Time went back to the evening, before the rescue operation had begun, in the Alexandria community.

There were a few people sitting on the sofa in Diana's room before, and Lucille was lying on a recliner to the side to rest, while Negan was holding her hand lovingly.

Sitting on the other side of the sofa were Maggie, Glen and Aaron.

Maggie with a smile looked at Lucille who was already asleep on the recliner, and said softly: "Your relationship is really good. If Glenn and I can do this in the future, it would be great."

"Hey, am I treating you badly?"

Seeing her boyfriend deliberately pretending to be angry, Maggie smiled and leaned on his shoulder. The appearance of the two caused the single dogs behind him to receive a crit, which was very harmful!

"You said you hid in a small town until you finished chemotherapy?"

"Well, I also want to thank Franklin. I was so stupid that I forgot to develop the motor, and all the remaining medicines failed."

Franklin's laughter came from the side, and he pointed to this side and said with a bit of amusement.

"Hahaha, he went to rob our convoy with a pistol without bullets."

His daughter Monica also smiled and said, "Yes, I knocked him out with a baseball bat, and finally gave it to Negan."

Everyone in the room laughed, and they could imagine Negan's embarrassment at the time.

Negan didn't care about everyone's laughter, and even stretched out his thumb to praise.

"The fight was so cruel!"


Lucille, who had been sleeping for a whole afternoon, was awakened by laughter, opened her sleepy eyes, looked at the blanket on her body in confusion, and then saw the concerned eyes of her husband, and some of the flustered heart instantly calmed down. .


"Honey, it's time to get up and eat."

The people who had been chatting all afternoon stood up and were about to go outside, only to hear a scream from the yard.


Immediately afterwards, a few gunshots broke the tranquility in the community, screaming one after another, everyone in the house took out their weapons, and Negan even picked up the baseball bat on the side and stretched out his hand to take his wife's hand.


"Go and support!"

The guards outside were two aborigines of Alexandria, who followed them out twice, and the gunshots coming now should be that they were fighting back.

The people in the room rushed out quickly, only Negan took Lucille to a storage room in the house, and was about to close the door with his backhand, but Lucille reached out and held her hand.

"Negan, it's too dangerous outside!"

"Baby, if I can't protect you, what kind of man? I'm sure I'll be fine. Don't worry, stay here and wait for me to come back."

After speaking, he shook his arm away, closed the door, and shook the handle of the baseball bat, showing a wicked smile on his face.

The square was full of people at this time. The sky was already dim. Some guys holding torches were walking through the community. They broke apart houses, rushed in and killed people when they saw them. Some were armed with guns, and the rest Some simply hold cold weapons.

Glenn was the first to rush out of the house. He ran over to two guys holding machetes. In the afterglow of the setting sun, he clearly saw the two W marks on each other's head, and he suddenly surged with anger and lifted up. Two shots in hand.

That's right, these people are the wolf clan, these guys chased all the way from Xalweierte community, although many people were killed by Lu Jiayi's team, but the rest were also some fierce guys who were not afraid of death.

The leader of the wolf clan was one of the three exiled by Diana before. It was just that because the external stimulus was too great, he had mental problems, so he seemed crazy, but as he got closer and closer to Alexander, he did. He remembered this settlement where he had stayed briefly, so he came here with the remaining thirty or so wolf clan.

Thanks to Glenn who all gathered in one house, and these people did not choose this house for the first time. Instead, they set up a ladder from the outside of the community and walked in over the wall.

This is also the reason why the guards did not find them. After entering, the wolf tribe was basically a group of two or three people, and they broke into several residential houses directly. This was also the source of the screams just now.

At this time, Glenn and his party had just rushed out of the house, and suddenly a woman ran out of a house not far from them. It was an aborigine who was not in harmony with Lu Jiayi's team.

The moment she ran out of the room, a machete directly slashed her neck. The sharp blade cut the flesh and exposed the blood vessels inside. The neck was split in half instantly, and the blood was lost. Like a fountain, it spouted far away with a puff.

Part of it sprayed onto the wolf clan's face in front of her, and this person showed an excited expression. Just as he was about to lift the knife and ran to the side with a grin, Glenn shot a bullet into the skull.

Puff through.

The two corpses were all lying on the ground, motionless. The woman named Niedermeier could not live anymore. Glenn's face was unbearable. After hesitating, he gave each other a shot on the head, and then immediately Greet everyone to find cover and start to fight back.

At this moment, two people jumped down from the wall behind them again. They all had dazzling weapons in their hands. Although these people were crazy, they did not rush over stupidly, and they slowly retreated in Glenn. When the wolf clan was cleaned up, the two of them slowly walked out from the back of the house.

Standing at the end at the moment is Dennis, a fat female medical student who has been studying medicine with Pete before, and later joined in because she is optimistic about this new team. She usually learns with Bob, and occasionally learns something from the captain.

The two wolf clan finally walked not far behind her, and they raised the knife without hesitation.

Dennis seemed to feel something. He turned his head and looked behind him. Two knives were raised high in the afterglow of the setting sun, and they were about to hit her face in the next instant~www.wuxiamtl.com~Puff, puff!

A bat quickly drew two arcs behind the wolf clan, and two muffled noises slammed directly on the wolf clan's head.

Dennis hadn't recovered from the fright, and saw that the two wolf races had rolled their eyes and fell to the ground. Behind them stood a man wearing a black leather jacket with a wicked smile. It was not Negan or else who?

Then his voice came over.

"Are you OK?"

Dennis's brain was blank, and she shook her head in a daze, then she slowed down and listened to the other party to continue talking as soon as she was about to speak.

"I need you to come in. Lucille hides in the stairwell. You can take care of her. Just leave these **** to us, understand?"

Nodding quickly, Dennis immediately twisted his chubby body and ran into the room.

Nigan just turned his head, and Yu Guang saw a wolf clan rushing over from the side. The corners of his mouth were raised, and his tone was ridiculously muttering to himself.

"Man, you are so kind!"

Just as the wolf race rushed forward, Negan relied on his height and long legs, and kicked it directly, his right foot kicked the opponent's abdomen with great force, and the man's eyes were slightly convex, and he was covered in pain. abdomen.

Nigan didn't care so much, he smashed it straight down, and instantly fell another one down. He looked up and saw an old man running out of the door of another house. The other party was holding his neck and blood running through his fingers. It kept pouring out from time to time, but immediately rushed out a long-haired wolf clan behind him, and the knife in his hand kept greeting the old man.

Soon the old man fell into a pool of blood and stopped moving, and the wolf clan happened to look up and saw Negan who had witnessed everything not far away. He wiped a handful of blood on his face, and his face was immediately covered with red, in cooperation with him. The cruel smile makes people feel chills.

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