I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 100: Corpse tide crossing and new members

Rick and Sean ran off the city wall madly and rushed towards the farmhouse. While running Rick shouted to Tee not far away: "T, go get some rags or clothes. quick!"

   When the two of them ran to the farmhouse, there was already a mess, whether it was horses, pigs, cows, or sheep, they all screamed loudly! Animals are more sensitive than humans, and the sounds caused by such a large number of corpses are very irritating to these animals.

  Rick patted his head regretfully, but couldn't wait for T-boy to come over. They quickly took off their clothes and put them on the horse's head, trying to block some outside sounds!

Many other survivors have seen the movements of the two for a long time, and at first they wondered what they were going to do. At this time, as the voices of these animals grew louder, these people instantly understood, and they ran over, not yet close. At that time, they saw Rick's way of **** and plugging their ears. These people didn't have time to think about it, and started to undress one after another!

   So when T-boy came back, he saw a strange scene. A large group of people undressed in a circle of several animals, and then two groups started to hold these animals and don’t know what they were doing!

   He stayed there with a dazed expression, and the rags in his hand fell to the ground.

   "Wang Defa?!!!"


   When everyone in the prison was tossed by the tide of corpses, Lu Jiayi, who was far away in Atlanta, was indeed having dinner lively.

While Moore complained about Miqion’s craftsmanship, Miqion rolled his eyes while adding vegetables to the bowls of the two little guys next to him. The old people beside the two little guys thanked Miqion while he Smiling and watching the two children eating, a lively scene!

   And Lu Jiayi was discussing something with Darryl in a low voice.

   "What do you think?" Lu Jiayi whispered to Darryl as everyone watched Bob eating happily.

"I don't think it is a problem! You can consider taking it in." Darryl was holding a bottle of beer with a cigarette in his mouth. At this moment, he finally smoked the cigarette he was thinking of before. He squinted a little. Said flutteringly.

   Lu Jiayi looked at him funny, and reminded: "Smoke less! This thing is too bad for the lungs!"


   Lu Jiayi shook his head speechlessly, got up and left the self-healing Daryl, and sat opposite Bob.

   He raised his head and glanced at Bob, only to find that the other party hadn't noticed him at all. When he looked along his line of sight, he knew it all at once!


Bob, who was looking at Sasha intently, was startled by Lu Jiayi. The fork in his hand almost fell to the ground. After turning his head to see that it was Lu Jiayi, he picked up the plate in a panic and pulled the food in his mouth, but his eyes were still Intentionally or unintentionally, he turned to Sasha not far away.

   Lu Jiayi looked at him amused, and simply said straightforwardly: "Fancy our sniper?"

   "Ahem! Ahem..."

   This time it was Bob's turn to choke. He was really choked. Unexpectedly, the other party's observation ability was so good. He smiled a little awkwardly, and Bob put down the plate in his hand.

"I'm sorry."

   Lu Jiayi waved his hand to indicate that it did not matter, and then said in a relaxed tone like chatting, "Are there any plans for the follow-up?"

   Bob gave a wry smile. He had any plans. He used to count one day as a day before. If it weren't for good luck today, he might have gone to see God his old man.

"No, I'm an ordinary military doctor. I live by myself. Before the end of the world, I lived in a muddle-headed manner. I also contracted alcoholism. If it weren't for them, I don't know if I can stick to it. I want to talk about it. , The previous plan was to lead these people to live together."

   While talking, Bob looked at the survivors next to him.

"Then let me tell you about my plan!" Lu Jiayi is going to be straightforward. Bob is a military doctor and can make up for the fact that he doesn't have an assistant. From the original drama, this man has no other problems except alcoholism, not to mention him. If I fell in love with Sasha in advance, as long as he was properly enlightened, he would not even be addicted to alcohol again.

   Bob's expression became serious. He looked at Lu Jiayi's face and said gravely: "Please tell me!"

   So, Lu Jiayi told Bob exactly why he left the settlement and what he planned to do.

   After listening to Lu Jiayi's words, Bob's expression became very exciting. He hesitated for a while before asking: "Captain Lu, why are you telling me this?"

