Hearing what the other party said, Lu Jiayi frowned slightly, and faintly guessed what the other party wanted to do, but he still asked.

"Yes, it's too dangerous here."

The **** the side couldn't help hearing the words, and moved forward and stood in front of the team.

"Captain Marine, my name is Cindy, Samuel and Natania are my grandfather and grandmother."

"Well, I remember them."

"They were killed! Nearly half of our people were killed. I can't just leave like this!"

Seeing the girl's apparent loss of reason, he sighed and asked.

"Do you want revenge?"

Cindy's eyes flashed with hatred, there was a trace of tears, and she gritted her teeth with a bit of choking.

"Yes, I am going to kill them and avenge our dead!"

"Why? Do you have weapons? Do you have enough manpower? Do you know how many people there are?"


"You want to borrow a weapon from me, right? How about the current situation outside, what can I do if I lend you a weapon? The other party doesn't need to open fire, you are eaten by walking corpses."

In fact, Lu Jiayi sympathized with this girl, but now this time is not the time for revenge. Seeing Cindy's wretched expression, he continued.

"They are surrounded by tens of thousands of walking corpses, and I have other plans in the future. What we have to do now is to leave here as soon as possible. I don't want to persuade you, but you have to know that I will not provide you with any weapons or people. If you still want to take revenge, think about your friends. Are you really ready to let them be buried?"

Cindy slowly lowered her head, her eyes still full of unwillingness, but she was obviously calmer.

After speaking, Lu Jiayi didn't continue to waste time, turned around and started arranging these survivors to go.

Cindy was still standing there, not knowing what she was thinking, Stevenson patted her on the shoulder gently, comforting her in a low voice.

Nearly four hundred people began to squeeze in the car. Although the seats were all removed a long time ago, the seven cars were still full, but now is not the time to consider comfort. You can squeeze one by one.

Cindy got in the car in the end, she just didn't figure it out for a while, so she really let her take her own people to die, she really couldn't do such a thing.

Most of the corpses today are near the headquarters of the Salvation Army, and vehicles can still be driven outside the warehouse. Unimog took the lead, and a group of several vehicles began to slowly drive out of the warehouse.

There is a small road to the east of the town that can be detoured. It takes about a few kilometers to detour to the main road to the south. As soon as he left the town, Lu Jiayi turned on his car lights, and the dark road was instantly illuminated. There are a small group of walking corpses, approaching towards the town.

They were attracted by the car lights, and they gathered toward the front of the convoy without fear of death, knowing that the more they walked outside, the fewer corpses would be, so Unimog didn't mean to slow down at all, but the speed was faster.

Bang! Bang! Click it!

The walking corpse in the middle of the highway couldn't stop the convoy from moving forward. Lu Jiayi looked at his watch, and the time had quietly arrived in the middle of the night. The action took more time than expected, but the ending was good.

Thinking about how to persuade these people to leave Washington, I suddenly heard explosions in the direction of the town.

First, there was an explosion around the town, and the huge sound accompanied by the skyrocketing fire gave the people in the car a huge shock!

A small building on the south side of the town slowly fell in this violent explosion, and the direction of the dump was the road leading from the town to the outside. A cloud of smoke and dust rolled, and in the dark night, the road was only faintly seen on both sides. The building was buried.

The same scene took place at the exits of several small towns. After this explosion, the entrances and exits of the entire town were all sealed, which means that the large group of corpses that had been introduced before were trapped in the town.

This means that the people of the Salvation Army are also trapped here, and it becomes very difficult for them to rely on people outside to guide the walking corpses away.

This is of course Raphael’s masterpiece, not just the exit of the town, he also planted a time bomb at the headquarters of the Salvation Army. Valley

At this time, Raphael was staring at the watch on his wrist. He suddenly looked up to the center of the small town in the distance. A flash of light lit up, and then came a rumbling explosion.

He frowned slightly, and looked down at the time again a little strangely. After waiting for about half a minute, he gritted his teeth somewhat unwillingly.

"Damn it!"

Lu Jiayi glanced back and asked strangely.

"What's wrong? It didn't explode?"

"Well, two less explosions, otherwise they should be able to blow up their entire building."

"Forget it, one explosion is enough for them, at least those walking corpses are enough for them to drink a pot."


On the road to the south of the town, a group of about forty people was staring at their old nest in the distance. The small building they were still on was already turned into ruins with the sound of an explosion. A group of people couldn't help but see cold sweat on their heads.

If they hadn't received the mission to intercept them, they would have been buried in the rubble.

A member of the Salvation Army looked at the blazing headquarters and said with some uncertainty.

"What are we going to do? Are we going to save people or stopping here?"

Just as Shiro was about to ask, the intercom in his hand suddenly made a loud noise, and then the familiar voice of the boss came out from it, and Shiro could hear clearly, and the boss's voice was full of tyrannical killings. meaning.

"Hero! You stopped those guys for me, and ran away after entering them. Don't want to live anymore, do you hear that?"

"Yes, boss! I must stop them!"

Putting down the walkie-talkie, Xiluo touched the cold sweat on his forehead. He knew very well in his heart that the boss was really angry, and now they must desperately.

The group lined up several cars in the middle of the road~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and then took out all the weapons and equipment, preparing to stop the opponent by fire.

Lu Jiayi's motorcade also detoured to the south side of the road. He checked the time. It was already a little over midnight, and the time had passed more than five hours before he knew it.

So far, the plan is going very smoothly, except that two bombs failed to detonate, but the problem is not big. Next, he plans to take these people directly to Alexandria, where they will be briefly screened.

After all, there were about a hundred people in it that he didn't know before. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but miss Catherine a little. She was responsible for these complicated tasks before, but now she left and returned to himself.

Hey, it seems that I have to find a manager as soon as I go back. I am used to being a shopkeeper, and I feel a headache when I accept these things.

Thinking of these things, his attention was slightly distracted, and he didn't notice that a team of people suddenly appeared in front of him.

brush! A few strong lights suddenly lit up in front of him, his pupils shrank, but he was still blind for a moment. Before he could react, he heard a gunshot.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Da da da! Da da da!

Bang bang!

Several white misty cracks suddenly appeared on the front windshield of Unimog, and violent gunfire also exploded on the road in front, and fire snakes lit up in the middle of the road.

Lu Jiayi cursed secretly and hurriedly slammed the steering wheel. The speed of the car was also slowing down rapidly, and the Unimog began to move forward in a serpentine shape.

When the speed of the car dropped a little, he turned the steering wheel again, and the motorhome moved sideways on the road, directly across the road, with intensive blows from the side armor.

"fight back!"

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