Chapter 164

Wang Xiuwei didn’t have too many high-light bullets, and the effect could only last for a short while. If you don’t take advantage of this opportunity quickly, then you might be wasting the high-light bullets in vain.

Moreover, once the other party has any countermeasures, it is difficult for oneself to have the opportunity to organize such a smooth escape for the second time.

And after seeing Wang Xiuwei and others thinking about running away, those who attacked them also instantly used their various skills.

In an instant, in the small woods, all kinds of blasting sounds sounded together.

Wang Xiuwei is okay, his strength is very strong, so it is easy to avoid these attacks, but his teammates are not so lucky.

Many people have suffered serious injuries under the influence of these indiscriminate attacks, and some of the more severe ones even lie on the spot without knowing their life or death.

Looking at the situation, the teachers in charge of rescue nearby began to hesitate whether to go to rescue now.

After all, if they shoot now, they will definitely need to help Wang Xiuwei and their skills to block this side, but strictly speaking, this is against the rules of the game.

Although their duty is to try to ensure that students do not suffer fatal injuries, but their more important task is to maintain the stability of the rules of the game.

“Okay, let’s get ready to go out for rescue, anyway, see that Wang Xiuwei has accomplished his goal.”

Looking at the pedestrian Wang Xiuwei who was about to enter the original base, the faces of the teachers were not very good. They were so shrewd, it was natural to see that Wang Xiuwei intended to use the people behind as targets to help them get rid of the fire.

The other teachers looked at the leading teacher and nodded. They looked at each other and quickly stopped the attack from others, and then took the wounded out.

“This Wang Xiuwei is really cruel. Even if his team members are rescued, they will lose most of their cultivation bases. He really followed the wrong person.”

The teacher in charge of the rescue sighed, but there was no way. After all, Wang Xiuwei’s doing this was strictly allowed within the rules. Even if he couldn’t understand it, he could only verbally condemn it.

In the base, most of Wang Xiuwei’s subordinates were also seriously injured, and only a few powerful people were barely unscathed.

“Give everyone these medical supplies to heal your injuries quickly, and we will pick up the rest in a while.”

Wang Xiuwei’s expression was a bit ugly. The team that was good at first had lost one third of its combat effectiveness. Those four or five support players were eliminated directly. This was a great loss for him.

“Damn, these accounts have to be counted on Xu Hai.”

If it wasn’t for Xu Hai, how could he have paid such a high price and encountered such a difficult predicament?

After doing all these things, Wang Xiuwei took the uninjured people to look for those who helped them with fire cover.

The current team has suffered a lot of casualties. If there are problems with those who cover them, then the combat effectiveness of this team is estimated to be only 60% of the original.

With this configuration, whether Xu Hai can be killed, Wang Xiuwei feels a little suspended.

Now he is trying his best to preserve the fighting ability of this team.

After killing Xu Hai, the team’s course of action will have nothing to do with him.

Under the cover of people like Wang Xiuwei, the team members who attracted firepower finally managed to return to the base. Although they were also injured, the injuries were not very serious.

After all, when Wang Xiuwei and the others fled just now, most of the people’s attention was still on their large unit, and these people who attracted firepower escaped because of this.

“I finally ran out. I didn’t expect so many people around our base.”

“It’s weird, why should they hide in the woods? Shouldn’t they look for skills?”

“We have been observing this place for a long time. Why didn’t we find them at all? They didn’t just come here, right?”

“Boss, or let’s not go out first, now going out is almost a dead end.”

“Yes, boss, I agree with this proposal.”

In the base, almost everyone began to feel a little timid.

They don’t understand why so many people gather in this place where materials are not rich.

Fortunately, with this base supporting it now, there shouldn’t be much problem in a short time.

However, the good times did not last long. Just when they felt that they were not in danger, a violent roar suddenly came from not far away.

“It’s weird, where did this sound come from? I don’t think there are any strange animals nearby.”

“What’s the sound? I didn’t hear it. Did your injury just cause auditory hallucinations.”

The original roaring sound was not a lot, so only a few people with more sensitive hearing could hear it, but gradually, the sound began to grow louder and denser.

In the end, the roar of a large number of beasts came from near the base.

At this time, they really realized that those people just now were not auditory hallucinations, and there were indeed sounds of strange beasts nearby.

At the same time, the nearby light seemed to turn into a faint blue, and there was also a smell of strange and familiar smell in the air.

“The poison is shrunk! The poison is shrunk here!”

Until this time, all the people suddenly realized that the factory they were in was no longer a safety zone.

“Oh my God, how can I shrink my poison at this time? It’s too unlucky.”

“We’ve just encountered this kind of thing just after healing here, it’s too unlucky.”

“Run, if you don’t run anymore, all of us will be eliminated.”

“But we just thought about not leaving the base.”

“Can you stop the yin and yang? When is this? If you don’t run away, wait for the poison circle to shrink again, and we will really be eliminated.”

Suddenly, the originally well-ordered base turned into a chaotic pot of porridge in an instant, and everyone began to hurriedly pack their things and prepare to leave.

After all, they can still break through in an ambush, but if they are surrounded by the poison ring and the alien beasts inside, then this time the game will really end.

“Calm down, everyone, when you evacuate, you must pay attention to order and not separate.

Once separated, if we run into those strange beasts in the poison zone, we really have no chance to leave. ”

In the panic, Wang Xiuwei’s voice also rang in everyone’s ears.

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