I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 781: bloody truth

Chen Ke opened the physical examination report, and quickly turned to the result page with trembling hands. Seeing the final result, Chen Ke didn't hold the physical examination report in his hand like an electric shock, and let it fall to the ground.

Seeing Chen Ke's panicked expression, Song Qian stepped forward to gently support Chen Ke's head and said:

"Chen Ke? Are you okay? Hello?"

"I...I'm okay, haven't you reacted yet?"

Everyone was a little confused by this question, Ji Han picked up the physical examination report that fell on the floor.

It is still the same as what I saw just now. It is also a father and son. The child is in good health and the father has health problems. The only difference from the report I just saw is that there is a new report sandwiched in the last one.

In that report, the body of the child's father miraculously recovered.

When Ji Han saw the sentence "There is no rejection, and the organs are growing normally", he finally understood why Chen Ke had such a reaction.

I also understood what the truth I had been vaguely aware of before.

But even though the evidence was in his own hands, Ji Han still couldn't believe that they could do such a thing.

Song Qian and Qiezi accepted the medical examination report from Ji Han and understood the truth. Everyone was in disbelief.

But the fact is almost in front of his eyes, Ji Han frowned and said:

"It's an organ transplant. Those rich people have no intention of letting these children go out. These children are just spare organs for their rich parents."

Although I haven't seen any direct evidence yet, everything I saw just now seems to make sense.

The reason why this building was built in such a remote place before is that this matter is simply inhumane, and no outsiders must be allowed to know about it.

Exam those kids, just to make sure there's nothing wrong with their bodies.

When using the ring to accelerate growth, it is not for them to grow up as soon as possible and go back to inherit the family property, but only for the organs in their bodies to mature and use as soon as possible.

After all, the bodies of those wealthy people have almost collapsed. For suitable organ donors, they must not wait more than ten years, so they came up with this perverted method.

And in order to be able to prolong their lives, they naturally do not hesitate to use all the resources in their hands.

The children's activity area is completely isolated from top to bottom, probably because they are afraid that the children will find out the truth by accident.

Letting them live together with such anticipation is sure to be convenient for the managers here to manage.

The reason why they choose such random names for the children is probably because they don’t have any feelings for these children, they just regard them as their own belongings, just like the plants planted in the vegetable garden, and they just look forward to the day when they are ripe to pick the fruits.

And the story of those children that their parents will come to pick them up is of course also a lie.

When the time comes, they may indeed be able to see their parents, but it will be the last time of their lives. Even if some organ donations will not kill them, those rich people will never allow these children to live in this world.

The complete medical facilities in the entire building are not prepared for those children, but to ensure the smooth progress of the operation.

At this time, Ji Han finally understood why he had that weird feeling when he saw the operating table before.

Because too many people may have died on it.

The reason why they didn't form a wraith is probably because they didn't even know about their imminent death.

Thinking of what they saw before, the hearts of the four felt even heavier.

The children who missed their parents and looked forward to seeing each other were engraved on those wooden beds. They may have never figured out what was going on until they died. Maybe they thought that after an anesthetic passed, they would be able to go out to see their relatives.

Looking at the red filing cabinets in front of them, the four of them felt even more depressed, because every successful case in it represented the loss of a child's life.

Chen Ke was in the orphanage before he entered the alien guard, so he was even more touched by seeing these.

After discovering the truth, the four of them were silent for a minute, and no one spoke.

It was Eggplant who broke the silence first:

"Okay, I didn't expect those guys to have such a low bottom line as humans. Compared with them, those monsters in the other world seem much more naive."

In fact, as Eggplant said, Ji Han felt the same way.

When encountering those monsters, no matter how terrifying and bloody, it is only a visual impact.

And those who did the **** things in front of them were all real people. This kind of behavior is no different from cannibalism, and the ones who "eat" are still their own children.

It seems that Steven Rockefeller is not just as simple as gold and jade on the outside, but a mess on the inside.

That guy is simply a wolf in human clothing.

Song Qian suggested:

"The evidence of these crimes must be brought out to expose their crimes."

Eggplant reminded:

"How to expose it? All the evidence is in the other world. Is it possible to announce the existence of the other world to the world? It is estimated that the International Federation can take care of this matter, but it is not sure whether they will clean up with these rich asses."

Ji Han didn't reply, but patted Chen Ke, who was a little lost, and said:

"Anyway, first try to take pictures as evidence, and then take some out, report or deal with things that you worry about when you go out~www.wuxiamtl.com~ It's not that there is no evidence at all, maybe there are still living witnesses out there .”

Everyone remembered what the girl's wraith said. According to her, someone must have left here with other children.

And that person must have told the children the truth here, so he was able to persuade most of the children to leave with him.

It is not known whether that person was one of the children or a staff member found here with conscience.

However, the unfinished files in the green cabinet are still there, which means that the children escaped successfully. Perhaps the deaths of the doctors, nurses and guards outside are also related to the children's escape.

Chen Ke asked while recording the materials in the cabinet:

"Brother Ji, I have a question. Could it be us who rescued these children?"

Eggplant shook his head and said:

"Probably not. I don't think the fatal injuries suffered by those guards and doctors were done by us, but by other people."

Ji Han naturally understood what Chen Ke meant. This was the case last time in the small town of Bled. In the end, it was the four of Ji Han who traveled back and the other people from that timeline that destroyed the town.

This time it was obvious that someone who knew the truth of the matter rescued those children, which fit the situation of the four of them.

Ji Han thought about it:

"I can't confirm whether it has something to do with us, but I don't think there is any need to worry, because since the result of someone saving them has already happened, the result will be the same whether we go back to help or not."



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