I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 117: Fierce wolf clan

When Lu Jiayi's figure flashed, he rushed to the direction of the factory gate, and when he had rushed out more than ten meters, Darryl and several people ran out of the factory. They all looked at the situation outside in surprise. Several people haven't reacted yet.

   Darryl saw Moore lying on the ground at a glance. He exclaimed and rushed over.

   "Moore! Moore! You got shot?"

Moore, who was shot in the shoulder, was in a good state at this time. He still showed a humble smile. Looking at his brother, he didn't forget to tease: "What's the matter? Are you crying? I'm dead. No way!"

   "You really shut up!"

  Darryl anxiously picked up Moll, and walked towards the RV, and the two Bob had already ran off again at this time.

   At this time, Glenn and the others also ran up, and while holding Moore at the same time shouted: "Darryl, give it to Bob and the others here, let's go ahead and support Lu!"

   The initial panic had disappeared, Darryl quickly sorted his thoughts, and then took out the pistol from his waist and prepared to go forward cursingly.

   Glen stretched his hand to hold Darryl and shouted: "Darryl! Let's get in the car and go to the shooting position!"

   But he didn't want to be staggered by the angry Darryl, grabbing the opponent's hand and being directly broken free by Juli.

   Seeing Darryl's going away, Glenn can only gritted his teeth, quickly ran into the RV, and raised his rifle in the shooting position!

On Lu Jiayi’s side, he rushed to the back of the RV early, with his hands on his waist, two more guns in his hands, watching the wolf clan members pouring in from the gate, he squeezed the trigger without hesitation !

   Most of the wolf clan are people with cold weapons, only a few people stand there holding them and shooting. Lu Jiayi's primary target is these people who are shooting.

Raising his hand, he exploded the head of the person in front of him. Lu Jiayi was about to shoot again, only to find that the target's head had been pierced by a bullet. Looking back, he found that the firing port on the third floor of the RV had protruded. A familiar barrel.

   Cass is in place!

   Lu Jiayi knew that Cass would definitely deal with the gunner at the first time. He simply put away the gun in his right hand, took out the machete from his waist, and greeted the crowd!

   now! Lu Jiayi is too lazy to think about what is safe or not, he just wants to severely teach this group of **** perverts!

Wolves are gregarious animals, and every time the wolf clan goes out in groups, there are at least fifty or sixty wolf clan who swarmed in from the gate. Although Lu Jiayi and they all have guns, the attack came suddenly. , Everyone is not ready. Fortunately, the next few players who drove the bus got out of the car, and now they all came to the RV to participate in the defense.

   Lu Jiayi slashed the two wolf races in front of him. He noticed that the target of these people seemed to be the gate of the RV, and this group of **** obviously wanted to rush into the car!

   But Lu Jiayi was not worried. The defensive force on the car was very strong, and the thickly armored RV could not be broken by the group of people with a few knives. He pushed forward along the side of the gate.

No one of the oncoming wolf tribe could hold on under his sword for more than two seconds. Soon, a piece of wolf tribe lay down in front of Lu Jiayi. Some of these people had been killed by a single stab, but there were still others. Some were just seriously injured and not dead. These people lay on the ground and wailed.

More wolves discovered the situation here and rushed towards Lu Jiayi. Two of them noticed that Lu Jiayi used a knife and planned to pick up the gun on the ground to get rid of him, but they didn’t want the gun on the ground to be a reminder. Fu, anyone who picks up a gun will be taken away by a bullet in less than three seconds!

When a man picked up the gun, he was surprised to find that he was okay. He quickly raised the gun and pointed it at Lu Jiayi. Then he saw that the lunatic with the knife suddenly raised his left hand, holding a hand in his hand. gun!



   A bullet took this man away. His last thought before he died is probably that this guy doesn't speak martial arts!

   The number of wolf clan is rapidly decreasing, fifty, forty, thirty...In just a few minutes, at least thirty of the wolf clan have died!

   An idea flashed through the hearts of the remaining werewolves, this group of people is really terrifying! And they finally started to retreat. There was no one beside Lu Jiayi who dared to step forward. A dozen people were already lying down in front of him!

Feeling that no one is coming, Lu Jiayi raised his head. At this time, his body was covered with blood, his blood-stained face, and a pair of cold and murderous eyes staring at the few people in front of him, it was terrifying. The scene scared them to tears, and they all retreated quickly. Following a strange cry from one person, several people turned around and ran outside the gate.

   Lu Jiayi raised his left hand, 1911 was like a death sickle in his hand, and once again killed several wolves who had fled.

   looked around and found that several wolves had just run out of the factory gate. He wanted to catch up with UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, but he heard Daryl's shouts suddenly coming from behind him.

   "Lu! Stop chasing! Both Moore and Kevin were shot! Come back soon!"

   glanced bitterly at the factory gate, Lu Jiayi quickly ran to the RV.

Just as Lu Jiayi got into the car, he saw Bob operating the expansion compartment of the RV. Glenn was squatting next to Kevin, pressing a piece of gauze on his chest with both hands. Moore was lying on the sofa with his shoulders also covered. Telcy was pressing and stopping the bleeding.

The appearance of Lu Jiayi shocked everyone. The battle was fierce just now, and people did not pay attention to his state. As he walked into the car, the heavy smell of blood permeated the car, and the machete in his hand became even more blood-red. The whole person seemed to be fished out of blood.

   Everyone looked at Lu Jiayi, but saw him stretch out his shirt, took off his pants, and walked towards the bathroom next to him wearing only a pair of shorts. He just said something to Bob who was on the side before entering the door.

   "Prepare for surgery!"

   Cleaned up quickly. When Lu Jiayi walked out of the bathroom, the operating room was ready. It was too late to move to a safe area. Fortunately, Lu Jiayi's medical skills are versatile and Bob is also a military doctor.

   The operation started soon, and Lu Jiayi found that the bullet had injured Kevin’s lungs. Because the battle just lost time, he looks pretty bad now!

   "Has the blood type been confirmed?"

   Putting on a mask, Lu Jiayi asked Bob next to him.

   "Confirmed, it's type O blood!"

   "Who among us is blood type O?"

   Bob glanced at Lu Jiayi with a weird look, hesitated and said: "Captain, only you are Type O..."

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