I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 118: Surgery and talk


   Lu Jiayi was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly remembered, indeed, he was the only one with blood type O here, and he started preparing for surgery just after the battle, and he even forgot about it.

   "I'll get a blood draw! Bob, you start the operation first!"

   "Captain! I...I can't..."

   Bob instantly felt a layer of sweat on his forehead. He is just an ordinary military doctor. He is responsible for a trauma and treats some simple diseases. It is okay for him to perform this operation. He really has no skill tree!

   Lu Jiayi was silent, drawing his own blood quickly while thinking about how to treat it later. Seeing Kevin's condition getting worse and worse, he was also anxious. Now it was too late to go back. Kevin's life and death depended on himself.

   At this moment, dark red blood has poured into the blood bag, and the whole bag is rapidly expanding, but this speed seems so slow at this time, finally withdrawing a bag of blood, Lu Jiayi did not hesitate anymore and started the operation directly!

Glenn was sitting on the sofa with one arm around Maggie. Next to them was Moore. He was lying on the sofa. The wound on his shoulder had stopped bleeding, and the bullet passed directly through the shoulder and did not stay in the body. , Bob said there is no big problem, just stitch it up in a while.

   Daryl on the side was talking cursingly, while the others were silently guarding the surroundings at the shooting port.

   Norton also came to the rear compartment. He had been in front of the car before, and while counterattacking through the shooting port, he was preparing to drive away at any time.

   About an hour later, the door of the operating room opened, and a group of people all got up and looked at Lu Jiayi who came out.

   Bob motioned Glenn to help and lifted Kevin out, while Lu Jiayi shook his head helplessly at several people.

   "I have tried my best. As for whether I can save my life, I can't guarantee it. It took too long."

After speaking, he looked around and saw that the expressions on everyone's faces were a little sad. He couldn't help but raise the volume and said: "Listen! This time has nothing to do with you. It was caused by my misconsideration, Kevin's. The injury was delayed for so long and it was caused by my impulse, so don’t put pressure on you!"

Darryl helped Moore up and watched Lu Jiayi and said, "Shit! What does this have to do with you? If you are someone else, who can guarantee your level? Who dares to say that you are not right? I am the first disagree!"

   "Yes, Lu, we are not blind, this matter has nothing to do with you, this group of people suddenly appeared, no one would have thought that this kind of thing would happen, I can only say that this world is like this now!"

   Glenn also spoke. His eyes looked at Lu Jiayi sincerely, and the recognition in the words made Lu Jiayi feel warm.

At this time, Bob also took Moore from Darryl. He helped Moore to walk towards the operating room again. When passing by Lu Jiayi, Moore said hoarsely: "Captain! You just do your own thing." That's it, who dares to jump out, I'll take care of it for you!"

   Lu Jiayi smiled at Moore, nodded at Bob, and the two walked into the operating room.


Now that the operation has been completed, Lu Jiayi does not plan to return to Charvelte immediately. The most important thing now is to transport these materials back as soon as possible. After all, although the transformation of several buses is not difficult, it will take some time to complete the modification. You can go directly to Alexandria, which has become more and more dangerous.

   Taking advantage of Bob’s treatment of Moore, Lu Jiayi organized everyone to install some modification materials. Fortunately, there was a forklift in the warehouse, and he drove enough cars. Finally, all the materials for modification were installed.

   Look at the sky, it's already the afternoon, everyone is not hesitating, and directly rushes to Charvelte in a long line of convoys.

What everyone didn’t notice was that a few people with W on their foreheads appeared where they left and watched the convoy leave. One of the long-haired, tall, tall men said, “Go get ready. The community in that direction should be There, I dared to kill so many of us, this time I must teach them a lesson!"

   "Boss, what do you use?"

   The tall, thin man pointed to the ground next to him. There were the bodies of the werewolves who had died before!

   The subordinate trembled, tremblingly responded, and left.


   When Lu Jiayi's group returned to the community, it was already evening. A group of people surrounded the huge convoy, but everyone was stunned when they saw Kevin and Moll lifted down from the car.

Kevin's wife had been waiting there early. At this time, seeing her unconscious husband, she immediately rushed to the stretcher and looked at her husband who was still alive in the morning in disbelief. She rushed to Lu Jiayi and questioned: "What's going on? Why does Kevin hurt like this?"

Lu Jiayi was also very helpless. He could only explain to her once. After listening to Kevin’s wife, Kevin looked at her husband a little stupidly. Kevin’s eyes were closed and she was still in a coma. She instantly felt that her world had collapsed. That glimmer of hope also disappeared.

