head and complaining.

The former chef pointed to the pot of dishes in front of him with a displeased expression and said ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ How can you blame me? Obviously this meat is too unpalatable! "

"You **** also said that we have been cooking for a year, and no one said it was unpalatable. I think you are trying to find fault!"

Seeing that the two sides were about to quarrel again, the surrounding spectators quickly stopped them, but they heard Frank still speak confidently.

"I'll tell you why, because you got a pretty good recipe from Captain from the beginning, but because Captain is too busy to guide you on the little things, the recipes are wasted by your loose attitude !"

George looked at him speechlessly and said with disgust.

"You are really sick. When is this going to happen? It's good to eat some food. Besides, are you blown away by the strong wind when you use it as a seasoning?"

cut! Frank looked at him with disdain, then turned his head and smiled at Lu Jiayi.

"The more the end of the world, the more we must pay attention to the taste of food. Everyone's work is very tired. It is our chef's duty to let everyone enjoy a delicious meal, you know!"

The few kitchen staff who said something were a little speechless, and George opened his mouth, but couldn't speak.

Seeing that the two sides were arguing, Lu Jiayi had no choice but to clap his hands. Seeing that both sides looked at him, he reconciled.

"Everyone is for the good of the base. Frank's side, I arranged for you to know that they cook, but you can't just pick on the faults, you have to teach them first. As for George, you should also learn from Frank, he can't yet. Join the kitchen, so you can let him make it privately and taste it, and compare and contrast. Frank is also right, and it is also an incentive for people in the base to make more delicious food.”

"Understood Captain!"

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