Chapter 4 Differential Treatment

“It is a bit of praise for them to say that it is a warrior. One of my relatives is one of the people who chose Konoha Village back then. He is not much different from ordinary people now.”

In the talent tester, Xu Hai, who had closed his eyes, slowly opened his eyes, and deep in his eye sockets, a red light flashed slowly.

Finished test.

He slowly stepped off the talent tester, and beside him, those classmates who had a good relationship with him usually looked at Xu Hai with very puzzled eyes.

“Xu Hai, are you crazy? Why choose Konoha Village to fit? According to your talent, there should be many other choices.”

“Yes, did you choose the wrong one? Otherwise, let’s talk to the leader of the army and let you do another talent test.”

Xu Hai smiled and shook his head, without explaining anything.

In this world, Konoha Village is recognized by everyone as the first trash inheritance force.

Although Xu Hai didn’t know the reason, he knew that from the moment he chose Konoha Village, he had been labeled as having no future and broken brains.

Before his rise, no matter how he explained it, no one would believe it.

Rather than talking here, it’s better to leave time to think carefully about how your Sharingan should develop after it is inherited.

After he almost developed Sharingan, what the so-called four big villages, what Gaara these messy inheritance, to him, it is just a little shrimp under the Gundam robot.

Being able to turn on Susanoo’s Sharingan is just a little jealous of Rinnegan in the entire ninja world.

However, it is estimated that it will take a long time to get to this point.

Although Ninja Village is a junior dungeon, his potential is still great. If you want to develop Sharingan to the point of Susanoo, it is impossible to do it in three or five years.

However, as long as you can develop it yourself, it’s worth it.

“Xu Hai, your name is Xu Hai, right? I remember I said it many times before, telling you not to engage in these maverick things and go to Konoha Village to accept the inheritance. Do you think you are so proud and powerful? ”

The man with the national character face did not know when he squeezed out of the crowd. He looked at Xu Hai angrily, almost bursting into flames in his eyes.

He knew Xu Hai and knew that Xu Hai was the No. 1 in the college entrance examination of the whole province. Because of this, he felt double heartache.

In anger, he directly picked up Xu Hai’s collar and gritted his teeth and said to him: “Do you know how many resources are wasted every time the talent tester is activated?

The resources you need to activate the talent tester are the result of our soldiers fighting with their lives on the front line!

what about you! What are you doing! Xu Hai, are you here to be funny? ”

His anger almost condensed into substance, and a boiling breath emanated from his body, causing the nearby students to step back several steps in unison.

They knew that the man with the national character face in front of them was really angry.

But Xu Hai was very calm. He looked at the man with the Chinese character face and said, “This Instructor, I think no matter which inheritance it is, it has the potential to reach the top. This is what you said personally.”

The man with the national character face clenched his fists. If the person in front of him was not Xu Hai but a strange beast, he would have already beaten him down.

Although he said it by himself, he said it only to encourage students who may not have a high degree of fit. Why did Xu Hai listen to it?

Seeing the angry man with the Chinese character face in front of him, Xu Hai also flashed a warmth in his heart. After all, this person cares about him.

He explained: “Instructor, our exploration of Konoha Village is still at a very shallow stage. I did this this time to see if we can find a great Konoha Village heritage.

After all, the five villages of Jinmu, water, fire and soil should be equal. There is no reason why the other four villages are so strong, but Konoha Village is so rubbish. Are you right? ”

After speaking, he pushed aside the hand of the man with the Chinese character face, and then walked towards the depths of the copy, planning to go to Konoha Village to accept his inheritance.

“Niu ah niu ah, you deserve to be the No. 1 in the college entrance examination of our province, even if you get the inheritance qualification of Konoha Village, you can be so confident.”

A mocking voice came into Xu Hai’s ears. He turned his head and looked at it. It was the boy who had scored 97 points for the Legacy of the Kingdom of Thunder.

This person has the impression that he has been steadily suppressed by himself in the various cultural examinations before, so he has always been a little bit hostile to Xu Hai.

It seems that he has seized the opportunity now, and can’t wait to get angry with Yin and Yang.

“I thought that after getting the inheritance of Thunder Country, I could teach you a lesson, but I didn’t expect you to choose the inheritance of Konoha Village.

In this case, there is no need to teach you anymore. It is useless for you to study the garbage village for a lifetime. ”

Xu Hai chuckled and shook his head. He turned to look at the boy and said to him: “I remember that the Kingdom of Thunder is a very heroic country. It is true that a careful person like you can get the inheritance of the Kingdom of Thunder. It’s a bit ironic, Zhou Hua.”

After saying this, he walked directly towards the depths of the copy.

Zhou Hua’s face, who had been counterattacked by him, was gloomy and uncertain, and after a cold snort, he walked towards the teleportation point of the Kingdom of Thunder.

And just when Xu Hai and Zhou Hua were about to go to their respective inheritance points, a very dazzling score was hit on the public screen in the talent test.

One hundred points, Orochimaru.

Everyone present broke out in exclamation.

“My God, it’s the legendary, Orochimaru heritage!”

“Isn’t it said that there are only one or two people in each dungeon, and there will be this opportunity? And there seems to be no such inheritance in the previous three ninja village dungeons.”

“Yes, yes, my dad told me that this heritage of Orochimaru did not reappear three years ago, and even before, there were only a few people who were later used by the army. The genius who absorbed it.”

The military leader standing in front of the overall situation looked at the people who were talking about it below, and did not let his subordinates intervene.

Even he did not expect that this time the dungeon inheritance would actually have a hidden option like Orochimaru.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Xu Hai. When everyone is still amazed, he has already stepped into the teleportation point, and then according to the guidance of the previous talent tester, obtained the Sharingan at the Uchiha family inheritance location in Konoha Village inherited.

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