"Of course I invited you to join our team! You are a military doctor. I just need an assistant to help me. I can't perform many operations by myself. Secondly, I still recognize your character, and if you perform well. , I can match up with Sasha! What do you think?" Lu Jiayi smiled meaningfully.

   "That's it!" Bob's tone instantly became decisive!

   And Sasha, who was talking and laughing with Telsi, didn't know that he had become a tool for Lu Jiayi to win people's hearts.

After finishing Bob, Lu Jiayi left everyone. His first task now is to search for survivor settlements everywhere. What he often does recently is to sit in a car and stare at the maps. Look.

Many settlements have traces to follow. Although the probability is very low, it is more reliable than blindly driving around. Once you find a settlement, you are likely to inquire about other nearby places. Settlements, so that you can gradually enrich your map resources.

   A little bit of the night passed, whether it was the prison or Bob's team, it was a sleepless night.

   Early the next morning.

   It's already more than eight o'clock in the morning, and Rick is still lying motionless on the bed, which is the case for many people at the moment.

   The tide of corpses last night migrated into the middle of the night. A group of people waited in the livestock shed, fearing that there would be an accident as soon as they left. It wasn't until after four o'clock in the morning that the sound of the corpse outside gradually subsided.

   Actually, there are not many corpse tides, probably only a few thousand, but the movement of the corpse tides is slow, and it will be attracted by some sounds to stay in place for a long time, so it took such a long time.

Looking at the place where the corpses walked around the prison, it can be said that it was stepped on and leveled. The fence around the prison has also been skewed in several places. Fortunately, the fence has supported it, otherwise the crops will be bad, which makes Rick feel lucky. What's more, the construction of the second outer wall has already begun. When the wall is completed, there is no longer any fear of corpses of this scale damaging the crops.

   Herschel walked out of the base door early in the morning to check the crops outside. Having lost the farm, he has now devoted all his enthusiasm to the construction of the prison, especially these crops and vegetables.

   instructed Aji to quickly repair the guardrail outside, and Rick plunged his head on the bed. He slept and woke up at ten o'clock in the morning.

Rick washed his face and blinked his dry eyes. He finally realized the hardship of Lu Jiayi before. The whole base needs to be worried about, and he has to deal with some accidents that happen from time to time, and even some survivors only see. friction.

   sighed, Rick shook his head and dispelled the thoughts in his mind. Lu Jiayi trusted him so much and entrusted the base to him, and he must manage it well! Secretly cheering himself up, Rick opened the door and walked out of the room.

   "Rick! You are awake!"

   "Hello Captain Rick!"

   "It's early captain!"

  The survivors along the way greeted Rick enthusiastically!

   Rick walked straight to the gate~www.wuxiamtl.com~ At this moment, one of the students that Sean had brought back was guarding the gate. Rick remembers his name is Alex.

   said hello, Rick walked closer, looked at the door and asked, "Has the car that picked up people go?"

   Alex nodded when he heard the words, looked at the watch on his wrist, and said, "Well, I went out early in the morning, and I'm probably coming back soon."

As soon as the voice fell, I heard the sound of the engine sounding not far away. As soon as I heard it, Rick knew it was the sound of the armored vehicle at his base. Looking out along the door, he saw two armored vehicles driving towards the entrance. Come.

   "Open the door!"

   A long distance away, the shout of Corporal Havel rang out from the car. Soon the armored car stopped in front of Rick, the rear door opened, and several survivors walked out of the car.

Seeing the other party getting out of the car, I found out that the team’s configuration was old and young. After counting, there were nine people in this group. Although Rick didn’t say anything, he was a little disappointed in his heart. There were only four of these survivors. A young man, the other five are three elderly people and two children.

After the other party got out of the car, a man looked around and looked shocked at the facilities here. After a while, he walked up to Rick and said, "Hello, I want to find Rick, the person in charge here. Captain Grimes? Can you take me over to meet him? I have important news to tell him."

  Rick said it was a coincidence that he didn't expect the other party to get out of the car to find himself. He also politely stretched out his hand and said: "Hello, I am Rick Grimes, the temporary captain here."

   "Hello Captain Rick, my name is Cameron, Captain Lu asked me to bring a message."

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