I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 101: Lu Jiayi's letter

"what news?"

   Cameron took a letter from his arms and handed it to Rick.

  Rick took the letter and looked at it repeatedly. The envelope was folded out of white paper, and the seal was sealed with wax. It has not been seen for more than a year. The last time I opened the letter was the bill in the mailbox.

   opened the envelope, Rick spread out the letter paper and began to browse the content, his expression gradually changed from calm to surprised, and finally even the hand holding the letter was a little trembling.

After putting away the letter, he arrived in front of the three old people with a stride. He saw an old couple at a glance. Looking at the old male man, Rick said with a trembling voice: "Are you Professor Evan? Black ·Evan?"

   Seeing the old man smiled and nodded in response, Rick turned his head to look at the old woman next to the old man and asked again: "Then you must be Professor Cynthia?"

   The old woman also nodded slightly, and smiled and said to Rick: "Lu is a very amazing young man. We talked for a long time yesterday. His understanding of academics in Chengdu is really not inferior to us!"

Black next to    also said: "Yes, Lu is an outstanding scholar. I really can't think of how he can put so much knowledge into his mind when he is only in his twenties."

Blake sighed, his eyes filled with memories, but it was just a sigh. He quickly recovered and stretched out his hand to Rick. The two shook hands. Blake continued: "We and my wife I originally received a mission to come to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta for support. As a result, a car accident happened on the way, and I was trapped on the other side of the city. After some tossing around, we both managed to survive. It turned out that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. It has long since turned into a ruin! It was Bob and Cameron who have been taking care of us until I met Lu yesterday! Maybe it was God’s arrangement. Lu actually told me that the CDC left His team is in his base, so we rushed over!"

   Rick listened to Black explaining the ins and outs of the matter in detail, and couldn't help but sigh Lu Jiayi's luck against the sky! After saving a few people, there are two key figures. He was about to thank the Evans for coming, but was suddenly interrupted by shouts from behind.

   "Gosh! Teacher Black! Teacher Cynthia! You are here, my God, am I dreaming?"

   Tatiana ran up to the two old men with a look of excitement, with her mouth open trying to say something, but she couldn't say anything! Two lines of tears fell on her face. Cynthia smiled and hugged Tatiana, comforted her quietly, and nodded with Jenner who was walking behind Tatiana.

   Jenner looked at his wife with a smile, then walked to Professor Black and bowed deeply to him: "Teacher, we failed to protect your safety, I'm sorry!"

  Professor Black also stepped forward to support Jenner, without the slightest greeting, and asked directly: "Don't talk about the useless ones, what about the laboratory? How about the conditions?"

   Jenner nodded heavily, and helped Black replied: "The conditions are very good. Lu has spent a lot of energy to help us rebuild the laboratory, but the current research progress is somewhat stagnant. Fortunately, you are here!"

Black now only cares about the laboratory. How could he be in the mood to respond to this little flattery shot by Jenner, with a smile on his face, that kind of scholar's breath instantly filled Jenner, he urged Jenner: "Okay, Hurry up and take us to see!"

After speaking, he turned and walked inside. Rick looked at the old man with a wry smile. He was about to arrange accommodation for them first. Unexpectedly, Blake's figure walked forward and turned to face another old man next to him. Showed an embarrassed expression.

"Look at my memory! I forgot to introduce it! This is Master Christian Piaru. Don't look at him like a talkative, he is a gun expert! You can find him if you have any weapon problems! He was last night. Lu didn't even know who he was when he ate and didn't speak. He probably thought he was just an ordinary old man, hahaha."

   After speaking, he turned to look at the old man, and said in a slightly joking tone: "Haha, I'm sorry, old man, I confessed you!"

   After talking to Piaru, Blake walked towards the backyard with a smile, and Cynthia followed them inside with Tatiana's support.

   The old man named Piaru showed a helpless smile, and then nodded at Rick.

   Rick feels that he can wake up with a smile when dreaming tonight, what kind of luck is Lu? How about finding such three great gods!

   He quickly took a step forward, reached out his hand and shook Piaru's hands, then looked at the two children beside the old man and asked, "Are these two your grandchildren?"

Speaking of the two children, Piaru’s face was instantly covered with a doting smile, two hands were placed on the heads of the two children, and then he said the first sentence after entering the base: "This is me My grandchildren, their parents went to Virginia on a business trip before the end of the world, and there has been no news yet. Now only me and them are left!"

   Rick knelt down and beckoned behind him, and Karl immediately ran from the crowd.

  Rick pointed to Karl and said to the two children: "This is my son. You will play and live with him in the future. As long as he is there, no one in the base dare to bully you, how??"

   Both children nodded obediently, and then obediently took Carl's hand one by one, and the three children immediately disappeared.

  Rick stood up and said to Piaru: "Old gentleman and I will go in, I will find a place for you to settle!"

   then turned to Cameron and said, "A few of you, let me show you the base first! But you need to do a check and test first. This is the rule of the base."

   The test and inspection were quickly completed, and Rick walked towards the backyard with a few people.

   Cameron was a little confused when they entered the yard. This place is like a doomsday fortress. The thickness of the wall is more than three meters!

When Rick was talking to the three old people~www.wuxiamtl.com~, several people even looked at the outside yard. Just now, in a field outside, green crops have sprouted, and the arable land of this scale made a few people sigh. After arriving in the courtyard, the scene of a large number of livestock in the pen left a few people's minds blank, and there was a greenhouse not far away!

   Until Rick invited a few people into the inner yard, they slowly came over and walked into the backyard. Carl and the few who had just left were playing in the playground. There were busy people everywhere. They felt that there were so many people in this place!

   immediately walked into the unit room, and several people immediately realized that this place was reformed by a prison, but this was also too far outrageous! Clean white walls, neat floor tiles, and more private doors are installed in each cell of the prison. Signs are hung in front of the doors to indicate the owner's name.

A few people followed Rick to their room, brand new wooden bed, wardrobe, writing desk, bathroom, in this small room of only a few square meters, all the configurations are available, except that the bathhouse is public, other personal issues are all possible Solve it in your own room.

   Nicole's eyes beamed, looking at the separate bathroom in the room, although it is small, there are two worlds with and without.

   was sighing that the living conditions here are so good, and I heard that there are public baths. Nicole clenched her fists quietly, her mouth grinning to the roots of her ears.

"Everyone, the two rooms will be yours in the future. You decide how to allocate them. After you choose the room, fill in the name tag and hang it at the door, so no one will bother you! More detailed things, someone will be there for a while. I will come over and tell you, I will leave first, and welcome to join us!"

   After speaking, Rick ignored these excited looking guys, and took Piaru to another unit area.

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