I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 184: Questioning Eugene

When the five Lori found the sign, Sean was also looking for Rick with a bunch of people.

They came out more than half a day earlier, but their direction was different from that of Lori and the others. Although the general direction was the same, they were not in the same area.

Because of the tide of corpses, they had to detour a long way before they came to a farm.

"Z... Rick, can you receive it?"


"Damn it! Where did you go?"

"Are we still looking for it?"

After pondering for a moment, even though he was unwilling, he knew that there was no point in continuing to search. Then they could only rely on themselves.

"Let's go back first."

Rick and his party slowly walked into a small town. At this time, the sky was approaching evening, and many people were tired and hungry.

"Let’s find a house to settle down. It will be dark soon."

Although the state was not very good, everyone worked hard to clean up the surrounding corpses.

A whistle sounded not far away, and Abraham found an open house.

Rick looked around for a while, waved his hand to him, motioned to walk again into the town, and stopped while walking, and they broke into many locked houses.

While collecting supplies, looking for a suitable place to stay, after about an hour, it was getting dark, and the walking corpses on the street gradually increased.

They finally found a suitable residence in the middle of the town.

"Quick, come in quickly."

Rick stood at the door, watching the surrounding streets vigilantly. At the intersection not far away, more than a dozen walking corpses had walked out again. If they stayed outside, these **** monsters could not be killed.

After everyone entered the house and locked the door, he relaxed a little, and then inspected the whole house.

After a careful examination, his other half's heart was also relieved.

Abraham looked at several people strangely, and asked exaggeratedly.

"Is it necessary?"

Rick glanced at him and didn't speak, but Aggie on the side recounted their experience last night, and there was a moment of silence in the room.

After a while, Abraham said quietly.

"I am really the luckiest person in the world!"

The people who were picking up food from their backpacks suddenly looked at him, and Tara asked strangely.

"Why do you say that?"

There was an inexplicable light in the eyes of the brawny red-haired man. It seemed a little sad and hopeful. He seemed to be remembering something. After a while, he smiled and said something ambiguously.

"Hehe, I just think I'm very lucky, at least I haven't met those guys who want my life. Isn't that enough?"

Rick sitting on the sofa suddenly said.

"Maybe, but as long as you are still alive, you will eventually meet." Gu

Abraham smiled indifferently, and pointed to Eugene beside him.

"As long as he is sent to Washington, what if he is dead? An obscure guy like me will be remembered even if he is dead then."

Hearing the other party mentioning Washington again, Rick curled his lips non-committal. He really didn't believe this guy named Eugene.

On the side, Tara continued to ask with a curious look.

"You said that the virus is confidential, so you should be able to tell us where to go to Washington? Didn't Rick tell us this afternoon? His friend is now in Washington, and he can contact each other and ask him to check it out. Can't it work?"

As soon as Tara's question came out, Eugene's expression became a little unnatural, and these small details did not escape Rick's eyes.

He is now more and more sure that this guy has a problem. He hasn't mentioned the vaccine to these people because of this guy named Eugene.

Tara's question was actually not asked casually, but he confessed, the purpose is to surprise, and he can take the opportunity to observe the opponent's reaction.

After a moment of silence, Eugene realized that he must have a reasonable explanation, otherwise these people would have doubts about him.

"Not to mention whether your friend can find where I am going. Even if he finds it, an ordinary person will not be able to enter it. In other words, the only way is to send me to Washington safely."

As soon as he finished speaking, Rick, who had not spoken, finally spoke.

"Then what do you call the solution? Vaccines? Biological weapons? There must be a general direction, right? How can we believe your words if you don't disclose anything?"

Eugene still had that silly look, but his mind was knitting a set of rhetoric quickly.

After a while, as if he had made up his mind, his eyes became sharp and he let out a soft breath.

"I am a member of the ten-member Human Gene Project. We are responsible for turning known diseases into weapons and fighting against certain biological weapons that already exist. Deadly microorganisms fight against deadly microorganisms, which is often said to fight poison with poison. For some time now, My organization and various departments have in-depth contacts, so I am very familiar with the operation of this aspect. I believe that as long as we make some adjustments in the laboratory in Washington, we can reverse the situation and kill all the walking dead on this planet. ."

"If everything goes well, it sounds pretty cool."

Abraham smiled and nodded constantly. In his opinion, this matter was very reliable, and he firmly believed that this plan would succeed. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

But the prison trio didn't think so. Rick stared at the guy with the weird hairstyle, constantly weighing the credibility of these words in his heart, and then continued to ask after a while.

"Your so-called adjustments are the most important part of this matter, right? In other words, you must have other means to kill this virus, right?"

Eugene's expression returned to that dull look again, and Abraham on the side interrupted Rick's questioning.

"Don't bother him, even if you tell you how to do it, will you do it?"

Rick, who was originally serious on his face, smiled at this time. The laboratory in the base has been studying for so long. Until now, they have been going out to find resources for their experiments, but the research progress is still slow.

It seems that after the development of the second-level vaccine, it has entered a bottleneck period. Lu Jiayi once said that the development of this vaccine will be a long process. It is a surprise that the second-level vaccine can be produced quickly. At this moment, a person suddenly jumped out. Said that the problem of walking corpses could be solved quickly, which made him feel a little funny.

"Haha, I'm sorry, this reason is really far-fetched. If our base has already developed a vaccine, what would you say?"

At this moment, except for Agie and Morgan, all the others looked at Rick, who was astonishingly speaking, with a look of disbelief.

"What did you say?"


Rick ignored other people's reactions. He watched Eugene's expression become extremely cold, like a different person.

"You are lying, Washington is not the end of the last days, you just want..."

Before he finished speaking, Abraham, who had been bowing his head silently, suddenly jumped out of his chair, and greeted Rick with his big fist against Rick's face.

"Shut up!"

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