Chapter 165

Although his strength is not strong among the students at the same level, his combat power index and thinking ability are indeed a higher level in the face of these freshmen.

And, during the time he became the captain, he also established a certain level of majesty that belonged to the captain.

So now he is a veritable captain for others.

So after hearing Wang Xiuwei’s words, these people also forcibly suppressed the fear in their hearts and began to prepare to evacuate in an orderly manner.

However, these strange beasts did not give them a chance to evacuate, and before they could go out, the gate of this base was directly knocked open by the strange beasts.

A large number of strange beasts watched the door that was knocked open constantly impacted inside. In the base, those buildings under the iron hooves of the strange beasts seemed extremely fragile.

After hearing the sound of the strange beast coming in, everyone who was still calm began to panic.

“Oops, these strange beasts have already come in.”

“What to do? We seem to have nowhere to run.”

“Damn it, or else we and these strange beasts will do their best fortune, anyway, if there is a teacher, we won’t be able to die.”

Among the people present, some began to cringe because of panic, and some were more violent and planned to fight these strange beasts hard.

“Next we go to the top of the building. There should be no alien beasts on the top of the building. Let’s break through from that place and leave the base.”

Hearing this, everyone immediately showed a look of surprise.

There must be no way to walk over the gate, and it will take a long time to open other parts of the base, so the roof becomes the best place for the entire base to break through.

It can be said that the best way that can be thought of at this time is to break through the roof.

Ever since, everyone began to follow Wang Xiuwei’s command and arrived at the top of the building in an orderly manner.

Soon, they came to the top of the building.

At this moment, the scenery outside the base has all been captured by them.

On the ground not far from them, a group of strange beasts of different strengths crowded here, densely packed like locusts crossing the border.

After seeing this scene, all the faces paled with fright.

“Go to the left, the number of strange animals in that place is the least, and the probability of us going out is the greatest.”

Wang Xiuwei walked in the forefront, choosing a place that seemed easier to break through.

He was not very desperate in his heart. After all, he had just observed it. Although there were a lot of alien beasts, the strength was not as strong as he thought.

Many strange beasts have at most three or four hundred points in terms of combat power index, and they are a bit stronger than ordinary warriors.

However, at least the students who can enter the second round of the competition are students with a combat power index of 700 points, and the transcendent level is everywhere, so although everyone is surrounded by these strange beasts, when they really break through Did not spend too much effort.

Even after a successful breakout, they found that the loss this time was significantly smaller than the previous time.

Not only was no one seriously injured, no one was even left behind.

The only problem is that all the energy in the human body is somewhat deficient.

After all, although the levels of these alien beasts are not very high, they are indeed too many.

It’s normal to be exhausted and able to break through.

Even Wang Xiuwei herself felt out of breath at the moment.

However, looking at the boundary of the poison ring that was tens of meters away from them and the strange beasts in the poison ring, the members of Wang Xiuwei’s team finally sat down on the ground and began to whisper.

“Oh my god, we finally returned to the safe zone and scared me to death.”

“It was so exciting just now, how can you suddenly shrink the poison?”

“Okay, well, let’s go to Xu Hai as soon as possible. I don’t want to participate in this scary competition anymore.”

Everyone took a break, and then walked towards the center of the circle.

However, they soon found that they had reached a very familiar place.

“Hey? Isn’t this place over the bridge?”

When Wang Xiuwei heard this, he also looked in the direction pointed by the player’s finger.

This is indeed one of the two bridges in the competition venue. Although they said they have not been there much, they are very familiar with this place.

After all, after Xu Hai invented the bridge-blocking tactics, this place became one of the most popular battlefields in the entire game.

After seeing the bridge, Wang Xiuwei, who was planning to search for Xu Hai in the past, also became a little wary.

“You two, go ahead and see if there is anyone blocking the bridge over there.”

“Be careful. If Xu Hai is in this place, he will run away immediately. We will come to meet you at that time.”

The two people nodded when they heard it, and then walked cautiously in the direction of the bridge.

At this time, Xu Hai was lying in a clearing on the shore and was constantly trying to use his Sharingan to kill the seal left on the skill.

“This skill is pretty good, but the seal on it is so hard to break.”

“Although it is said that there is no immortal board with a spiral shuriken, this ordinary version seems to be pretty good, and Sharingan seems to perfectly solve the drawback of it can hurt your hands.”

Xu Hai raised his hands, and then, a Rasengan resembling a shuriken was slowly squeezed out of his hands.

He looked at his spiral shuriken with curiosity in his eyes.

“Then let me try how powerful Naruto’s trick is.”

He smiled slightly, and then threw the spiral shuriken towards an empty place.


In the direction where he threw the spiral shuriken, a scream sounded abruptly.

Xu Hai followed the voice and looked over, and saw a general-level teacher standing not far away. In his hand, there was a figure who had been beaten to a faint.

The teacher looked at Xu Hai and hesitated for a while and said, “If you really hit him with the skill you just now, he would basically have no chance of being alive, so I took action to help him block yours. A skill, but you can rest assured, I will count him as directly eliminated.”

The teacher clenched his fist, his heart was full of shock.

At this moment, his palm was filled with a faint breath of blood.

This is the wound left by blocking Xu Hai’s spiral shuriken.

Without his help this time, the hapless guy who was almost hit by Xu Hai probably wouldn’t even be able to keep the whole body.

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