I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 782: Among the stone chambers

Ji Han also deliberately searched to see if there was any information related to Kiryu, but he also found nothing.

I also fantasized about whether that guy might be the kid who escaped from here, but it seems wrong to think about it. His game skills are higher than his own, so he shouldn't be one of those kids, and there is no one here. information about him.

Chen Ke, who searched the red file cabinet, said curiously:

"Strange, there is no Steven Rockefeller file in it."

Hearing this, everyone was a little curious, and Eggplant reminded:

"Isn't that guy dead? In other words, maybe he didn't wait until his organs matured?"

Chen Ke was puzzled and said:

"That's not right, he is the builder of this building, and he must be a participant in this matter. As the first group of people who planned this matter, how could he not catch up with the organ transplant?

But I also didn't find his personal information in the green unfinished medical examination report, either his personal information is not here, or he changed his name secretly, but it may not be easy to know.

I remember that his son Albert Rockefeller seemed to say that his father would not let anyone, including him, enter the building again. I think the guy died trying to make a good name for himself .

If the truth here is revealed, it is estimated that the guy's tombstone will have to be poked out. "

Song Qian asked:

"Although my father didn't ask me to come in, do you think his son, that is, the Albert Rockefeller we saw, knows anything about this place?"

Ji Han analyzed:

"I guess there is a high probability that he doesn't know. After all, if the things here are exposed, he will be greatly affected, and he will definitely not agree to us coming in."

Eggplant reminded:

"Don't be too optimistic. After seeing the human nature here, I can't trust those people easily. Maybe it's because he knows that we come in and he will never get out."

Chen Ke also scanned the documents, and the four of them confirmed that there were no other clues before leaving the file room and continuing down.

Looking at the corpses of those doctors and nurses on the ground now, I don't have so many emotions. It is definitely unrealistic to say that they know nothing about the situation here. The only thing that is uncertain is whether they are voluntary or forced.

Continuing down the stairs, Eggplant couldn't help complaining:

"After figuring out the truth about them here, I really don't know what will break the bottom line."

Song Qian guessed:

"Maybe there will be cold storage to preserve organs or corpses."

Chen Ke retorted:

"I don't think there is any need for a cold storage or something. Generally, the time for organ transplantation is best within four hours. Since they can use this method, they will definitely not waste time on preservation, and the other parts of those children will not be preserved." value."

Going down the stairs, there was another opened copper door, and there were still more than a dozen corpses lying in a mess inside, but this time those corpses were not medical staff, but protective personnel with live ammunition.

It can be seen that Steven considered quite well when building this building.

These armed guards can not only ensure that those children cannot escape, but also ensure that they can withstand the attacks of monsters in the other world.

Eggplant made a simple inspection of the armed men who fell on the ground, and then said in confusion:

"Strange, are these guys recruits? It looks like they were killed standing there, not to mention the formation, and there are not many people who even draw their guns."

Chen Ke replied:

"Maybe what they met was not a human being, brother eggplant. Look at them, they don't even have bullet holes, unless they were poisoned, but they don't look like they died."

The entire floor is the residence of those defense personnel, and there is nothing of value.

After confirming that the weapons on their bodies were of no use, the four of them returned to the stairwell and shone down with the flashlight through the window.

When I found that there were still two floors below, I saw the open space in front of the building, which is also the place where everyone saw someone jumping from the space-time compass.

The child who jumped must know the truth at the end, but these are not a problem for those rich people, the big deal is to re-bred another one, anyway, it won't take long.

With final doubts and mental preparations for time-space teleportation, Ji Han and the others came to the second floor.

Unexpectedly, the two floors below are actually connected, the stairs are built in the center of the wall, and the door here is also different from the one above, it is actually a thick bluestone door.

Eggplant scolded:

"This grandson is a door seller, right? Changing doors in different ways."

Ji Han looked at the brighter space-time compass and guessed:

"Maybe the time ring is inside. That time ring can really speed up the flow of time as we imagined. They may be afraid that the metal and wooden doors will be affected."

Ji Han first poked his wrist with the watch in. After all, time is ruthless. Although A-Dong said that they would not be affected by the time ring because they were affected by the divine pillar, it's better to be safe.

After all, no one wants to be called Uncle from Pretty Boy overnight for no reason. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

However, the watch in their hands did not show any signs of acceleration, and they entered close to the crack of the door. Under the light of the flashlight, the four found that the place was like a combination of ruins and mines.

There are almost no traces of decoration around, and it may be that the traces of decoration have been eliminated by the ability of the time ring.

There is no artificial wall on the side of the canyon opposite to the window, but only a protruding natural stone wall, as if a huge electric drill is about to come out of the mountain.

In addition, the ground in front of the "stone drill bit" collapsed into a big hole, only the ground around it was relatively stable. It is not known why the collapse occurred.

With a flashlight, it can barely illuminate the bottom, and it seems that there is still space.

Ji Han threw a lighting stick down, and through the white light, he could see the lower layer.

Right below the collapsed place, you can see the falling gravel and a huge long bluestone slab, which seems to have fallen from above.

And there are several iron cages and iron beds around the fallen stone slab, which looks more like a prison cell. I don't know if there is a deeper basement below.

Afraid of another collapse, the four of them carefully entered the stone room against the wall.

After figuring out the general situation here, Ji Han began to approach the "stone drill bit" protruding from the wall where the time ring might be placed.

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