Chapter 32-Breaking the Record

They had just learned from insiders that the portal of the valley map had been opened.

“You said, is there a military leader who has gotten into our students, otherwise it is impossible to get such good grades.”

“I also think that a high-level zombie is already very difficult for us to deal with. I can feel the trembling all over when I look at the intelligent zombie from a distance. In the valley map.”

“I heard that the teleportation point of the valley map is a group of intelligent zombies. If they really enter the valley map, ordinary students should be killed in an instant.”

If they can still afford to enter the rainforest map, then entering the valley map is really beyond their acceptance range.

As a result, many people began to suspect that the first place on the big screen was not a certain freshman, but a certain military master who had a lot of fun and mixed into the freshmen and wanted to see how many points he could get.

It’s not just them who have this suspicion. Even the big men of the military are full of doubts at this moment.

They even summoned all the masters who were stationed here in the military that were above the extraordinary level. After finding that there was no shortage of people, they ruled out the possibility of their own people coming in to score points.

“Isn’t there a quasi-marshal second generation in the fantasy map? Could this person help a certain freshman score?”

“Impossible, the second generation military is notoriously withdrawn. Let him help a freshman to get this kind of score. It’s better to let him fight with a marshal-level master. It is absolutely impossible for him.”

“Yes, I’ve been in contact with that Second Generation Army, and this person can be regarded as one of the strongest among the younger generation.

Even those big bosses in the military will be polite when they meet him. How can they help a freshman with no background? ”

Although I don’t know who the person who won the first place is, the fact that the first or second place is Xu Hai and Hao Rong is already a certainty.

Behind them, several people who are qualified to know the true information of the rankings are even more surprised.

If it was Hao Rong who got this kind of result, they could still think that it was some special treasure of the Hao Rong family, which could make her kill the Quartet in her dream.

But Xu Hai, an ordinary student with no family background, can really describe it as incredible when he gets this kind of heaven-defying grade that is ten times that of the second place.

“This first place, if not surprising, it should be Hao Rong. It is indeed a top genius who has accepted the hidden inheritance of Orochimaru. Even if he takes the auxiliary route, he can have such a strong combat effectiveness, awesome.”

“It has long been heard that although Hao Rong accepted Orochimaru’s inheritance, Jianzou Pianfeng did not follow the same path as other inheritance recipients. It seems that she has indeed chosen the right path today.”

“Yes, although other students who have accepted Orochimaru’s heritage are also geniuses, they are really dwarfed by Hao Rong. In time, Hao Rong should become the top powerhouse of Human Race.”

The teachers of the combat department are all talking enthusiastically. Although it is said that Hao Rong is not the only one in the dungeon at present, but they are familiar with the details of Xu Hai. Naturally, they will not regard a waste that has accepted the inheritance of Konoha Village as that. First place in heaven-defying scores.

Not far from them, Sun Qiang, who was holding the small screen in his hand, trembled slightly, and he could not even restrain his smile.

“This kid is too pervert, the science department hasn’t produced this kind of top genius in combat for many years.”

“The inheritance of Konoha Village… Is the inheritance of Konoha Village so perverted? Then how did the people who obtained the Konoha inheritance become like this? There is really no other ability, and the bad things are the same.”

“If this kid is there, then I will be more certain about applying to the principal for transfer to the scientific research department.”

“What are you looking at? Are you looking at the student in the science department who took second place?”

A combat teacher who had a fairly good relationship with Sun Qiang asked with some curiosity when he saw Sun Qiang’s expression like this.

Sun Qiang shook his head with a smile, and said nothing, but the teacher probably guessed why Sun Qiang was so happy.

Being able to play with Sun Qiang naturally knows Sun Qiang’s dedication to the scientific research department.

At this moment, someone in the Department of Scientific Research has won the second place. How could Sun Qiang be unhappy?

But to the point where he was happy, it did make him feel that there were some surprises, and it was not the first one, so he wouldn’t be so excited, right?

And Zhang Jian, who was not far away, had his entire face flushed.

Although the geniuses of the science department are very talented, the results obtained in the dungeon of the fantasy world are only barely able to see. In the past, it was very good to be in the top ten, and the top three is not to think about it.

But this time, Xu Hai, a student who is not even optimistic about him, won second place.

This is a great thing for him and for the entire scientific research department.

At this moment, a man in military uniform walked over to him and said, “This teacher, you are the head teacher of Xu Hai in the Department of Studies, right?”

Zhang Jian nodded.

“For me, it’s Zhang Jian, his head teacher, what’s the matter, do you have anything to do?”

“Oh, I think it’s like this classmate has such a good fighting talent. If he just stays in the Department of Scientific Research and engages in scientific research, it will be a little bit disqualified.

So I think that the military might be able to train this student jointly with the scientific research department. Normally, the compulsory courses in the scientific research department will not let him absent, but there are some unimportant elective courses, so we hope that the military can bring him. Do some training in combat skills.

This will not only ensure that you will not be dropped from your course, but also ensure that his combat talent can be used to achieve two goals with one stone. What do you think? ”

Zhang Jian was silent. This condition cannot be said to be unsatisfactory. Since ancient times, there have been very few students who can be jointly trained by the two giants of the military and the scientific research department.

If Xu Hai can seize this opportunity, then even if he obtains the inheritance of Konoha, he can definitely fly into the sky.

After all, isn’t Sun Qiang of the next-door combat system the best example?

And just when he wanted to give an answer, there was a sudden burst not far away. Excited voice: “Look! His score almost doubled.”

The people who were talking turned their heads and looked at the big screen, and saw that the first place, which was originally about 1,500 points, actually reached more than 2,900 points in an instant.

The audience was a sensation.

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