Chapter 31 The Valley

As soon as he entered the valley map, Xu Hai felt a tremendous amount of pressure.

This time, he was not directly confused by the illusion. After all, he had experienced this kind of scene three times. If he was confused again, it would be more or less embarrassing.

But in front of his eyes there appeared a scene that made him feel better than being confused by the illusion.

Here in the valley map portal, there are densely packed with zombies.

If it were ordinary zombies, it would be fine. It would be a big deal to kill them in one day or two days, but in front of him, they were all intelligent zombies with the level of the overlord.

In the distance from him, sharingan vaguely saw a figure with an aura that Xu Hai did not dare to look directly at. If there is no wrong judgment, it is at least a general level.

“Hey, doesn’t it mean that all those who have come to experience these days are all college students who have just been promoted to the university with good majors? How did this group of people get to the fourth floor?

No, it seems that there is only one person, and a student can actually run to the valley map. Is this good luck or strength heaven-defying? ”

The general-level powerhouse looked around Xu Hai with interest, but he did not fly over, because beside him, there were countless intelligent zombies.

And this kind of zombies can be regarded as the advanced version of these intelligent zombies around Xu Hai, and it can be regarded as the closest. The zombies at the level of the original Host of the T virus.

He sighed slightly, and started fighting with these zombies again.

During the fight, he did not forget to look in the direction of Xu Hai occasionally.

When he saw that there were seven or eight intelligent zombies lying beside Xu Hai in just a few minutes, he was stunned.

“No, it doesn’t matter if this kid can come to the valley map, he has solved several intelligent zombies in such a short time, even a soldier of the extraordinary level can’t do it?

What is the origin of this guy? Which family child? I don’t think there is such a pervert freshman. Could it be that he went to treasure the copy and gained a hidden inheritance? ”

Then the man scratched his head and said to himself:

“No, isn’t it only the little girl named Hao Rong from the Imperial Martial Arts University who has recently gained hidden inheritance?

I have read her information, it should be from an auxiliary department, and this person is obviously not that little girl. ”

In the distance, the man who was fighting with countless high-level zombies was full of shock at this moment.

He is a strong quasi-marshal level. Among his peers, no more than five can match him.

And even for him, in his new life, he could only hold on to the rainforest map for a while, and then he was eliminated.

The difference between the valley map and the rainforest map is not just a little bit. How strong is this kid to be able to come to the valley map alone.

“General Sun Jiancheng once said that the limit that students can enter during the freshman year is the rainforest map, and even if they enter, they cannot do anything. At most, they can survive on the rainforest map for a few minutes.

He was able to come to the valley map, should he be considered a record-breaking? And in this way, the marshal level face was hit indirectly, tusk. ”

He still remembers that after spending dozens of minutes on the rainforest map, he won the school award within a few days of coming out.

Even, General Sun Jiancheng personally presented him with a certificate of honor, which is still in his room.

As a result, he did not expect that in just over ten years, he witnessed a new born pervert to the limit.

This person not only broke into the valley map alone, but also killed more than a dozen intelligent zombies without killing a few top zombies.

This level of business is directly full:

“No, it’s not right, how do I feel that this kid is not consuming his energy at all, the more he fights, the more energy he gets.”

Originally, his plan was to open a big move to break through the siege and take this kid away, but when he found that this kid hadn’t consumed any physical strength while killing the zombies, he dismissed this idea and wanted to continue to observe. Let’s see how long Xu Hai can hold on.

This kind of pervert rebirth is really worth researching for him as a genius.

“Fuck, how did he do it? With so many wise zombies surrounded, he was able to escape.”

He was stunned, even if he was surrounded by so many wise zombies, he might not be able to escape so easily, right?

Even if this person is no more pervert, he is no more than a novice who has not entered the warrior. How can he do this?

Seeing Xu Hai running away, he sighed slightly, and then condensed a ball of light in his hand, smashing it directly towards a place with few zombies.

The zombies hit by the ball of light didn’t even scream, they turned into ashes.

Taking advantage of this gap, the quasi-marshal-level powerhouse quickly rushed out of the encirclement and flew in the direction where Xu Hai left.

For a pervert freshman like Xu Hai, if he can be recruited into the army, it will definitely be a great achievement.

Not long after flying, he saw Xu Hai’s figure, but after seeing this figure, he was stunned.

“No, I’m not mistaken, this kid is actually looking for the portal, is he crazy? He wants to enter the golden map, how do these teachers teach without warning students about such important things?”

This golden map was a forbidden area for people below the marshal level before it lost control. After losing control, even the marshal level did not dare to enter at will.

If such a new student enters, without even thinking about it, he will definitely fall into it and will never be able to escape.

At the moment, he immediately shot, intending to prevent Xu Hai from entering the portal.

But before he could take action, Xu Hai disappeared into the portal first.

“Fuck, he’s crazy, isn’t he looking for his own death! No, you have to report to your superiors and discuss this matter with them.”

In the large square of the dungeon, except for one or two, the scores of others have stopped updating.

Obviously, everyone except these two people has been eliminated.

As for the second place, although it hasn’t been eliminated, it hasn’t increased the score in one or two minutes as before.

Everyone judged that the current second place should have no physical strength to deal with the zombies, so he was in a state of grievance.

But unexpectedly, the score of the first place is still growing, and even growing faster and faster.

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