I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 137: Chance encounter

The dialogue in the Kingdom of God is underway, but Lu Jiayi and the others have already driven far away. Biggie’s Sky'sTheLimit echoes in the car. T-boys shook their heads and sang along with the chorus. Norton in the front row also gradually came up, while driving. Nodding his head.

Lu Jiayi was lying on the sofa with his eyes closed, thinking about how to contact the Shandingzhai. He hated the current power of the Shandingzhai. The old man named Gregory could be said to be a two-faced representative, but he wanted to contact each other. It is inevitable to face this guy, he needs to figure out a way, it is best to find an insider outside to take them there.

The protagonist team in the original play encountered a man with a shawl and long hair when they were out to collect supplies. After a fight, the two sides began to build a trace of trust. Only then did they know that this man was Paul Rowe, because The character and appearance are jokingly called Jesus.

According to the current state, the best situation is actually to meet **** outside, but he doesn't want to rely on that inexplicable ability. The ghost knows whether he will find dozens of survivors at once, and then give him a few hundred or A tide of thousands of corpses would be funny.

   It seems that I have to find time to test it quickly. It's not a way to be so confused. Secretly put the matter of experimental ability on the agenda.

Back to the topic, the Kingdom of God and Shandingzhai should be connected, which means that sooner or later you can meet each other, and I don’t even bother to think about it here. The most is to spend a few days to get in touch with the Kingdom of God. Are you afraid that you won't be able to meet the people of the mountain top village? If it is impossible, you will do both, send someone to the mountain top village to stare at.

  The RV suddenly stopped slowly, and Norton in front said hesitantly: "Captain, look over there."

   Lu Jiayi stood up abruptly, walked quickly to the front of the car and looked in the direction of Norton's fingers.

   In front of the motorcade at this time is a small town, and on the main street of the small town, a group of walking corpses are rushing into a building on the side of the street at this time.

   The others were also attracted by Norton's words, and they went to the front to check the situation. Glenn said with some uncertainty: "Are they survivors?"

   Lu Jiayi nodded without hesitation, and said affirmatively: "Yes, everyone is ready to fight."

As soon as they heard the battle, everyone took up their weapons with serious expressions. Lu Jiayi signaled Norton to drive forward. The convoy stopped to the side of the street opposite the building. Lu Jiayi looked at it. This should be a hospital in the town. These survivors were planning to come here to find some medicine, but unfortunately they ran into a group of corpses.

Lu Jiayi got out of the car with a few people, and while walking inside, he instructed everyone: "There should not be many survivors inside. Everyone should be at least three people. Be careful of the walking corpses in the dark. Guard, don’t act rashly, we still don’t know if the opponent is an enemy or a friend."


   The group of corpses who were drilling into the hospital was attracted by the sound of several cars, and some of them stopped and started to turn around and rush towards Lu Jiayi.

   Lu Jiayi had just finished speaking, and three walking corpses had already walked in front of him, and the machete in his hand had already slashed over with a cold light!


The machete slashed straight on the head of the walking corpse, and the walking corpse fell softly to the ground, but the two walking corpses behind it also rushed up, and Lu Jiayi pulled out the machete without panic. When he raised his head again, a crossbow arrow was stuck in one head, and the other was pierced directly by a samurai sword.

   The people who had become accustomed to this kind of scene continued to clean up the walking corpses, Lu Jiayi shook off the blood on the scalpel and continued to move forward.

Not far away, Telsey saw several walking corpses crowded together at the gate of the hospital. He rushed to the hospital with a stride, and the hammer in his hand instantly shook the momentum of the meow hammer. The hammer went up and down. Swirled, made a few muffled noises quickly, and a small group of walking corpses were all resolved in an instant. Tsai and Glenn, who followed Telsey, grinned, and called good guys in their hearts.

   The others just smiled. Telsi is the one who values ​​life the most in their team. It is not difficult to understand this kind of performance.

A group of people quickly followed the inside of the hospital. Lu Jiayi frowned when he entered the door. The inside was much more cramped than expected. Two dark corridors stretched out in two directions, and there were walking corpses on both sides. Go in.

Xindao these people really want their lives. They are all chased into this way and they don’t want to give up looking for medicine. It seems that these medicines are very important to them. With a gesture, a group of soldiers split into two paths and chased them towards the corridors on both sides.

Lu Jiayi, Darryl, Miqiong En, and the Big team followed the corridor to the depths of the hospital. They solved dozens of walking corpses along the way, and finally saw a large group outside the door of a room near the corridor. Walking corpses, a few people no longer hesitate, cheating on their bodies, and a reflection fluttering, all these walking corpses fell to the ground.

   Lu Jiayi reached out and knocked on the door, and shouted at the person inside: "Hey, we are here to save you. Are you still alive?"


   The door was not opened, and Lu Jiayi's answer was a scream.

Without hesitation, Lu Jiayi kicked the door to the room with a slam. The door opened. Lu Jiayi immediately saw that there was a corpse of a walking corpse lying behind the door, and there was another in the corner of the room. A man was biting his wrist deadly by a walking corpse.

   The man was screaming in pain, but he didn't dare to lower his arm. A dagger was quietly thrown on the ground beside him.

Darryl aimed directly at the walking corpse and shot it with an arrow. The man in the corner finally got rid of the walking corpse's bite. He looked at his wrist and squatted weakly on the ground, muttering in his mouth. Know what is being said.

   Lu Jiayi walked up to the man, reached out and grabbed the opponent's shoulder, and shouted loudly, "Hey, wake up, how many of your teammates are there?"

   The man's sluggish gaze recovered a little bit of clarity under the shaking of Lu Jiayi. He stammered and said, "Three, three people."

   Lu Jiayi immediately picked up the walkie-talkie around his waist and informed the rest of the other person's number of each other, and then he looked at the man in front of him with a serious face, UU reading www.uukanshu.com said a word that the other person could remember for a lifetime.

   "Do you want to die or live?"


This word stimulated the man’s desire to survive. The reason why he had this behavior was because he was bitten by a walking corpse. All the people bitten by the walking corpse in the base died and turned into monsters without exception, and the person in front of him turned out to be a monster. Ask him if he wants to die and want to live?

   "I, I think, live!"

   The human desire to survive has allowed the man to regain his sanity at this moment. At this moment, everything else doesn't matter, he just wants to live! "

   Lu Jiayi turned sideways to block Darryl behind him, reached out his hand to sneak out his machete, and then said to Darryl: "Darryl, grab his injured hand."

Daryl instantly understood what Lu Jiayi meant. They once heard Lu Jiayi say that after he was bitten, if the wound was on the limbs, he could quickly cut off the limbs. It might save a life at the critical moment, but so far. No one has done this.

   At this moment, the man on the ground had stood up, and Darryl reached out and grabbed the injured hand of the opponent.

   Lu Jiayi leaned closer and said, "Listen, if you want to live, your hand can't be kept, you must cut it off."

   The man froze for a moment, and a feeling of fear instantly rushed to his heart. Before he could withdraw his arm, he felt a pain in his neck, and then he lost consciousness.

   Lu Jiayi stunned the man with a hand knife, and then no longer inked, took the knife down and chopped off the opponent's arm.

A strip of cloth was torn from the other party's clothes and wrapped tightly around the wound. Lu Jiayi easily picked up the man, then took out the walkie-talkie again, and said hurriedly: "Norton, open the operating room, hurry up! "


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