In the end, Rick borrowed a few machetes to the other party, and several people walked into the dormitory silently. Soon there was a slashing sound in the room, and after a while, the sound gradually subsided.

With a creak, the door of the dormitory opened again, and a group of five people walked out of the room, all of them seemed to have a trace of relief. Seeing Rick and the others, Henry took the initiative to speak.

"Thank you, let us fulfill a wish."

Speaking of Henry handing the machete backhand, Rick shook his head and said to several people.

"You take it, we will leave after we have moved the supplies, do you have any plans next?"

Henry also smiled when he saw Rick saying this, he thought for a while and said.

"We all have families, and we plan to go home and see how our family is going."

Nodded, Rick felt that it was the best in his heart. Siao always had a grudge against a few people, and he was not at ease when he brought it back to the base.

"Then I won't leave you alone."

As a soldier, Havel felt a bit empathetic to the few people. He didn't care about the blood on them. He stretched out his hand and shook Henry, and hugged the other four, before he was sincere to them. Said.

"Brothers, I wish you success in finding your family!"


Seeing the Hummer slowly leaving with five people, Rick suddenly felt that he was a bit too suspicious. These people always behaved normally from beginning to end. Before leaving, he also told the location of the base’s weapons and material warehouses. They themselves have always suspected that the other party has a problem.

With a self-deprecating smile, Rick greeted everyone and walked towards the location of the material warehouse.

After another cautious temptation, everyone in front of the warehouse walked in.

What makes them happy is that there are really a lot of food reserves here. The entire warehouse is huge, with a total of several hundred square meters, and a half of the space is filled with supplies.

At this time, more than 20 players were like gamblers who had won the jackpot, all of them laughed like barbells, and several of them rushed to the box to open a box and pour it out.

A bag of military rations that were exactly the same as those on the ground in the dining hall fell on the ground. Rick checked it and found that the box was half a meter in length and height. It was about 30 centimeters in width. I counted the military rations in the box. Forty bags.

Looking up at the boxes in this warehouse, Rick counted them silently, and was instantly stunned by the huge number. Someone was not sure how many materials there were.

"Oh my God! These people have enough for our base for a few months!" Oscar looked at the piles of boxes in front of him blankly, his mind was stunned.

But I didn’t expect that a team member came over and smiled at Oscar: “It’s more than a few months. The number of boxes here is about 6,000. If a box is calculated according to forty bags, it’s 24,000 bags. With two bags per person a day, 500 people in the base can eat for eight months. In reality, it can be longer. After all, the elderly and children eat less. With the drinking water nearby, I want to say that only these foods will be eaten this time. Make a lot of money."

Rick was also happy with the harvest, looked at the speaker, and said with interest.

"Your name is Alex, right?"

This person is the temporary leader of the survivor team that Sean rescued in the woods shortly after the base was built, Alex.

Rick looked at this tall and handsome young man and asked with some interest: "What did you study?"

The other young man on the side spoke first.

"Sir, Alex is a top student in our physics department. He uses his brain very well, so he became the captain of our team at the beginning, hahaha."

Rick looked at the two with a smile, and said to the other.

"Dylan, right?"

"Yes, sir!"

"You two are very good, continue to work hard, the base will rely on you young talents in the future."

After a brief inventory of the warehouse, the group found the weapons warehouse again.

When the door opened, everyone felt the smell of gun oil coming to their faces for the first time, and Rick led everyone in.

The weapon arsenal is made up of many rooms, and each room is stacked with different equipment. After a simple check, many of the equipment here have been taken away, but the remaining number is still a huge number.

Especially some equipment that cannot be found outside, such as individual combat equipment, night vision goggles, gas masks, grenade launchers, etc. There are also many heavy and light machine guns, bazookas, standard rifles, pistols, grenades, etc. And so on, even found a lot of large artillery in the large warehouse behind, of which 75mm, 105mm, and 155mm artillery plus self-propelled artillery are all available. Although the number is small, the focus is on complete.

Preliminary estimates are that the weapons here are enough to re-arm the combat power in the prison. What surprises them the most is the ammunition reserve. There is a large amount of ammunition left here, which is enough to make up for the loss caused by the last corpse tide. Come out a lot.

Soon they found the oil depot in the barracks again. There were ten large tank trucks parked in a large garage next to the oil depot. Four of them were empty and the rest were fully loaded. Another huge delivery!

Rick smiled and said to the people behind him: "Aji should be so happy, these supplies can catch up with the receipt of how long we usually go out."


At this moment, Oscar, who was standing on the side, frowned, as if thinking of something. He glanced at the happy people around him, and hesitated for a while but still did not speak.

However, it happened to be noticed by Rick, who turned his head to look at them, and Rick retired calmly and came to his side, motioning Odika to speak aside with his eyes.

The two retreated to the outside corridor, and Rick asked strangely.

"What's wrong? I don't think your expression is right."

Originally, Oscar didn't want to say, but after hesitating, he still spoke.

"I'm still thinking about Henry and the others. I just thought of why I kept thinking they were wrong."

Rick frowned, feeling that things were not so simple. In fact, he felt that something was wrong with the other party, but Henry and the others behaved normally, so he did not continue to bite, anyway, the five people have left.

Oscar looked at Rick and said with some uncertainty.

"Rick, you know that I was trapped in the canteen of the prison, so I have some understanding of this situation. Henry said before that they moved the food in the canteen. How much food did the five of them eat for a year? Two packages plus water require at least one hundred boxes of food and water. If two boxes per person are used to move them once, they need to carry at least twenty times."

"The warehouse in the cafeteria was empty at the time. Judging by the size of the warehouse, the food in UU Kanshu should be shipped out of the warehouse in limited quantities every day, and it is still at night. Even if there is surplus in the warehouse, it will not There are too many, how did they last so long?"

Rick frowned as he listened to Oscar's words.

"Didn't he say there were more than a dozen people in the beginning?"

Oscar shook his head and explained again: "If they have enough time and moved enough food, why would they die? So obviously there is not enough time, but the food there is still evacuated, indicating that there is not much food. !"

"Let's go over and take a look again."

The two returned to the dormitory area, digging through the boxes to find the boxes on the ground. After counting, they could only find less than 80 boxes.

"Seventy-eight boxes, or more than 3,000 bags of food, should be enough for five people a year, but when we saw them, they weren't thin at all!"

After Oscar finished speaking, Rick seemed to have thought of something suddenly. He rushed to the room where Henry had previously held the corpses, and directly opened the door to look inside.

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