Chapter 3 Konoha Heritage

“The next classmate, Xu Hai.”

Finally it was Xu Hai’s turn. Several nearby students looked at him with interest after hearing his name. This is the first man in the province to enter the school in the cultural course. Even if he can’t compare with the previous ones, his results are quite amazing. Like the high degree of fit students, it is estimated that the scores are not bad.

Xu Hai stepped forward, and the talent tester shone two green lights on him.

When he got used to the light reaction, he found that he was no longer in the talent tester.

He stared blankly at the darkness around him, and muttered to himself somewhat curiously: “What’s wrong, why did I come to this place?”

The words are not finished yet, in the dark. There was a mechanized voice.

“Welcome to the talent tester, please select the attributes you want to test.”

Xu Hai stroked his chin. He didn’t expect that this talent tester could be chosen freely.

Seeing these familiar options in front of him, he did not hesitate to choose Konoha Village in the Land of Fire.

In fact, as a rule, after choosing a country and a village, you need to choose other inheritances in more detail.

But because the exploration of the dungeon is not perfect enough, some dungeons, such as this dungeon in Ninja Village, did not open this option.

This makes Xu Hai feel a little bit more fortunate. It seems that although the Human Race claims to have been exploring the dungeon of Ninja Village, it should still be at a preliminary stage. Otherwise, it is impossible to find the Sharingan and Senju clan. This inheritance of the Uzumaki clan.

He stretched slightly, then took a deep breath and said, “I don’t know if this is lucky or unlucky. It is obviously the strongest Konoha Village among the five villages, but it is regarded as the most trash by people in this world. That one, even those small villages can be lined up in front of Konoha.”

But he didn’t want to be a good person and talk about this matter.

He is just an ordinary college student. Even if he tells this matter, few people will believe it. It’s better to choose Konoha Village’s inheritance first, and then make achievements to make them take it seriously.

Taking a breath, Xu Hai let go of his spirit as stated in the document, let the light of the talent tester hit him, and began to test his talent fit with Konoha Village.

Soon, he felt that his body was in a violent rotation, and when he reacted again, the scene in front of him had become the Konoha Village he was familiar with.

Looking at the door of Konoha Village, Xu Hai’s originally hanging heart was also let go.

Originally, people in this world said Konoha was trash, but he thought that Konoha Village in this copy was not the one he had in mind.

But the familiar layout of the gates and streets reminded him of the bloody comic he had read.

This time, it’s stable.

When he was about to walk into Konoha’s gate, a ninja dressed in Chūnin costume stopped Xu Hai from going. He watched Xu Hai and said to him, “Are you an adventurer who chooses inheritance?”

Xu Hai nodded and said, “Yes, I want to accept Konoha Village’s inheritance.”

The Chūnin was surprised: “In my impression, it seems that adventurers rarely choose Konoha Village. In the past ten years, only a few adventurers have come here, and the fit is very low, and even had to give up about Konoha. inherited.”

Xu Hai looked at the man in front of him and fell silent.

The person in front of him is no one else, but Uzumaki Naruto’s teacher, Iruka.

This is a good opportunity to get good impressions. Right now, he directly held Iruka’s hand and said to Iruka: “I don’t know why I chose Konoha Village, but there is a voice in my heart telling me that I should belong to Konoha. ”

This sentence was plain and flat, but it made Iruka, who has always been easily incited, tears in his eyes.

He looked at Xu Hai, clenched his hands and said to him: “After so many years, someone has finally begun to pay attention to the heritage of our Konoha Village. This adventurer, which family in the village do you want to choose?”

Without hesitation, Xu Hai said, “I want to choose the Sharingan inheritance of the Uchiha family.”

Before Iruka could answer anything, a man wearing an Anbu mask walked out not far away.

He looked at Xu Hai who was a little stunned, smiled and said, “Very discerning.”

After this sentence was finished, Xu Hai felt dizzy again, and then a warm current poured into his eyes.

He knew that this time he should have made a lot of money.

“Congratulations, you have obtained the inheritance qualification from Konoha Village. Since the inheritance attribute is unknown, it is impossible to give a name. Please name it.”

Listening to the voice from the talent tester, Xu Hai almost felt like he was dreaming. He hesitated for a moment, and then said, “Sharingan.”

So far, this bug-level killer from Konoha Village was officially put into this world through Xu Hai.

And Xu Hai is also full of confidence in Sharingan’s stunt.

He believes that with Sharingan, he can definitely become famous in a short period of time.

Even the difference between him and the world’s top powerhouse is only time.

And just as he obtained Sharingan’s inheritance qualification and named Sharingan, the outside of the talent tester also flashed one after another.

The nearby students looked at the light and couldn’t help discussing with others: “Xu Hai, as our top pick, should get a very high score.”

“It’s not necessarily. The champion is the champion, and the talent test is a talent test. This thing has nothing to do with grades and everyone is equal.”

“Look! The talent test has scored.”

After hearing these words, everyone who was still discussing all looked at the talent tester Xu Hai walked in.

On that tester, a score slowly appeared.

One hundred points!

Everyone was shocked, but then two characters, Konoha, appeared.

The audience was silent, and after this brief silence, thunderous laughter erupted near Xu Hai.

Konoha Village, this is recognized by the entire planet as the most trash village in the ninja dungeon!

“Oh my god, is Xu Hai crazy? I heard him say to choose Konoha Village’s heritage before, I thought it was a joke.”

“Yes, I always thought Xu Hai wanted to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. I didn’t expect that he really became a pig.”

“I chose Konoha Village. Isn’t this a death hunt? I remember that the seniors who chose Konoha Village before are still only the lowest level of warriors. Isn’t there a famous one?”

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