When Qiong looked up at him, Lu Jiayi saw several wounds on the woman’s face, all sutured with thread. Many of the wounds were very new, obviously they had just been injured. He knew the origin of these wounds and also knew that Qiong Why she was beaten, she could roughly guess what she wanted to say.

But the two parties have just made contact. At this time, it is obviously unrealistic to ask the other party to keep Qiong behind. However, after taking a look at the policeman behind Qiong, Lu Jiayi decided to stimulate the other party. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Qiong who wanted to turn away, with an exaggerated tone. Said: "Wait, what's the injury on your face? Is it because these people often hit you?"

   Qiong subconsciously wanted to withdraw his arm, but Lu Jiayi grabbed it very tightly. She struggled a few times and did not break free. She looked around in a panic, and finally couldn't help but glance back at a policeman behind her.

   Lu Jiayi immediately pretended to be suddenly enlightened, pointed to the policeman and said, "So it's you!"

   The policeman glanced at Joan with a bad face, and heard Dawn on the side suddenly raised his voice and yelled: "Joan, let's go!"

Following Dawn's reprimand, Joan quickly turned around to walk out of the room. Lu Jiayi let go of the other's hand, and while everyone's attention was attracted by Dawn, he quietly stuffed a little thing in. In Joan's pocket.

   Then he ignored Dawn’s somewhat angry gaze, looked around the layout of the meeting room, and said in a somewhat awkward tone: "You guys are too rudimentary here. Just find a meeting room and send me away."

   Dawn was already taking a deep breath at the moment. She resisted the urge to hit someone and gritted her teeth and said: "Mr. Lu, we are currently in a cooperative relationship. Don't you think we should pay a little attention to etiquette?"

   "Alright! Let's talk about the supplies!" Lu Jiayi saw that Qiong had left the room. He didn't need to cover up, so he just sat down on the chair.

   "Mr. Lu, you said you need two tankers full of gas, right? Then I don't know what Mr. Lu uses for the transaction?" As soon as the two parties were seated, Dawn said straightforwardly.

   Lu Jiayi nodded when he heard the words. The smile on his face was a bit mysterious. He suddenly improved the arrogant and domineering attitude that he had at the beginning of the door. He first looked at the few police officers next to him, and then motioned these people to leave with his eyes.

   Dawn hesitated for a moment, and said: "Sharpelle, Ramson, you two stay, and the others should go out first!"

   The two Lu Jiayi also know each other. In the original drama, Sharpe was the policewoman who was caught by Rick and exchanged. Ramson was the bald head who escaped after being caught and shot by Rick in the end!

   Hearing Dawn's words, several policemen did not leave immediately, but looked at the middle-aged policeman named Ramson until he nodded, and these people left the conference room one by one.

Lu Jiayi could clearly see that Daun’s face had become ugly. In her opinion, it could be said that Ramson was blatantly provoking her authority, but because of Lu Jiayi’s existence, she could not get angry for the time being, and could only reach out to signal Lu Jiayi. It can be said.

   took a playful look at Daun, who was sitting opposite, Lu Jiayi did not intend to remind her that things are developing perfectly now, better than he expected!

   Lu Jiayi beckoned to Raphael behind him, and soon Raphael put the small box he had been carrying on the table.

Lu Jiayi unpacked the box skillfully. The box was cold. When Lu Jiayi opened the box, the first thing Dawn and the three saw was ice cubes. Lu Jiayi quickly took out one of the five vials in the box, and he carefully squeezed it. This crystal clear vial said to the three policemen in front of him: "This is the first-generation vaccine we developed independently!"

As soon as the word "vaccine" was spoken, all three people in the room were dumbfounded. Dawn's eyelids blinked quickly, and his lips tremblingly looked at the bottle in Lu Jiayi's hand. There was only about two milliliters of liquid. .


"you're lying!"


   The three of them exclaimed almost at the same time, and then Dawn suppressed his excitement, still wanting to learn more about this so-called first-generation vaccine.

Lu Jiayi, who understood the idea of ​​the three, opened the box again, put the vial back into the incubator, and then slowly said: "In fact, you don't need to be too excited. This is just the first-generation vaccine, and the function is not very powerful. I will come. Tell me about it."

   After speaking, he began to introduce the role of the first-generation vaccine in detail.

   "First of all, accidental death will not turn into a walking corpse, and secondly, there is no worries about women being pregnant, and there is a chance that the first-generation vaccine can make people immune to the walking corpse virus!"

Here Lu Jiayi exaggerated the role of vaccines. Primary vaccines may have a very low probability of being immune to the virus, but it is also a thing with a very small probability, and it must be under certain conditions, for example, the infected wound needs to be small. Normal zombie bites are not immune.

   But he didn't lie either, he just didn't tell him everything.

   Daun really regretted it at this time, why didn't he listen to Lu Jiayi's words and let the police all go out! Now that Ramson has heard the news, it means that the entire police team basically knows it. It seems that there are only five vaccines for the other party. How does this make her distribute?

   Since Lu Jiayi entered the door and came to their hospital, the other party has always maintained a superior posture, coupled with their advanced weapons and equipment, and transportation vehicles!

Daun actually believed that Lu Jiayi had a vaccine, but she still controlled her emotions and asked in a calm tone as possible: "How can we confirm that what you are saying is true? What if you are not a virus vaccine? manage?"

The smile on Lu Jiayi's face remained the same. He looked back at Cass, and Cass shook his head with a sarcasm, and whispered to him: "Captain, let's replace it with weapons and ammunition, just two tanks of oil! Even if we don’t change our collection on the road, why waste five vaccines!"

   Lu Jiayi waved his hand to signal Cass without saying more, then turned his head and smiled before saying.

"Hahaha! It's okay! What I said will not be taken back. Didn't I just say that you are in luck this time! These vaccines only need you two tank trucks, I am doing charity. Everyone in our base has finished injecting this thing, but the production capacity is limited, and I only brought a small amount of expenditure. If you don’t want it, I will replace it with equivalent ammunition and medicine! But the ugly lies In front of ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ this is the only chance to choose a vaccine. If you regret it later, you will be embarrassed!"

   Daun hesitated at this time. She stared at Lu Jiayi's eyes for a long time, but she didn't see the slightest clue on the opponent's face. Somewhat unfounded, she could only turn her eyes on Ramson for help.

   At this time, Ramison's eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something. Finally, he also looked at Dawn. The two of them looked at each other, and both saw the other's meaning from the other's eyes.

   Daun turned his head and asked Lu Jiayi, "Mr. Lu, can we discuss it?"

   "Of course, but my time is limited, you'd better hurry up, I will leave soon!"

   Lu Jiayi saw that the two came to be interested, and he put his legs on the conference table in reply, then lowered his head not knowing what he was thinking.

   Dawn no longer hesitated, got up and pulled Ramson and walked out of the conference room. Only the policewoman named Sharple was left in the room, but Lu Jiayi didn't mean to talk to him.

   Daun and the two came into the corridor, and the two looked around at the same time. They looked at each other when they saw that there were no other police nearby. Daun seemed unwilling to speak first, but just looked at each other.

   Ramson didn’t think about it so much. He just glanced around and said, “Do you think what he said is credible? Why would they tell us if they have a vaccine?”

   Seeing Ramson asked first, Dawn's expression seemed to improve a bit, she said uncertainly: "I think since the other party dared to take it out, it should not be fake, but just in case, we still have to figure it out first."

"How to do?"

   Dawn quickly calculated in his mind, and after a long while he raised his head and said to Ramson: "There is only one way to know! You go call Steven!"


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