Ramson hesitated, he said hesitantly: "You know, if the vaccine is real! This person has only five in his hand! If you ask Steven to come over, you will use one, so there are only four left! "

"Four is enough! You and I plus Steven and Sharpe are not exactly four people, do you think so too?" Dawn's eyes were full of sarcasm, he knew what Ramsay was thinking, but the other party If she didn't take the initiative to speak out, she wanted her to speak first.

   Sure enough, Ramson stopped talking as soon as Dawn's words were spoken. After a while, he nodded and didn't say to continue talking, but walked towards Dr. Steven's office.

Dawn opened the door of the conference room, stretched out his hand to pull out Sharpe, whispered a few words in her ear, Dawn did not close the door, just glanced at the door from time to time while sitting there and didn’t know what he was thinking. Lu Jiayi.

   Suddenly, Lu Jiayi didn't know why he stood up suddenly, he walked quickly to the door, looking at Dawn with a strange expression.

   "Uh, where is the bathroom? I need to fix it!"

Dawn looked at Lu Jiayi speechlessly, and reached out her hand to point to the far corridor. She didn't worry about the other party's tricks. This is their place, and the most important thing is that the vaccine box is still on the conference table at this time. Let it go.

   Lu Jiayi passed between the two of them and walked quickly to the toilet in the distance. Dawn looked at his back and was still a little worried. He tilted his head in the direction of Lu Jiayi, and Sharpe knew it and turned to follow.

   Five minutes later, Lu Jiayi walked out of the bathroom with a relaxed look. He opened the water pipe and found that there was no water when he wanted to wash his hands. As soon as he left the door, he saw Sharpel standing next to the door. He smiled playfully, and said to the policewoman slightly, "It seems that you are very entangled now! Hahaha."

   Hapoel just looked at him, but didn't speak. Lu Jiayi didn’t care about it, and continued to chant next to him: “If I’m not mistaken, Daun left you two to explain to other police officers, then she must regret that I brought you a vaccine. What will she do if she stays in the house? I can bet you, she will choose to take out one for the experiment, and then divide the remaining four vaccines equally with you, right?"

Sharpel's expression finally changed a little. She glanced at Lu Jiayi with some trepidation. The arrogant expression on this Asian man's face was long gone. All that was left was the calm and wise that made her feel scared. She hesitated. , I still spoke up.

"What do you want?"

Lu Jiayi glanced around, pulled Sharpe into the corner, and then whispered: "I found Noah here. He told me about the situation here. Noah said you are a moderate here, then I also intend to believe him once."

   Talking, Lu Jiayi took a small box out of his pocket and shook it in front of the policewoman. Sharpe glanced at him suspiciously and heard Lu Jiayi say: "This is a vaccine!"

   Hapoel’s pupils shrunk slightly, and immediately reached out and grabbed the small box, but Lu Jiayi easily avoided it. Lu Jiayi stretched out a finger with a playful look and pushed the policewoman's hand away.

   "Hey hey! Don't worry, this is not provided for free!" Lu Jiayi was happier seeing Sharpe's anxious look. He looked at the policewoman with a joke on his face. However, Sharpe calmed down. This hospital has always been operated by exchanges of equal value. The police have used each other more than trust. She understood Lu Jiayi's performance and understood what the other party meant.

   Her face also returned to calm, watching Lu Jiayi asked straightforwardly: "What do I need to do?"

   She knows very well that since Lu knows that someone here can detect the authenticity of the vaccine, but he is so calm and negotiating conditions with her, it means that this vaccine is likely to be true! This is a question of probability. Since the probability exceeds 50% and it has no effect on her, she doesn't care about doing the other person a favor.

   Seeing that Shapoel agreed, the smile on Lu Jiayi's face deepened. He approached Shapoel's ear and whispered a few words softly, then stepped back and looked at each other, waiting for her decision.

Sharpe frowned slightly, and the other party's request was strange. He and Dawn probably hadn’t had any friction. Why did he waste a bottle of vaccine to do this kind of thing, but after thinking about it, this thing has almost no effect on him, so After hesitating a little, she nodded gently to Lu Jiayi, and then asked, "Who?"

   Lu Jiayi whispered a name without hesitation.

   "O'Donnell and Gorman!"

After hearing these two names, Shapoel basically believed what Lu Jiayi said. She was certain that the other party had found Noah, so she knew the people here so well, but what did it have to do with her, she stretched her hand in front of Lu Jiayi. She said simply.

"make a deal!"

Lu Jiayi shook his head, put the vaccine in his hand back into his pocket again, and then said: "Don't be so anxious, I will give you the vaccine when you finish the matter! Okay, we have been out for a long time. Let's go back!"

After speaking, he stretched out **** to press the palm of Hapoel down, then patted her on the shoulder, turned around and walked towards the meeting room~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and walked about ten meters before Lu Jiayi At that moment, a woman's scream and a man's roar suddenly came out in the room beside her.

   Lu Jiayi paused, as if hesitated, but he still opened the door of this room. Before Sharpe could stop him behind him, Lu Jiayi had already walked into the room. What Sharp did not see was a dangerous smile from the corner of Lu Jiayi's mouth.

After the door was opened, the sound inside immediately spread in the corridor. The screams of the woman caused many people to walk out of the room and look to this side. The police were all pretty familiar, and the patients, They all showed an unbearable look.

Dawn also heard the sound. At this time, she opened the door of the meeting room, but she happened to see Sharpe running into a room, and her heart sank. She felt that things didn't seem so simple, and Dawn ran out quickly. Meeting room, ran to that room.

   And Cass and Raphael also picked up the box, and walked out of the meeting room after them.

As soon as Dawn, who rushed all the way, entered the room, he saw a scene that shocked her. At this time, Lu Jiayi pressed Gorman under him like teaching a child, his fists kept falling on his face, and On the other hand, Shapoel was dragging Lu's arm in vain, intending to separate the two. O'Donnell lay on the ground beside him, apparently fainted, while Joan was disheveled at the moment, squatting in the corner of the room and crying constantly.

This kind of scene doesn’t require brain supplements to guess what happened. Dawn immediately took out the pistol from his waist and pointed it at Lu Jiayi who was still beating Gorman, and shouted: "Stop! Otherwise I will. Shot!"

   Lu Jiayi turned his head slowly, still with the indifferent expression on his face, slowly said, "You better look behind you!"

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