I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 247: Thunder 9 sons

Remember in a second【】

Although Ji Han hesitated in his heart, he had already put his palm on it.

As Captain Cui Feng's body was gradually covered by golden light, the signs of life on her body were also gradually recovering.

In the eyes of everyone present, this magical moment did not last long before the golden light burst.

The shining golden light made everyone look sideways, and when the golden light dissipated, everyone saw Captain Cui Feng sitting up from the medicine cabinet.

The previous horrible penetrating wounds were gone, and his complexion had returned to its usual luster. He was wearing white medical casual clothes that had been replaced by the fourth team before.

Cui Feng sat up and looked at the clothes on his body first, then subconsciously checked his chest.

Scratching his head, he looked at Ji Han, Song Qian, Eggplant, Chen Ke, Wang Cai, Ji Mo and others behind him.

Seeing everyone looking at him with surprise on their faces, as if seeing a vegetative person who woke up after being paralyzed for decades, Cui Feng looked puzzled and said:

"I... what's wrong with me? Why are you all here? Aren't you performing the mission of the divine pillar?"

Ji Hanxin said, good guy, it's amazing that he is still thinking about the mission after being resurrected from the dead.

Wang Cai's expression management was the most out of control, he grabbed Cui Feng's shoulder excitedly and shook:

"You're really alive! Cui Feng, you're really alive!"

Cui Feng was a little puzzled at first, but when he was shaken by Wang Cai, he pushed back and said:

"What's the matter with you all? What happened?"

Cui Feng only remembered that everyone was fighting fiercely with the members of the Consciousness Only Society in the sea, but he really couldn't remember what happened afterwards.

Only then did Wang Cai tell the story of her being pierced through by Aunt Pan and being severely injured together with Ji Han.

And later she was completely dead, but Ji Han had a way to revive her, so he led a team to Changbai Mountain to get the divine pillar in order to revive her, but was almost wiped out by a surprise attack by the Consciousness Only Society.

Ji Han and the others just came back, so they came here to revive her first.

At first, Cui Feng didn't believe it, how could there be resurrection from the dead? But when she saw the medical records and internal medical certificates next to her, especially the horrible penetrating wound on her chest and herself in a corpse state.

The scene of being pierced by Aunt Pan in the sea that day gradually emerged in Cui Feng's mind.

Only then did Wang Cai fully believe what he said.

Looking back at Ji Han, he said:

"It's unbelievable that you still have this kind of ability. No matter how you say it, I, Cui Feng, owe you my life for such a great kindness from death to resurrection."

Ji Han waved his hand and said:

"Captain Cui Feng, don't be polite. If you didn't help me block that blow, I might be the one who died. I can only say that I paid back what I owed."

"Resisting for you is the mission requirement of protecting you. That's what I should do. You don't owe me. I will remember such a great kindness of resurrection."

Ji Han was too embarrassed to evade, so he changed the subject and said:

"Actually, the one who cares most about your life and death is always Captain Wang Cai. He is a corpse guarding you."

On the contrary, Wang Cai felt a little embarrassed:

"I... I don't, it's just a concern among colleagues."

It seemed that because he was too familiar with Wang Cai, Cui Feng was not polite to Wang Cai, but turned to stare at him, and said with a smile:

"You silly dog, you know how to do stupid things."

Song Qian reminded:

"Since Captain Cui Feng has been resurrected, let's tell everyone? This must be a surprise for the captains of the Alien Guard!"

Wang Cai also agreed, but Ji Han stopped him:

"Wait a minute, this matter has to be discussed in the long run, and we can't tell everyone."

Cui Feng realized it himself, and responded:

"Are you afraid that the news will be known by the traitor?"

Ji Han nodded and said:

"In fact, it's not just that. The key point is that the members of the Consciousness-only Society will definitely not know that Captain Cui Feng was resurrected. Then we can make good use of this and turn passive into active."

Eggplant immediately understood what Ji Han meant, and said thoughtfully:

Gu/span "You mean, let Cui Feng be a surprise soldier and counterattack the Consciousness-only Society at critical moments?"

"That's right, it's rare to hide something from the Consciousness-Only Society. I think we should make good use of it."

Song Qian also reacted and agreed with Ji Han's opinion.

Cui Feng also agreed.

Ji Han added:

"Then I will trouble Captain Cui to live in the seventh team first, and please Captain Wang Cai to help hide it, and don't let the other captains find out for the time being."

"Ok, no problem."

Eggplant smirked and said:

"I said Wang Dui, do you count as a golden house?"

Straight Captain Wang Cai was a little embarrassed when asked, and replied:

"How can you defile people's innocence out of thin air? This is obviously a job task."

Now that everyone has reached an agreement, Cui Feng was just about to stand up and change clothes, but seeing Captain Cui Feng stand up, but no pearls fell off his body, Ji Han panicked a bit.

Because he remembered the Jiuqiao Dingyanzhu that the medical staff had placed on Cui Dui before.

Standing up like this, it didn't fall down, could it be stuffed in?

Ji Han carefully asked:

"Captain Cui, do you feel any discomfort or foreign body sensation in your body?"

Cui Feng frowned:

"I don't have any foreign body sensation. If I have to say it, I feel like my stomach is grumbling.

Dear, this chapter is not finished, there is another page ^0^

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