Just when Lu Jiayi was saving people, Ezekiel was rushing in this direction with Jesus. When he learned that the other people in Shandingzhai were looking for medicine in the same direction as Lu Jiayi left, he talked to Jesus. This new acquaintance team.

   And when he learned that there was a team selling supplies, he was surprised and delighted. What was surprising was the purpose of such a team? Can you trust them? What is happy is that the other party has all kinds of supplies, including medicines that he needs urgently now.

   After a brief exchange between the two, he relaxed a little, at least judging from the opponent's current performance, it didn't look like a bad team.

   Since there is hope, it is better to catch up and change some supplies now, so there is this scene, a car pulled six people and galloped away in the direction of Lu Jiayi's departure.

   Thanks to the fact that there is no fork in the road, Ezekiel and the others quickly saw that there seemed to be a few cars parked on the side of the road ahead, and **** looked a little strangely, and quickly recognized this place.

   "This is the hospital where we are looking for medicine! Are you sure that Lu is not a bad guy? Why does he stop here?"

   **** looked anxiously at a few cars in the distance. Only three of them came. If this group of people has any bad thoughts, his friends will never have a chance to live!

   "Should not, maybe it's for help?"

   Ezekiel is not sure at this time. What if the other party deliberately acted in the kingdom of God just to gain his trust? At this time, his heart also began to shake a little.

   "Richard, pull over and stop, let's go over!"

Ezekiel patted the driver on the shoulder. The car quickly drove into the woods on the side of the road. A group of six people quickly ran in the direction of the RV. Just when they ran near the RV, several people found that they were originally quiet in place. The parked RV suddenly began to deform, and two carriages were extended on both sides of the RV.

   And the door of the hospital was suddenly knocked open. A tall Asian man carried a comatose man and ran out of the door like a flying man. Two people quickly walked out of the door behind him.

   **** saw at a glance that these two men were his companions, Dr. Carson and Eduardo, but he immediately saw a group of strangers coming out behind them, they were raising their guns at his partner!

   "Do you call this the Peace Team?" **** said, looking at Ezekiel with an iron face.

   Jerry patted **** on the head immediately and whispered: "Pay attention to your tone. Who do you think you are talking to?"

   Ezekiel waved his hand indifferently, and said with some uncertainty: "I can't say that these people are very friendly when trading. Maybe your friend offended them?"

   "Impossible! Dr. Carson is very good and will never conflict with other people. I want to see each other. This is a medicine that greets us. I plan to take it away! No, I must save them."

   **** ignored the persuasion of the people from Ezekiel, and walked directly into the bushes aside, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Ezekiel gritted his teeth. He didn't want to be an enemy of this team, but the current situation can't be saved by himself. He can only say to the people behind him: "Richard, Diana, go to the other side, Jay Rui, Ben, the three of us are waiting here with guns to save **** at the critical moment."

   Richard and Diana glanced at each other, said nothing, turned around to the other side of the convoy, and looked at the two leaving figures, Ezekiel sighed slightly.

   "Hey, I hope it's not what I thought."

   Lu Jiayi and the others didn't notice what was happening next to them. At this time, the scene had become a bit chaotic.

   Carson is a doctor in Shandingzhai. Before the end of the world, he was in obstetrics and gynecology. He is also experienced. His fellow Eduardo is one of the few combatants in Shandingzhai.

They were very happy when they saw a group of people coming in to save people, but the other party kept pointing their guns at them, and the atmosphere on both sides became slightly tense. When they walked to the hospital gate, they ran into another man. He was carrying his partner Nathan on his shoulders.

   What makes them feel horrible is that Nathan's wrist is empty at this time, one hand has disappeared, and the two of them are almost scared to pee. They thought they were saved, but the other side seemed to be not good!

   Lu Jiayi carried the man directly into the RV, put him on the sofa aside, and shouted behind him: "Bob, prepare for surgery!"

At this time, Dr. Carson and Eduardo were surrounded by Glenn on the side of the road not far from the RV. Carson anxiously looked at the direction of the RV, and explained helplessly: "Everyone, we have no malice, we just Come here to find some much-needed medicine!"

Although Telsi also pointed the gun at the two of them, he explained to the other party: "Okay, don't worry, your companion was bitten by a walking corpse. Our guy is performing an operation on him. You just need to wait quietly. Just keep going."

   Hearing the word surgery, Carson widened his eyes and asked, "Do you have a doctor in the team? I am a doctor, and I can help!"

Glenn saw that the other party didn't seem to be lying. He slowly put down the gun in his hand and said to Carson: "Don't worry, the doctor in our team is very powerful. He will be fine. Now listen clearly, we will put down the gun. , Don’t move, or you won’t be faster than my bullet! Did you hear that?"

Carson nodded, sat down on the ground obediently, and waited quietly~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Lu Jiayi got out of the car, he walked to Glenn's side and confessed in a low voice. Sentence, and then glanced at the two sitting on the ground.

Carson immediately recognized that this person was the one who carried Nathan into the car. He couldn't help but ask: "Hello, how is our companion? I am also a doctor, and I can help if needed. of."

Lu Jiayi recognized this person. This is the doctor named Carson in Shandingzhai. In other words, he happened to save the Shandingzhai. This is a good thing, but Bob should be ready at this time. He also had to prepare for the operation quickly, he just said in a hurry: "No need, the operation will be done soon."

Just as Lu Jiayi walked to the door of the RV, a man with long hair and a covered face sprang out from the side of the RV. This person grabbed his neck with his hand, and Lu Jiayi subconsciously hid behind him. I thought that the other party was very flexible and pressed his hand to his chest, trying to push him down.

Lu Jiayi lifted his knees quickly, trying to give the opponent a stomachache. This person turned over to avoid the blow, and then pounced forward with both feet, trying to pounce him to the ground, and then took a step back with his right foot. , Grabbing the opponent's shoulders with both hands directly, stopping the opponent's forward momentum, and then using both arms to twist the man's body directly, the opponent's whole person instantly lost his balance, and his body was turned over by huge force.

   Lu Jiayi continued to force the opponent to the ground, and then quickly put a knife around his waist with his right hand and placed it on the opponent's neck.

   The fight between the two was the moment when Glenn and the others reacted, Lu Jiayi had already controlled each other.

   Glenn and the others wanted to raise their guns, but they heard a slightly warning voice behind them: "Don't move!"

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