Chapter 25: Impossible!

“Speaking of which, do you think we humans are about to perish? You can’t hold it anymore?”

In his opinion, it is very incredible that Xu Hai can enter the desert map.

After preconceivedly treating Xu Hai as rubbish, Zhou Hua naturally does not feel that Xu Hai, like them, has overcome the illusion of himself.

After hearing his words, Xu Hai was stunned for a moment, then smiled, and did not pay attention to him, but looked at the tall girl and said, “Hello, my name is Xu Hai, from scientific research. Yeah, I think you all know me.”

He laughed at himself. He is now in tatters, even though there are no scars on his body, he is indeed a little embarrassed.

Hao Rong nodded, was about to speak, but was interrupted by a strange roar not far away.

Not far away, a huge zombie rushed towards everyone.

Xu Hai looked at the zombie, guessing that it should be regarded as a more powerful zombie in the desert map.

“Zhuangyuan Lang, don’t be scared to death by the zombies in front of you.”

“Oh, forget it, you don’t know who you are now, sorry, the champion.”

In Zhou Hua’s view, his current state is sober, but Xu Hai is still in a state of being confused by the illusion, not knowing who he is, and believing that mankind is going to perish.

“Unfortunately, if you still remember who I am, it’s meaningless to bully you here now in your state.”

Xu Hai is a bit funny. He didn’t expect that his influence on Zhou Hua was so great that he never forgot to find opportunities to mock himself in this environment.

“Trash, for the sake of alumni, I will help you this time. After all, we have so many combat students here. If you are still dead, they will definitely say that our combat students are not good enough. .”

Looking at Zhou Hua walking towards the zombie, Xu Hai narrowed his eyes.

Like this kind of zombie, he estimated that he would be able to solve it within three moves, and he didn’t know whether Zhou Hua would deal with this guy easily or effortlessly.

Of course, he is even more curious about the Raikage inheritance that Zhou Hua has obtained, and whether he can play 100% in this place.

When the zombie saw Zhou Hua walking towards him, he opened his mouth and bit towards Zhou Hua.

And Zhou Hua didn’t panic at all, a flash of thunder flashed on his hand, and then Zhou Hua disappeared in place.

When he appeared again, he had already come to the monster’s side.


This punch hit the zombie’s stomach firmly, but it didn’t beat the zombie back. Obviously, Zhou Hua’s power caused very limited damage to the zombie.

Seeing that his blow did not cause any harm to the zombie, he immediately retreated, and behind him, the tall girl before suddenly threw a hidden weapon similar to a shuriken at the zombie.

Xu Hai’s pupils shrunk slightly, and she accepted the tall girl inherited by Orochimaru. It stands to reason that she should be able to use Orochimaru’s various ninjutsu, but she chose to use hidden weapons, which can’t help but be a little strange.

But when the hidden weapon hit the monster. He would understand why this person would use hidden weapons.

Orochimaru is worthy of being a tech player. This shuriken is actually equipped with a bomb. It can be said that it is an enhanced version of the detonation talisman.

And just as the detonating shuriken exploded, a ray of light suddenly radiated from Hao Rong’s body.

This light shot from Hao Rong’s body to Zhou Hua, and Zhou Hua’s body became visible to the naked eye.

He glanced at Xu Hai confidently, then rushed towards the monster.

Obviously, the bombed monster still didn’t react at all. By the time he regained his sight, Zhou Hua had already come to him and hit his head with a punch.

This time, Zhou Hua, who had passed Hao Rong’s bonus, had a lot more power, but with just one punch, Zhou Hua’s head was smashed to pieces.

Looking at the monster killed by himself, Zhou Hua raised his eyebrows at Xu Hai and smiled and said, “Broken champion, how is my level? Is it much better than your Konoha Village inheritance?”

“It was one of the tricks in the inheritance of Raikage that I obtained just now. The highlight is the speed and power. You can kill this monster with at most two times.”

“It’s a pity, now you probably just think that I am an ordinary master, and you can’t feel the sense of gap.”

Seeing Xu Hai’s awkward look, Zhou Hua subconsciously thought that he was overwhelmed by his trick, and Xu Hai, who observed his expression, shook his head slightly.

He felt that Zhou Hua had been demoralized.

Ignoring Zhou Hua, he turned his head and glanced at Hao Rong next to him. In this world, there are very few auxiliary types of inheritance. Hao Rong can play Orochimaru’s comprehensive inheritance as an auxiliary type. A rare talent.

However, for Hao Rong, he just sighed in his heart, he didn’t have time to wrestle with this group of combat elements here.

After saying hello, he turned around and called to find the portal to the valley map. .

And just when he was about to leave, behind him, a zombie that didn’t know when appeared suddenly appeared.

“Zhuang Yuan Lang, there are zombies here.”

Zhou Hua pretended to shout to Xu Hai.

Xu Hai didn’t even look at it, and kicked behind him.

It was just a moment of effort, that zombie was kicked in Zhou Hua’s direction, and he originally wanted to bite Xu Hai’s throat, but also directly bit Zhou Hua’s body.

At the same time, two Tomoe’s Sharingan also appeared in Xu Hai’s eyes. This time, the appearance of zombies was not accidental.

obviously. Zhou Hua planned to use this zombie to plot against him from the very beginning.

Now, his perception is estimated to be comparable only to those who specialize in mental power. Like this map, no one is stronger than him, and these small movements are naturally easy to spot.

Originally, when he discovered the zombies, he wanted to remind the students of the combat department present, but when he thought that the strength of the zombies was not very strong, these students could cope with it, so he didn’t say anything.

But I didn’t expect that this zombie who didn’t know where it came from actually became Zhou Hua’s small method to deal with himself.

“Impossible! How could Xu Hai have such a strong power.”

Zhou Hua, who had just gotten rid of the zombies, had a face full of disbelief. He didn’t expect that Xu Hai could explode with such an astonishing power just now. This strength, even him, might not be able to hold it, right?

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