Chapter 24 Entering the Second Map

Under the influence of this almost desperate consciousness, Xu Hai didn’t control himself, and jumped to the vicinity of the monster, and then hit the monster with a punch.

And this punch did not give the monster a headshot, but knocked the monster to the ground.

But before the monster could react, Xu Hai’s fist appeared in front of him again.

Another punch!

After this, the zombie’s brain burst immediately, and there was no more life.

Not far away, other zombies who smelled the scent also surrounded Xu Hai.

Xu Hai’s eyes were red, looking at these zombies, he rushed in without hesitation.

I don’t know how long it took, Xu Hai sat staggered behind a wall in a ruin.

His body is densely covered with large and small wounds.

And the clothes I brought before were almost completely shattered.

Near him, one after another headless zombies lay quietly on the ground, motionless.

He shook his head tiredly and wanted to stand up, but at the moment when he was about to stand up, a somewhat mechanized sound came into his ears again.

“This is an illusion. Don’t be fooled by the illusion.”

“The ones you saw in school are true. If you don’t believe it, you can encourage the gems of fantasy to have a try.”

“The zombies you killed are just hallucinations you saw.”

On his chest, the illusion gems emitted a faint light, and Xu Hai, who was not very awake, suddenly widened his eyes, and his eyes turned blood red.

“Yes, this is an illusion. After opening Sharingan, I can break the limitations of these illusions on me.”

“Since this is an illusion, the wounds on my body shouldn’t limit my actions.”

At the moment when this thought flashed through his mind, the wounds on Xu Hai’s body that were all over his body suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, he felt that his tired body had returned to normal.

“My goodness, was I also affected by the illusion just now? I didn’t expect this illusion to be so powerful, but the second map has so much power.”

“If the second layer can already affect me who doesn’t turn on Sharingan, then this valley map and rainforest map, wouldn’t it directly make me sink in the illusion?”

Just as Xu Hai was thinking about these things, a strange sensation suddenly came in his eyes.

The violent anomaly made him cover his eyes, and he stood up again after a while.

And in his eyes, the original Tomoe slowly disappeared, replaced by two Tomoe.

Yes, Sharingan has evolved.

“This illusion copy is truly inexhaustible. I didn’t expect Sharingan to evolve to two Tomoe in such a short time.”

Xu Hai blinked, and a look of excitement burst out on his face.

Two Tomoe’s Sharingan, among the same age, can almost be said to be invincible in the world.

Under the influence of Sharingan and the Gems of Illusion, Xu Hai realized very clearly that he had just fallen into a hallucination just now, and was not really hurt.

This is also the biggest factor Xu Hai can recover in an instant after exhaustion.

It is precisely because this subconscious has stimulated Sharingan that Sharingan can evolve from one Tomoe to two Tomoe.

If this situation can be replicated several times, Xu Hai is confident that he can evolve his Sharingan to Mangekyō Sharingan in a short period of time.

“Although the various images in this illusion copy are just illusions, the battles I fought before were extremely realistic. In this case, it was almost cheating. It can guarantee that I am not life-threatening, and I can get a lot of Combat experience is simply killing two birds with one stone.”

Stretching, Xu Hai looked at the bracelet on his wrist and couldn’t help sighing, “I didn’t expect this bracelet to be so realistic in the fantasy world.”

He tapped a few times on his wrist, and then a data appeared in the bracelet that made him feel stunned.

The strength value is still the same as before, only 13 points. After all, in the fantasy world, he has no way to improve his physical fitness, but his mental power directly broke through to 30 points.

“My God! Mental strength at 30 o’clock, even those formal warriors, the mental strength is only this level.”

Originally there was only one Tomoe, Xu Hai felt a little bit mysterious to enter the third level, but now that Sharingan has evolved, even if it enters the fourth level, Xu Hai is confident that he can escape from the illusion.

Now, it’s time to continue looking for the portal.

This evolution gave Xu Hai a little more assurance. He felt that if he entered the first-level island map, he would be able to see through the illusion that this map gave him in an instant.

In the desert map, Xu Hai is constantly shuttling between the various buildings.

At this moment, he is looking for different buildings according to his memory of the desert map, in order to find the portal to enter the rainforest map.

By now, he has been searching for about four or five hours

“Hey, it seems there should be no portal in this place either.”

After searching an area, he sighed slightly. The portal of this desert map seemed to be more difficult to find than the previous island map.

And just when he was about to leave this place, he suddenly heard a sound of footsteps.

Looking back, he found that behind him, a group of students from the combat department had actually come over.

Those combat students were also a little surprised when they saw Xu Hai. They never thought that Xu Hai, who just accepted the waste of the Konoha Village inheritance, could actually come to the desert map alone, and it seems that they have spent more time here than they did. People are still long.

“Hello, my name is Hao Rong, have you separated from your companion?”

Among the crowd, the tall girl saw Xu Hai and was stunned for a moment, then stepped forward to ask.

“Hao Rong, what are you doing talking to that trash.”

Behind him, Zhou Hua saw Hao Rong take the initiative to talk to Xu Hai, and felt a little bit angry.

Usually, this woman is always indifferent to herself, but today she took the initiative to speak to a trash who has accepted Konoha Village’s heritage?

“Hey, isn’t this our number one champion? You said it was a coincidence that you didn’t dare to show up when looking for you outside. Here, a person was met by so many of us, fate.”

He looked at Xu Hai, who was covered in blood, and smiled mockingly.

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