Chapter 89

Meng Xiaotian didn’t notice this scene, his attention was all focused on Xu Hai’s body.

However, when all the spectators thought that Meng Xiaotian was going to be killed by this monster, he suddenly turned around, and the white ball of light in his hand hit the monster directly.


In an instant, the monster was knocked out.

At the same time, his body began to disintegrate quickly, and his blood swayed all over the sky, forming a small rain of blood.

In the Doomsday Organization Base, those survivors who had not been killed saw such a powerful monster unexpectedly killed by Meng Xiaotian, and their faces also showed a very surprised expression.

Zhou Hua, who was not far away, was even more excited when he saw this scene.

“Unexpectedly, Senior Meng Xiaotian still has this ability. It’s great! With his strength, it would not be too difficult to kill a Xu Hai.”

“The only problem is that this wild orangutan has forest lizards, but I don’t think it’s a big problem. Xu Hai is a human being after all. Even if they temporarily reach a cooperation, facing such a difficult opponent, these two beasts may not be good at it. Help Xu Hai.”

“It looks like this gem in my hand should be saved, shit, this is Laozi’s biggest gain this time.”

In a small room of the Doomsday Organization Base, Hao Rong was also watching this battle.

When he saw that Meng Xiaotian actually killed a monster with a combat power index of at least 800 points in one blow, he actually felt a little worried in his heart.

But when he saw Xu Hai who was still very calm not far away, for some reason, Hao Rong was a little relieved.

Based on what she knows about Xu Hai, if the other party is really strong enough that Xu Hai can’t deal with it, Xu Hai probably would have been riding a wild orangutan.

In fact, Xu Hai was a little surprised at this moment, but he was not panicked either.

His Sharingan had an early insight into Meng Xiaotian’s strength.

Although this Meng Xiaotian’s strength is dozens of times stronger than most students of the same level, he still has a big gap compared with himself, a spiritual master who is already standing on the threshold of transcendence.

As for the strange beast that didn’t know where it came from, although it looked scary, it was actually not very powerful.

Not to mention the comparison with the forest lizard and the wild orangutan, but it is one level worse than the previous Little King Kong.

Of course, Meng Xiaotian naturally didn’t know all this. He just killed this strange beast that didn’t know where it sprang out, and his self-confidence was the moment of fullness.

“I just hit it and was blocked by you. To be honest, it feels a bit embarrassing, but this time I will do my best.

Xu Hai, are you ready? ”

Not far away, Xu Hai, who stood on the shoulders of the wild orangutans, didn’t pay attention to Meng Xiaotian at all.

He looked at Zhou Hua, who was watching this scene enthusiastically, and the students from the combat department of Imperial Martial Arts University who were coming from all directions one after another. He hesitated and said: “They are all people who help the human camp, if If you want, kill it if you want.”

After hearing these words, the wild orangutans and forest lizards who were still sitting and watching the play immediately rushed in two directions.

They have been holding back here for a long time.

Suddenly, the entire communicative zone between the virgin forest and the human city was filled with black and green light, but anyone hit by these lights would basically die directly on the spot.

Of course, there are some who are lucky but are seriously injured, but they still can’t escape the make-up after these two monsters.

However, Zhou Hua, who was originally happily watching the theater, looked at the huge alien beast rushing towards him, and the excitement on his face instantly turned into fear.

“Fuck! Xu Hai actually controlled them! Let’s run, or it would be miserable if we are caught up.”

“Xu Hai! Why do you want these strange beasts to chase us? I have no grievances against you, and I have never done anything against you.”

“Xu Hai, please, please let me go. I was forced by Zhou Hua to mock you, but I never wanted to kill you.”

Not only Zhou Hua, but all the combat students are fleeing frantically, and screaming in the process of fleeing.

And Meng Xiaotian, who was confronting Xu Hai, saw these combat students being chased by wild orangutans and forest lizards, and a burst of anger suddenly rose in his heart.

Does this kid know what he did?

Zhou Hua’s elder brother is someone who can’t even provoke him. If Zhou Hua had any accident, then Zhou Hua’s elder brother would be crazy to chase Xu Hai.

But the good thing is that after the wild orangutans and forest lizards left, even a little bit of fear about Xu Hai disappeared.

At this point in his mind, he clenched his fists, and his whole body’s strength was concentrated in his body.

“Take it.”

As soon as the voice fell, his body disappeared in place, and then he came to Xu Hai’s side.

There was light flashing on his fist, and this blow was his full blow.

This time, he intends to use his best to kill Xu Hai directly.

At this moment, everyone present, even the two strange beasts, focused on Xu Hai and Meng Xiaotian.

“Xu Hai, run! This guy was the first freshman in the previous class. He came here because of special reasons. He is very strong and you are not his opponent!”

On the side of the Doomsday Organization Base, Hao Rong, who saw Meng Xiaotian’s face clearly, finally remembered Meng Xiaotian’s identity.

“Xu Hai, you must die today!”

Not far away, Zhou Hua, who was evading the attack of the forest lizard in embarrassment, also showed a grim smile after seeing this scene.

In the center of the battlefield, Xu Hai looked at the opposite Meng Xiaotian and smiled disdainfully.

Facing this mortal attack, he stretched out his index finger and easily blocked a blow from Meng Xiaotian.

The air instantly solidified.

Everyone present did not expect that Xu Hai could block this huge punch so easily, and at the same time, beside Xu Hai’s index finger, he extended his middle finger again.

On his middle finger, a lightning bolt suddenly appeared, directly piercing Meng Xiaotian’s head.

“Impossible, absolutely impossible!”

A hoarse voice came from Zhou Hua’s throat. He watched Meng Xiaotian, who had been pierced through his head, fall straight to the ground, and a trace of despair flashed in his heart.

And Meng Xiaotian didn’t understand until he died, why the man in front of him actually had this level of strength.

“I’m not mistaken. Senior Meng Xiaotian was killed by Xu Hai. Hasn’t he already reached the half-step transcendent level?”

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