I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 226: Revive Cui Feng

Remember in a second【】

Seeing the flames bursting up suddenly, enveloping Ji Han and the captain, Song Qian and the others were even more worried.

In the flames, the captain was also a little surprised, because although he tried his best to control the bursting flames, Ji Han didn't seem to suffer any harm in the face of the burning flames.

This kid still has the physique to resist the flames?

Thinking about it, he released Lie Yan to expel the flames in Ji Han's body with more confidence.

Ji Han believed that he had the best fire mouse fur, which could resist the attack of external flames, so he was relieved to ask the captain to heal him with raging fire.

As the flames erupting from the captain's hands became more and more concentrated, Ji Han felt that in addition to the two evil fires that had been fighting fiercely, a third force appeared in his chest.

It was the flames released by the captain.

When Ji Han closed his eyes, he could feel it with his heart: the captain's flame was gradually separating the yin and yang evil fires in his body, and gradually enveloping the yang end with the exorcism golden flame.


As the captain suddenly pulled his hand away from Ji Han's chest, the flames he released were gradually sucked back into his hand.

Wrapped in the flames is the exorcism golden flame that was taken out of Ji Han's body.

As the golden flames were all drawn away, Ji Han also felt the pain in his chest gradually disappear, as if someone had taken off his old lung suffering from lung cancer and replaced it with a new one.

The game interface also popped up in front of you:

It seems that the combination of Wraith Bone Fire and Thousand Corpse Soul Surrounding used before has not been perfectly integrated, so this time it should be strengthened.

Since he was going to start again, Ji Han just wanted to check the props he had obtained before, but the game interface suddenly went black, and he also passed out.

Seeing Lie Yan being sucked away by the captain, Ji Han didn't stand up, and everyone gathered over worried.

The captain lowered his head to check the situation, and Ji Mo asked with red eyes:

"Grandpa, how is my brother doing now?"

"Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with this kid. It's just that he was exhausted from too much energy before, and another evil fire of the yin attribute in his body suddenly surged up, which caused him to faint. Take a good rest, and he should have a good rest tomorrow. It'll be fine."

When everyone heard this, they were relieved.

Ji Han didn't open his eyes until early the next morning, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Ji Mo lying beside the bed holding his hand.

I still remember that when Ji Mo was just sick, she was already asleep when she came back from her part-time job.

At that time, he held her hand like this, lying beside her bed.

Before, I was always worried about her safety, but fortunately, Liu Dan was always escorting me.

Now that Ji Mo has been involved, I'm afraid I can no longer think about taking her to avoid these things.

This is still the team building of the tenth team. Turning his head and looking at the back, Chen Ke and Eggplant are sleeping soundly on a bed each.

Song Qian pushed the door in with breakfast, saw that Ji Han had woken up, the two looked at each other and smiled.

Ji Han wanted to get out of bed so as not to wake Ji Mo up, but her little hands were too tightly clenched, so she finally woke up.

"Brother, are you finally awake? Are you all right?"

Although the sound was not loud, the eggplant, who was still a little alert, was awakened. He suddenly raised his head and bumped against the bed frame. The sound of "bang" just woke up Chen Ke next to him.

Seeing that everyone in the room was woken up by him, Ji Han had no choice but to ask everyone to go out for breakfast.

After a good night's sleep, everyone's mental state has basically recovered.

After all, the day before, I went over the mountains to fight monsters to get the magic pillar, and even fought to the death with the guys from the Consciousness Only Society. The amount of exercise was really too much, and I was exhausted physically and mentally.

While eating breakfast, Song Qian also told everyone about the return of the captains from the Alps.

Gu/span Jihan smiled bitterly and said:

"Those captains were deceived by me and went around in a big circle. They don't want to come and take revenge on me, do they?"

Eggplant scolded:

"Fuck, revenge? It's not good to go skiing in the Alps. If I knew it, I would have told them the location of the real pillar, so that they could experience our difficulties."

Song Qian comforted:

"Originally, several captains were quite critical of this matter, but after returning, the chief captain had already explained to them, and I also told them about the adventures of our trip, and then everyone did not have any complaints , Now I feel more admiration and guilt towards Brother Han, if I have to blame it, it’s because you didn’t trust them enough and didn’t take them with you.”

Ji Hanxin said that I don't want to take dozens of people to find Shenzhu in a mighty way?

The key is that the identity of the spy cannot be confirmed, so it is very likely to fall into the enemy's trap or be backstabbed by teammates. Deception is also a helpless move. This time I have to think of a new strategy.

But before that, Ji Han suggested:

"Let's go after eating, let's revive Captain Cui Feng first."

At least Captain Cui Feng, who died trying to save himself, must be trustworthy.

Wang Cai was in charge of taking care of Cui Feng's body, so everyone first found Captain Wang Cai.

When Wang Cai met, he accused Ji Han, saying that this time it was so dangerous, why didn't he bring him along to help, until Ji Han said that he was here to revive Cui Feng, and Wang Cai's eyes widened.

"Then hurry up, hurry up, and I will take you to find her body."

It can be seen that Captain Wang Cai's eyes are already shining with joy.

But Wang Cai saw that Ji Mo was following, so he asked in a low voice:

"Is it okay to let your sister follow?"


Dear, this chapter is not finished, there is another page ^0^

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