Looking at him, Negan also showed a smile, but his eyes did exude a strong killing intent.

Just as the long-haired wolf clan looked provocatively at the same time, Negan also showed a smile, and then he shook the bat in his hand and slammed it on the head of the wolf clan on the ground. .

The wolf clan not far away was stunned for a moment, but Negan kept moving, and the bat kept falling. He quickly smashed the wolf clan’s head to the ground, and then he reached out and hooked at the man in the distance. finger.

The other party was still smiling, and his feet walked over here unhurriedly.

Seeing this, Negan directly swiped the bat again and hit the other two wolves twice.

The long-haired wolf race was angry. This kid was quite provocative. He didn't care about the death of his companion, but was angry at this provocative behavior.

In his eyes, all the people living here have not experienced the end-time experience. He is not simply killing people, but with a noble purpose, wanting to let these people return to nature.

This guy in the leather jacket dared to provoke him, and he wanted to let the other party understand the gap between the two sides!

"Let me set you free!"

He ran to Negan quickly, the steel knife and the bat in his hand slammed into the air, making a pounding sound, and the two weapons greeted each other, and they quickly wrestled together.

At the same time, Glenn and several people advanced all the way and came to the side of the community. A dozen people divided into four groups and rushed into the house. Soon intermittent gunfire and killing shouts came from the house.

Glenn and Maggie came to Pete's house with two people. There seemed to be signs of damage to the door. Someone should have broken in, but what made them strange was that the house was quiet.

Frowning and making a gesture behind him, all of them cautiously walked into the house and inspected the entire first floor. Nothing was found. All of them turned their eyes to the stairs. Now the Pete family has either been brutally attacked or is in The second floor.

As if to confirm their guess, there was a burst of laughter and crying from the second floor.

A few people did not dare to neglect, and walked upstairs tiptoe. They knew that the wolf clan had guns, but the other party seemed to prefer to use cold weapons.

When they came to the second floor, Glenn’s back was close to the wall, and they looked around carefully. They were not sure how many people were in the room. It was hard to guarantee that there would be no wind. The sound in the bedroom sounded in his ears. But the voice was a little fuzzy, and after arriving on the second floor, the voice gradually became clearer.

An unfamiliar voice rang along with Pete's painful cry, and immediately came the cry of Jesse and the children from the room.

After a while, the laughter stopped. For some reason, the people inside seemed to be arguing about something. Soon there was the sound of footsteps, the direction was right outside the door.

Glenn squeezed the pistol tightly and was ready to shoot at any time. The footsteps of the two wolves stopped at the corner of the stairs. At this time, they only needed to take another step and they would see Glen Four. people.

He cast a look at the three of them, made a countdown gesture with his hand, and was about to rush out, but Maggie was holding his arm behind him. He was about to turn his head in doubt, but he heard the words of the two wolves. The sound rang.

"What's wrong?"

"You still ask me what's wrong? You want to follow these guys back? That **** is a lunatic! I want to see let's not stay here, this woman is not bad, catch her and go directly to other places, they Can't find ours."

"Do you want to die? Forget the last thing those guys wanted to run?"

"They were stupid. There are still so few people left. When the main force of the other party comes back, we will all die!"

"No, it's too dangerous. If we get caught, we will also be tied to a tree to feed carrion corpses."

"Damn, you bastard, if you don't go, let's go."

"Fak! Just leave!"


The dispute between the two caused the people on the stairs to look at each other. They realized that the other party did not seem to be monolithic, but the two also revealed a more important news. Now these wolf races in Alexander should be the last group of people.

Glenn cat came to the door of the room with his waist down. There were a total of four rooms on the second floor. These people were in the innermost bedroom at this time. To his delight, the door of the room did not close, but there was a gap.

I observed the situation in the room through the gap. In the corner of the room, there were four of Pete's family kneeling. At this moment, they were all very scared. As the head of the family, Pete was even more embarrassed. His nose and face were swollen. . Valley

But because of the position, not all the invaders can be seen, only two of them can be seen, but Glenn can be sure that there are at least three of them.

He found the other person holding a pistol in his hand, secretly thanking him for his caution, Glenn was about to get up, but was once again attracted by the conversation in the room.

"Hehehe, choose it kid, do you want to die or want to live?"



Seeing that the wolf clan headed hesitated, he slapped it and slapped it. This seemed to have completely defeated Pete's psychological defenses, and he directly began to cry.

But I heard that the person just continued to ask.

"Hurry up! I'll give you five seconds!"

"Five, four, three..."

"Okay, okay! Don't kill me, I promise you all! Isn't it just a woman, it's given to you, as long as you keep me alive, I...!"

"Ah, uh, uh~~Puff!"

Glenn's eyes widened~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Pete was cut open by the other side's trachea. Before his death, his eyes were full of puzzlement, anger, unwillingness.......

The other party was obviously playing tricks on him. As for the purpose, it should be to see the desperate eyes of his wife and children.

With a sigh inwardly, Glen pointed out several directions. Maggie and the other two team members all nodded. They stood lightly, and saw Glen stretched out a hand to count down.


The door was pushed abruptly, and the four guns fired almost at the same time. As expected, there were three wolves in the room. The sudden change made them just turn their heads and were hit by bullets.

After solving the three wolf tribes, Glen stepped forward and reached out to Jesse.

"Are you OK?"




"Listen to Jesse, we must leave here right away. If you don't want the child to be in danger, follow us and leave. Do you understand?"

Hearing the words "children", Jesse, who had never reacted, finally had a slight reaction. Her eyes gradually focused, and finally she stood up slowly, looked at the two children next to her, and knelt down and said to them. .

"Ron, take Sam down first. Glenn and I have something to say, okay?"

"Yes, mother."

Seeing the two children, Glenn had a strange feeling. It stands to reason that his father died in front of him. Shouldn't these two children be very sad? How does it feel that they don't seem to feel the same?

Just when he was puzzled, Jesse got up and looked at him, without the sadness of a widow on his face. Some seemed to be relieved?

"Do you have a knife?"

"Yes, why?"

"I'm going to give this **** a few dollars in his head!"

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