The purpose of this time-consuming mobilization of the corpse group is to surround the bases of the new Salvation Army and rescue those caught while the **** are surrounded.

However, considering that the Salvation Army’s camp is very far away and it takes a long time to walk this way, the six of them are just a reference for others. Lu Jiayi was afraid that everyone would have no experience at the beginning, so he took the lead and became the first. The leader of the echelon, this will not affect his follow-up actions.

Behind this wave of people, there are the second echelon, the third echelon, etc. It takes about two days to send these corpses to the camp of the New Salvation Army, and then they need to control their arrival time at night, which is convenient Follow-up plan.

Two hours passed quickly, and the group of corpses kept walking forward. At this time, a few walking corpses came out again in the woods on the side.

The difference from other walking corpses is that their clothes are slightly clean. Although there is some deliberately soiled dirt, they are obviously much cleaner.

These were the people who were changing shifts. They were still members of Lu Jiayi's team. They walked directly to the front of the team. Lu Jiayi and the others slowly left the team, but they also brought out a group of walking corpses. At this time, the group of corpses The few people who had just arrived let out a long low growl almost at the same time.

The walking corpses who had left the team quickly turned and returned to the team. Glenn was completely convinced now. He looked at the composure captain next to him. I really don't know how he knew this strange trick.

Since this method is fine, the next step is mechanical repetitive work.

Lu Jiayi had other things, and he went straight back to Alexandria, and people were ready.

This time we need to carry a large number of weapons, so a lot of people are dispatched, and everyone has to carry two to three weapons.

The Negan who had just joined were left in the base by him. After all, Alexander also needs to be stationed here. Tobin, Aaron, the aboriginals of Alexandria, Glenn and Maggie also remain together.

About sixty to seventy people participated in the operation, and they were ready soon. The several buses that drove here also played a role at this time, and they all planned to drive over.

"Everyone, you have all been clear about the action plan, but dangers are everywhere. I hope you can all return safely. I won't say anything extra and let's go!"

While the corpse group was still on the road, some other preparations were needed. Darryl had already headed to the opponent's stronghold in advance. Lu Jiayi would also drive afterwards. They acted as outposts and were responsible for finding out the other party's work and rest time.

The rest will then hide somewhere in the town under the command of the two of them, waiting for the arrival of the corpses.

A total of more than two hundred and sixty masks have been prepared for the walking dead. Excluding what they need, there are nearly two hundred remaining. According to estimates, it should be enough. The plan is currently going well. The opponent should be digesting the newly captured prisoners these days. , So there is no time to come out, Darryl has always been calm.

When Lu Jiayi and the others mobilized the corpse group, several teams in the prison were also acting in different positions.

Carol and his party had arrived at the town mentioned by Rick earlier.

"Anything to find?"

"Don't worry, finding someone is so simple, first search the town before talking, and see if there are any clues."

Carol was holding a rifle and looked at the surrounding houses with a slight loss of consciousness. It was a bit similar to her home. I don’t know when it started. I have gradually forgotten the man who caused countless pains. Now I need What we do is to stand out in this group.

Only when the strength reaches a certain level can it be recognized by people. After seeing Lu Jiayi, Rick, and Xiao En, she has confirmed this idea more and more.

These people are all able to gain more voice because of their strength, and only by gaining more voice can they control their own destiny.

This is also the main reason why she is willing to bring Lori out, not only because of their relationship, but also because of Rick himself.

In any case, Rick’s existence is an insurance. Her relationship with Lori allows the police officer to take good care of their mother and daughter. If there is any danger to him, Lori will undoubtedly lose the most, but she is the same. Will lose a strong backing.

So find Rick as soon as possible to ensure his safety. This is what she wants to do most, for the other party and for herself.

Carol has never been a person who loves expression, and her mind is deep, she is not acting almost all the time, it is difficult for you to distinguish her true thoughts.

But I have to admit that she is indeed loyal to Rick's team. Although her actions are often extreme, the process of turning from a single mother to a **** of war requires blood, right?

"Carol, here!"

Not far away, Balbota stood in front of a residential building and greeted her. The first person to rush over was Lori. She rushed to the door and asked eagerly.

"What did you find?"

"Someone should have stayed here before. UU reading depends on the situation and there is more than one person, and there is also a corpse inside."


A few people quickly came to the room, and a pungent rancid smell filled the room. Lori couldn't take care of this, and rushed to the door of the room for the first time.

A corpse appeared in her sight, she stepped forward slowly with a little trembling, and the appearance of the corpse gradually emerged in front of her eyes.

This is not ours! Very good!

"Thank God, I knew it."

Lori's tears have flowed out unconsciously, she is really scared, will he die? Will it become a walking corpse? Will someone be caught? These messy thoughts kept circling in her mind.

Looking at her, Carol somewhat understood her feelings, and she felt that way when Ed died.

Although the subsequent feelings of the two were definitely different, the moment she smashed her husband's head, her past memories began to emerge constantly, making her brandish the iron pickaxe again and again until her husband's head turned into mud.

Carol stepped forward, put his arm around Lori's shoulder, and said in a certain tone.

"Don't worry, they're okay, let's continue chasing."

Soon, traces were found, traces of corpse tides, tire marks of cars, bullet casings, and broken down cars.

Everyone reminded them that the others were still alive, and Lori's eyes became brighter and brighter, and she saw the hope of her husband living.

after a while.


"What's this?"

"Terminal station, provide shelter for everyone!"

Lori grabbed Balbota's shoulder and said eagerly.

"Rick and they must have gone there! Let's go and look for them."

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