Kevin was carried home by two people. Lu Jiayi looked at their backs, and his heart was full of apologies. At this moment, he felt that his hand was being held by someone. He turned around and looked at him. I don’t know when Catherine has stood by his side. , There was a comforting look in her eyes.

   She didn't speak, but smiled at Lu Jiayi, grabbed his hand hard, then turned and left.

Lu Jiayi understands that the opponent is to make him feel sad, but this is the first time he has led a team to have casualties. Although the player lying there is not his own player, he feels uncomfortable. If the person lying there is himself What about the players? He can only make up his mind secretly and be more careful in the future.

When he walked to the two of Cass and Sasha, Lu Jiayi said with some worry: "We must be on guard in these two days, call a few more people, and try to cover as many areas as possible. I always feel that those guys won't just count on that. NS."

   "Good captain."

Arranged for the defense, he called Axel and a few helpers. Now all he can do is to hurry up and rebuild a few cars and leave here as soon as possible. Although the damned wolf clan has lost A group of people, but according to the situation at the time, the other party should not have all been dispatched, which means that the other party still has at least 30 people still alive.

Most of these people are lunatics, and it is difficult to understand their behavior with common sense. Lu Jiayi does not want to have any more accidents. He actually wants to leave here first. However, Kevin is still in a coma. It allows the team members to all stay in the car, to ensure the safety of their own people before considering other things.


   That night, Kevin's house.



   "Madam, it's me, Catherine."

With a squeak, the door was opened. Kevin's wife stood by the door looking at Catherine, who was standing there, and said in a harsh tone: "What are you here for?"

   Catherine pointed to the room, and said sincerely: "Can I have a chat with you?"


   Entering the room, Catherine found that she was not the only one in the room, and a dozen others were also at the door of Kevin's room, seeming to be waiting for him to wake up.

   The two sat on the sofa in the living room, and Kevin's wife looked at Catherine like this, and didn't want to say anything.

   Catherine smiled politely, and then asked a little embarrassed: "Madam, haven't you asked your name?"


   "What a nice name."

   Selena's tone did not change, she still asked bluntly: "You didn't come here to praise my name, right?"

   shook her head, and Catherine said with an apologetic expression: "That's it. I'm here this time to explain this to you. I hope you can understand us. It's not anyone's fault."

   Seeing that Selena didn't speak, Catherine didn't mind, and continued to explain.

   "It's like this, this time we went out and ran into the group of people who attacked your team last time, the group with the letter W engraved on their heads!"

   Hearing this, Selena's face changed slightly, but she still didn't speak.

"This group of people attacked us in a metal products factory. At that time, Lu took the people to the factory. It happened so suddenly. Suddenly dozens of people rushed towards us. The scene was very chaotic. Lu was the first one. The person who rushed to meet the enemy ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ hadn't he and Darryl blocked an entire half of the enemy, we would probably have lost even more."

"Kevin was injured by a sneak attack by the other party before this, and our deputy captain Moore was also injured. I said that these were not to help us remove responsibility, but it is difficult to define who is right and who is wrong. I only It can be said that Lu has done his best to help Kevin!"

"After he repelled those thugs, he performed the operation on Kevin the first time, but Kevin's blood type is O. Only Lu in our team is O blood, so the blood draw takes time. If you want to Blame someone, I hope you don’t blame Lu, he is not a god, and he can’t predict this kind of thing will happen. Our first priority is to evacuate here as soon as possible. It’s not mutual suspicion, right?"

Selena was silent for a long time after listening to Catherine's words. She actually understood these truths, but Kevin was her only support. Without him, there was only one person left. That's why she rejected Lu Jiayi. He thought it was. The bad luck this person brought to their family.

   Catherine was about to get up and leave when she finished speaking, but suddenly heard Kevin's faint voice from the room, the door was opened, and people around started pouring into it.

   Kevin looked pale and looked at the people around him. The corners of his mouth opened and closed as if he wanted to say something, but he was very weak and couldn't say anything after opening his mouth in the middle of the night.

   Catherine suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly said to Selena: "Pen, get the pen!"

Selena hurried to find a pen in the room, and soon came over with a piece of paper and a pen. Kevin's hand holding the pen shook, but she couldn't hold on anymore, her eyes closed and fainted again. Past.


   Selena’s tears welled up instantly, looking at her husband on the bed, she had no idea what she should do next.

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