I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 244: Negan's decision

In the end, nothing happened to Frank, and because of this, he received a new task, which is to help the chef of the restaurant improve the menu.

As for why not just let him cook? Of course, I don't believe him anymore. The chef at the base must use the most trusted person. Can Frank become a chef?

Yes, of course!

However, he had to wait for the inspection period to pass. Not only that, he also had to undergo a separate test alone, and he had to go through a period of inspection longer than the rest.

After dinner, Tom and the two went back to the house to rest. The two of them had not fully recovered. Although they had been starved to death before, they did not know how long they would be trapped next. Naturally, they had to control their diets. It took a long time. Some deficiencies appeared, and physical fitness plummeted.

Back in his office, he found that Negan was waiting for him at the door of the office, as if something happened.

"Is something wrong?"

Negan just nodded, then looked around, this action made Lu Jiayi instantly understand, he pushed open the door and signaled to go in and talk.

After closing the door tightly, the two walked to the innermost corner of the room. Their voices were all suppressed to the lowest level, and they talked in a voice that only each other could hear.

"I thought about it for a few days and discussed it with Lucille for a long time. I'm going to try this CRM."

As soon as I saw Negan's performance, I guessed that the other party was going to mention this question, but I was secretly surprised when I heard the accurate reply, I didn't expect the other party to be so bold.

"You have to know that once you go, I can't help you in a short time. Everything depends on you. Most importantly, no one can guarantee when you will come back."

The trademark smile appeared on Negan's face, and he looked quite relieved.

"I didn't say I'd go now, two months later, when Lucille's body is almost recuperated, according to what you said, I will try to get a place to go out to explore within a year, then I will leave there and come back here. Find my wife and children."

Originally, he had been hesitating whether to let Negan go, but now the other party has made up his mind first, so what else can he say, he can only help him make the next plan, fortunately, there are still two months.

"Don't worry, when you come back, I will make sure Lucille and the children are all healthy."

The corners of Negan's mouth twitched, and he said jokingly.

"Hehe, I remember, if it's not like what you said, I will come back with a large army."

This sentence contains both a joke and a hint of warning. Negan is a decisive and assertive person. Going to CRM for others will help him in the future. He also wants to experience it for himself. Let's take a look at the difference between the two places, and it sounds like this place is very large. If the other party is okay, it can be a backup option. After all, everyone wants to find a better environment to live in, right?

"You'll be surprised at the changes here when you come back. My goal is not simply to survive."

The two talked for a long time. Now that they plan to go to CRM, they must share some of the information they know so far. By the way, add some of their own inferences. In the dark night, the light in the office window was bright until 1 a.m., and it was dark. down.

And a dark figure was standing in a container on the fence. He stared at the window intently, until the lights in the room went out, he still stood there and watched, and after a while he turned to look aside. shadow.

"I don't understand why I have to wait until he comes back. To be honest, I don't want to be an enemy of him."

The man's voice was low and hesitant, and a hoarse male voice sounded in the shadow opposite him.

"He's a threat, and this is what he built here, and how do we take over the base without him."


The man with a hoarse voice didn't hear the answer and continued to incite.

"Think about it, when we succeed, everything here will be ours, except for the few dozen people, the rest are just rubbish. The Asian boy said that the base will be remodeled next, and we can also do it again. Wait, when they renovate the base, we will find an opportunity for a supervisor to meet at one time! By then, the base will be all ours inside and out."

The deep voice was silent for a while, and finally, as if agreeing with the other party, he sighed.

"Okay, we'll just wait for a while and look for opportunities at any time."

"Okay, with your words, I'll be at ease."


The two of them didn't continue to talk nonsense, and the matter was finalized. The man got up and left, and went straight to another section of the city wall to continue his pretentious patrol.

Neither of the two noticed that there was a small black device hidden on the top of the containers near them, which was now integrated with the night.


Early the next morning.

Lu Jiayi was too busy last night, got up a little late this morning, and it was already 8:30 in the morning when he walked out of the room.

As soon as he stretched his waist, he saw that Carl was walking out excitedly with a gun holster that was obviously bigger.

To say that the best medicine for healing wounds is time. If this sentence is placed on a child, I am afraid that there will be a "play" added. This is nature.

Although I know that the other party is not going to play~www.wuxiamtl.com~, how many boys are not interested in guns?

Carl trotted over, making no secret of the look of anticipation on his face.

"Lu, I'm going to practice guns. Sean promised to train us every morning in the future."

Looking at this excited little guy with a smile on his face, although the boy was very happy, he still gave a slight warning, telling him to pay attention to his body and not get injured, otherwise he would be deprived of his right to practice guns.

Carl's face was solemn, and he nodded seriously.

"I will definitely be careful, and I will practice the technique as quickly as possible. You must remember to promise me when that time comes."

"Of course!"


The two hands, one big and one small, clapped together, and then shook, which brought a smile to Carl's face again.

When I went out, I found Aji, asked about the situation, and learned that a group of teams went out early in the morning to transport photovoltaic panels and batteries to the electric field not far away. .

"Most of today's people have gone to the outer yard to help demolish the barn. Those guys dream of living in a new house as soon as possible."


The two chatted for a while, and Lu Jiayi went straight to the blacksmith shop in the base.

It is said to be a blacksmith shop, but it is actually a manual workshop. At present, the base has not implemented the power system, and some of the equipment that was brought back in the past is completely useless. Now these people are all practicing some basic skills, which will be very important for future machining. The advantage, at least they can better grasp the properties of various metal materials.

As soon as I walked in the door, I felt a heat wave coming. There were a few people in the room busy, and the person standing in the center who was swinging a hammer was an old acquaintance.

Lu Jiayi waited quietly until the other party put down the hammer, and then shouted with a smile.

"Jim! Is what I want ready?"

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