"Ah uh uh~~!"

The walking corpses in the square let out unconscious low roars from time to time. At this time, the people in the building didn't know if they were awake.

It took more than an hour for the tossing, and now the time has come to 9:40.

The door of the warehouse holding the survivors was suddenly opened, and more than 60 people brought by Lu Jiayi all walked out of the door. They were crowded, slowly pushing the walking corpses away from the front of the warehouse, and a small empty space gradually formed behind them. .

The people behind began to walk out in an orderly manner. All the people wearing balaclavas consciously leaned to the sides, and then every few people would have a few weapons in the middle. In the end, there were more than a hundred who didn’t wear them. The man in the hood walked into the crowd.

The team just moved forward bit by bit. After several gatherings, everyone walked out of the warehouse. Lu Jiayi in front of the team had been staring at the situation after release.

When he finally saw a row of arms raised at the end, he knew that everyone had already come out. Without hesitation, he pretended to hobble and walked towards the outside of the factory.

In the new Salvation Army building at this time, the few rooms that were just lit up were already dark, and a large group of people stood at the windows inside the building. They all looked at the square outside, and most of them were The scene before him was stunned.

Only a few chieftains gathered together to say something quietly, and the man with a gloomy face looked at the chief strangely.

"Boss, shall we contact other teams?"

The face of the man in leather is hidden in the darkness by the wall, and he can barely see his mouth, but everyone knows that he is very angry, very angry!

Sure enough, he did not pay attention to the person who asked the question, but asked another question in a calm tone.

"Have I ever said how my family died?"

The few bosses who had been outside before, all had their heads down at this time, and none of them spoke.

"Yes, boss."

Ignoring the words of several people, the man began to speak with emotion.

"Do you know, I originally planned to defect to my relatives, but I ran into a group of people on the way. These **** approached us in a friendly manner. I just left a friendly team at that time, not much. I accepted them if I wanted to."

"But they revealed their prototypes that night. These **** just took a fancy to our supplies and wanted to steal all our food at night."

"Their luck was not very good. It happened that I woke up. When they saw it, they wanted to grab it, and I shot them to death one by one with a gun!"

Having said that, he seemed to think of something, and the few people around seemed to know what was going to happen next, and they all secretly stepped back for a while, only listening to the man's voice gradually becoming a little bit vicious.

“I’m still wondering if I pretended not to see it at the beginning, would nothing happen, but there is no regret medicine in this world. In any case, I didn’t expect them to be more than just these few people. When I was surrounded by several people with guns. When I live, I swear that if I survive, I will thoroughly investigate any opponents from now on!"

Speaking of this, his gaze slowly turned from the window to the people behind him. The moonlight outside the window shone on his face. A long scar stretched from his forehead to his chin, and his eyes became It's colder than night.

"Do you know how people in my family died?"

Seeing that no one was speaking, he was not angry, but showed a weird smile.

"They were all killed by my own hands! Because those **** made a few holes in my wife, my two children were hung by them, and they wanted me to be their slaves!"

He reached out and touched the scar on his face, his expression suddenly becoming crazier.

"I tried to kill one of them at the cost of being chopped twice, and then got his gun! These **** would never think that I could escape, hehehehe!"

The bosses trembled. They knew that the boss was going crazy again. They looked at each other and realized that something was wrong, but they didn't expect the other party to stop suddenly. Valley

The man in leather clothes did not continue to speak, but turned his gaze out of the window. At the gate of the factory building, a group of weird walking corpses was walking outward. The front of the group had already walked out of the gate, and there was still a small group behind. Moving slowly outwards.

"These guys can move in the corpse! Go get the gun!"

"Boss, we are completely sleepy when we shoot now!"

Although the man in leather clothing was very crazy, he knew the consequences of doing so in his heart. The anger in his heart kept rising, burning his heart. The impulse to shoot at everything made his body tremble slightly, and he stretched out. Holding the corner tightly with one hand, he worked hard to calm his mood.

His gaze stayed on the strange team, until the last person from the opponent disappeared from his sight.

Just when the atmosphere in the corridor was about to drop to freezing point, the intercom on the waist of the shady man suddenly rang.

"Zi...Call the boss, this is Shiro."

"What's up?"

"The tide of corpses on our side has passed, what's going on at the headquarters?"

"Here is surrounded. UU reading www.uukahnshu.com"

"Then let's go and help lead it away."

The man in leather was silent for a while before pressing the call button again.

"Hero, how many people are there on your side?"

"Fifty people, boss."

"You sent two people over to help lead the corpses, and the others went around the town and stared at them. Someone deliberately brought this wave of corpses over. They watched me tightly, and stopped me if they could stop them!"

"Yes, boss."

"You took forty people to guard the south side of the town. I suspect that they are the accomplices of the group of people we arrested the other day, and block the road so that they don't let them run away."


Lu Jiayi and the others had reached the east of the town at this time. This was the warehouse where they were parking. Nearly 400 people in a group came here. At this time, a dozen people had returned from the warehouse.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Glenn and several people standing inside. They had taken off their masks, and felt calm, and hurriedly greeted the people outside to come in.

The crowd rushed in at once, the warehouse was soon filled with hundreds of people, and Lu Jiayi got close to the dozen people who led the way.

"Are you all ready?"

Raphael nodded. This time he was acting alone. As for what he did, of course he installed a bomb.

Things have gone very smoothly so far, which made everyone smile. Ezekiel and **** all approached, thanking them for their help this time.

At this moment, several men and women from the beach hotel came over, headed by Stevenson.

The two simply said hello without greeting, and saw that Stevenson glanced at a girl next to him with some hesitation, then turned his head and looked over.

"Captain Marine, are you planning to leave?"

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