Rick who opened the room was shocked and stood on the spot.

Bones! A house of bones! There were indeed a few walking corpses lying on the ground, but they had no meat at all. They were all shaved and clean. There were a few corpses in civilian uniforms in the corners of the house. These corpses were still relatively new. The meat has not completely rotted.

Upon entering the house, the wooden shelves that Rick saw were still in the room so casually. There were still many dried meat sticks hanging on the shelves, which was nothing at all.

What made them feel cold was that a female corpse with only the upper part of the body was being **** on the bed on the side. It seemed that she had just died, her mouth was wrapped in a ball of cloth, and she had long golden hair. At this time, it has become like a ball of withered grass, with a little desire for life in her wide-open eyes, and her two legs seem to have been sawn off alive, obviously experiencing great pain before death.

The woman's head was pierced by a sharp weapon. It was obvious that she had just died soon, and the blood was still dripping down the edge of the bed. The mattress under the woman was already dirty and black. It is conceivable that how many people died on this bed. !

On the other bed in the dormitory, a man was **** at this time, and Rick could tell at a glance that he was killed by a single knife, and there were no other wounds on his body.

"My God!" Oscar's trembling voice sounded behind Rick, and then he heard the voice of vomiting. It is estimated that Oscar will not be able to eat meat for a long time.

Rick's eyes were filled with anger, and his body was trembling slightly, looking at the bones piled up in the room, it would be silly that he didn't understand what was going on.

"These people are all damned!"

Rick slapped a sentence and rushed outside, but was severely caught by Oscar on the side.

"What are you going to do? Go chasing? Rick wake up, they've already ran away, and you will only put yourself in danger if you go out now!"

Rick threw away Oscar's hand bitterly, and took out the walkie-talkie around his waist.

"Z... Sean, please answer when you receive it!"

"Rick, got it! How's it going on your side?"

"Listen, Sean, line up a few cars to find a military Hummer with five people on it, and kill them directly when he encounters them!"

Oscar on the side quickly grabbed the walkie-talkie and said to the inside: "Captain Sean, I'm Oscar, it's like this..."

After explaining the matter, Oscar returned the walkie-talkie to Rick. He whispered to Rick: "We really don't have to let ourselves take risks. It's not worth it."

And Sean's voice came from the walkie-talkie at this time.

"Hey! My brother, they have run away now, don't blame yourself, this matter has nothing to do with you, I will kill them next time I see you, I promise you!"

Rick gradually calmed down. He nodded to Oscar apologetically. Then he picked up the walkie-talkie and said in a low tone: "Sean, send a few more trucks and check-in trucks over here. There is a lot of supplies. Fuck away! One more thing... Olson is dead, bitten to death by a walking corpse."


"Sorry, I'm sorry to hear this news."

"Me too……"


Soon, Sean personally led the team to the military base. Rick took him to the room. At this time, most of the people in the team knew about it. Everyone gritted their teeth at these cannibals. I vowed to kill them if I saw a few people again.

Sean also persuaded Rick again. He actually didn't feel deeply about this kind of thing. Unlike Rick, Sean is more concerned about his own interests. As long as he doesn't threaten his own people, he is relatively indifferent. A person, and he is a relatively conservative type, does not like to take risks, everything is still safe.

After some exchanges, Sean brought the topic to today's harvest, and everyone's mood was obviously better, including Rick, who showed a smile.

While it was still early, everyone started to move things and watched boxes of food, weapons, and ammunition being loaded into the car. Afterwards, Aji, who arrived later, couldn't help but laugh from ear to ear. He couldn't wait to return to the base. It must be a very wonderful feeling to count the materials.

Rick was sitting in a Hummer, looking at the scenery on the side of the road a little fascinated. This time out, he was deeply moved. He had always come out with Lu Jiayi before. All things didn’t need to be considered by himself, and he encountered survivors. It was Lu Jiayi who negotiated. Although he was a policeman before and had encountered many thugs, it was when civilization existed.

As for the cruelty in the last days, he has never felt very deep, knowing that from the beginning of walking into that room, it can be said that Olsen's death and the escape of the cannibals have sounded the alarm for Rick now.

He seemed to understand why Lu Jiayi didn't want him to go out with him. This made him feel a little bit. Lu is really a strange person. He will not be a young man next year, but he will deal with things well, and his prestige in the base is also extremely high.

He has now taken over the base, but many people are obviously looking forward to Landing's return as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Rick clenched his fists and secretly made up his mind to manage this base well.

Suddenly, Rick's eyes flashed past a house, he patted the car door, and Sean, who was driving next to him, slowly stopped.

"What's wrong?"

Rick looked into the distance, pointed to a side road and said, "I seem to have seen something. Go and take a look."

After driving along the path, Rick only left two cars, and the rest of them all rushed back to the base first.

Before looking at the house not far away, I didn't expect that it took a few people a lot of time to actually come over.

This is a small town. There are not many houses, only a few of them. Rick looked at the roof of a house not far away and confirmed that this was the place he had just seen.

"Since it's here, just turn around."

Xiao En looked at the houses here, and he curled his lips helplessly. He just got a lot of supplies and felt that there was really nothing to look at here.

Rick looked at the disgusting Sean amused, and said jokingly: "What? Suddenly becoming rich, I look down on such a small place."

"Okay, sit down."

Just as Sean was about to drive forward, he suddenly heard a call for help from the second floor of the house beside him.

"Here! Save us!"

Rick drew out the machete and ran towards the residential house. The people behind him quickly got out of the car and followed behind.

As soon as Rick entered the house ~www.wuxiamtl.com~, he could clearly hear the roar of walking corpses on the second floor, and the sound of banging the door, and the shouting of a man and a woman came from the room. .

"Please help us!"

Rick didn't hesitate, and directly blasted the head of the walking corpse with his gun.

Boom, boom, boom.

The walking corpse fell down the stairs and lay directly in front of Rick. Rick glanced. It was wearing a white nightdress. It should be the mistress of this room, but it was completely dead at this time. Of it.

A few people ran into the door behind him. It was Sean and the others, but Rick ignored them. His muzzle was still facing the door of the room on the second floor.

With a creak, the door slowly opened, and a girl with fair skin and long hair limped out, followed by a short young man with short blond hair.

"Don't shoot, we are alive!"

Yin and yang agent

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