Chapter 90

“Is it an illusion? Impossible, absolutely impossible!”

“Isn’t Xu Hai’s combat power index test at that time only 700 points? Facing the half-step transcendent level Meng Xiaotian senior, why would it be so easy to win?”

Not only them, but even Hao Rong. At this moment, the eyes are almost staring out.

She didn’t expect that Xu Hai could kill the last genius Meng Xiaotian, who was a little afraid of even the teacher, with a single blow at will.

At the same time, outside the original forest copy, a huge screen the same as the previous phantom copy was erected in the clearing.

On the screen, is the name of each student and their points.

As before, their names are shining with green light, but if someone is eliminated from the dungeon, their names will become gray or black, and then disappear.

But this time, all the teachers felt a little disheartened. Seven or eight of the names of the students in the scientific research department had disappeared, and the students in the disappeared scientific research department basically chose the original This camp of forest monsters.

“It’s weird, why we have so many casualties this year? They chose ordinary first-level tasks.”

Among the crowd, Zhang Jian and Sun Qiang looked at the list of the dead scientific research students with very ugly faces.

Not only them, but after seeing the disappearance of so many names, the troops next to them said very emotionally: “I didn’t expect this year’s virgin forest copy to be so dangerous. So many people will die because of the first level mission. ”

“How much time has passed since? I’m really worried that after completing this copy of the experience, our students will lose more than half of them.”

In the place where the teacher of the combat department was, several teachers of the combat department looked at the names of the disappeared students, and a mocking smile appeared on their faces.

“Let me just say, I have nothing to choose from the primeval forest camp, these students probably have been blackmailed by the alien beasts in the primeval forest.”

“If they choose the human camp, it is estimated that our combat students can still help a bunch of people in the scientific research department, but now they choose to help the alien beasts in the primeval forest…

This camp is naturally opposed to ours. Naturally, it is impossible to get the help of these outstanding students, and we deserve it if we die. ”

After these words were said, many teachers from the combat department cast approving glances.

“Yes, yes, this year the students of the scientific research department didn’t know who brought them, so they would do such stupid things.”

“It’s a waste of resources. It wasted the benefits our school gave them.”

“You said that if our combat students want to stand out and choose the camp of the virgin forest beasts, after all, our combat effectiveness is very strong, but a group of scientific research personnel in the scientific research department chose this camp. You know what you think, if something like this happens, someone’s teacher should have to pay the main responsibility.”

Not far away, Sun Qiang and the others heard the ridicule of these combat teachers, and did not speak, but silently looked at the big screen.

Suddenly, his expression changed.

“Meng Xiaotian? How could this guy be here? Isn’t he a student of the upper level of the combat department? Why did he enter the primal forest copy? Is this a violation of the regulations?”

The combat system teacher who heard this chuckled: “Oh, it’s like this. Meng Xiaotian had participated in the battle at the Dimensional Crack before, so he just stayed one level. Isn’t it normal? Isn’t it normal? It’s fully in line with the school’s regulations. .”

Almost for an instant, Sun Qiang thought of what kind of abacus the teachers of the combat department were playing.

He gritted his teeth and said, “If Xu Hai encounters any problems in it, I will ask you to bury him.”

Faced with Sun Qiang’s threat, the faces of the combat teachers changed, but they still pretended to be tough and said: “Experience in the dungeon, life and death are normal things, and he can’t blame us even if things happen. On the head.”

“Besides, we didn’t violate the rules. What’s wrong, Sun Qiang, do you still want to bully others and do something to us?”

After saying this, the teacher seemed to feel a little bit unsatisfied, and continued: “Sun Qiang, you were born as a waste back then, and now Xu Hai is not much different.

Don’t think that miracles happen to everyone, you are just lucky. As for your student, I don’t think he will have this kind of shit luck. ”

After hearing the quarrel here, the other teachers didn’t come over to make the rounds, but chose to sit here and watch the jokes.

Sun Qiang, who was on the side, clenched his fists after hearing these words, ready to make a move at any time.

But just when he was about to walk towards the teacher, his shoulder was suddenly held down by Li Changsheng.

“Trust me, Xu Hai will not lose.

I’ve seen that Meng Xiaotian, it’s not funny, he can catch Xu Hai’s three tricks even if he is lucky. ”

Sun Qiang looked back at Li Changsheng and nodded silently.

But just when Li Changsheng thought he wanted to take a step back, Sun Qiang suddenly threw a punch at the teacher of the combat department.

This time the accident made him not react for a while, and when Li Changsheng did not react, this combat system ranks in the middle level, but the teacher in the early days of General Cancan naturally has no chance to react at all.

In an instant, Sun Qiang’s punch knocked the teacher far away.

The man spit out a mouthful of blood, pointed at Sun Qiang, his eyes were full of panic and anger.

“Sun Qiang…you…you…”

Before he could finish these words, he vomited another mouthful of blood.

After seeing this scene, several nearby teachers immediately stepped forward to stop Sun Qiang and said to him: “Sun Qiang, do you want the school to punish you?”

“I want to kill him, do you have any comments?”

Sun Qiang’s expression was very indifferent, and on his body, an aura continued to rise, gradually rising from the peak of a general to a half-step marshal, and even in the end, vaguely reaching the rank of a marshal.

“How is it possible? How can this guy reach the level of a marshal?”

After seeing this scene, Li Changsheng also smiled with great interest: “I said how can your kid hide me from launching an attack on something that doesn’t have long eyes… It turns out that he has already hit the door…”

It can be said that this scene was unexpected by everyone present.

Sun Qiang did not speak, but just glanced at the insulting combat teacher, and then said faintly: “You can be cynic, or disregard my students.”

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