I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 241: 1 hour ago

One hour before Ji Han and everyone fell into crisis, in the headquarters of the alien guard.

Ji Mo is learning to play the piano in the tenth team's office. In fact, it is more to divert his attention, trying not to worry about his brother's safety as much as possible.

"Liu Dan, do you think my brother and the others are really all right?"

"You have asked eight times, and I have left your blood stains. If there is a situation, I will go to help."

"My right eyelid is always twitching and I'm still worried."

Liu Dan had sensed it before, but couldn't teleport it.

It must be that Ji Han and his group have already obtained the divine pillar. Due to the influence of the divine pillar, they really cannot go to help.

But since Ji Han and Shenzhu are together, it means that their trip went well.

When he first eavesdropped that their destination was the Alps, Liu Dan was still a little puzzled. He didn't even know that there was a sacred pillar buried in that kind of place.

I thought it was Chen Ke who judged the wrong position.

But later, he sensed that Ji Han and his group did not go to the Alps at all, and the captain also came to ask Ji Mo if he knew where his brother had gone?

It seems that the kid has set up a trick, and he is indeed a chicken thief.

This saves me peace of mind, after all, the captain is very concerned about Ji Mo's safety now, if I take the risk of using remote teleportation, I'm sure he will see something.

The matter of Shenzhu is going well according to the current situation, there is no need to risk revealing his identity to break this situation.

Liu Dan was thinking about what to do after they brought Shenzhu back, when he heard the sound of water rushing from the tenth team's bathroom.

"Did you forget to turn off the faucet?"

Ji Mo stood up and was about to go there, but Liu Dan stopped her.

"Don't go out yet, there may be a situation, let me go and have a look."

Having seen some dangerous situations, Ji Mo also became more cautious, nodded and said:

"Be careful too."

Then he and Liu Dan temporarily handed over the right to use the body.

Just as Liu Dan wanted to see who was here to make trouble, the door was opened.

The one who came in was a bald head, still wet, and when he saw Ji Mo, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Looking back:

"I found it, quickly pave the way to leave, don't take the water this time! Before the old man finds out, leave quickly."

The person who spoke was Walter who had fought against Ji Han and others in Guixu under the sea before, but Liu Dan didn't know him.

As soon as Walter finished speaking, a tall, wet young man came in from behind, and replied:

"Understood, I was almost drowned by you. If it wasn't for the teacher's request, I wouldn't come with you."

Because most of the people in the headquarters were tricked into the Alps by Ji Han, the boss of the Consciousness-only Society issued two instructions after knowing that they had been duped:

A small team found the location of Ji Han and the others, and took back or released the divine pillar.

Another team sneaked into the headquarters of the Alien Guard and kidnapped Ji Mo.

Although Walter didn't want to come, but because his ability is very suitable, he was still selected. In addition, Liu Duancai, a student of Riel, who has space abilities, also came with him.

Seeing that Walter had arrived in front of him, Liu Dan was thinking about how to deal with it better.

After all, killing someone not far from here would reveal his identity.

And Walter wondered how the little girl neither frightened nor yelled.

The two were about to catch her first, when they suddenly felt hit by a huge force and flew directly from the office.

As soon as the two stood still in doubt, the captain Zhenwu appeared in front of them with a flame, and turned around and locked Ji Mo in the office first to prevent her from seeing the situation outside, and then turned around and said:

"I really don't take this old man seriously."

Unexpectedly, the captain would discover such an infiltration. Walter didn't dare to hesitate at all. He manipulated the water waves on the ground to face the captain, and immediately turned around and wanted to jump out of the window.

"Don't rush away."

As he spoke, the wall of fire exploded under his feet, completely sealing the windows, and the flames pressed straight towards the two of them.

Liu Duancai in the back is not afraid of tigers as a newborn calf, creating space to fold the distance between himself and the captain, making it difficult for the flames to touch for a while.

Turning to Walter and shouting:

"Don't be afraid, the distance is far away. His flames can't attack him. Your water can restrain him. If we don't fight back, it may be difficult to leave."

And Walter didn't pay attention to Liu Duancai, but bit his hand to guide the water coming to the bathroom, and it gathered into several sharp water jets in his hand.

But instead of attacking the captain or Ji Mo in the house, he turned around and concentrated all the water towards the window.

At last a temporary hole was punched in the wall of fire, smashing out the rear window.

Walter rushed out with the water column, leaving only Liu Duancai who was stunned in place.

Just as he wanted to escape by shortening the distance between himself and the window through partial distance folding, the flames had already created the space he had created.

Before he had time to react, his body was already wrapped in flames.

It wasn't until he was completely burned that he couldn't resist that the captain extinguished all the flames by hitting the ground with his crutches.

In the face of absolute strength, the attributes and skills of children are useless.

Walter, who had already fled outside, hid behind a tree and went back to confirm that the captain hadn't chased him, and he was relieved.

Said to himself:

"The little guy is really kind. He didn't understand why he sneaked in secretly. He actually wanted to fight back against the captain of the alien guard team? Although according to the intelligence, he was the only captain in the headquarters of the alien guard team, but he guarded it alone. That's enough, and I'm afraid no one in the Consciousness-Only Society can defeat this chief captain."

But after thinking about it, I really thanked him, otherwise I might have been left behind.

The captain ordered his subordinates to temporarily detain Liu Duancai in order to prevent the tiger from leaving the mountain, and did not pursue the escaped Walter.

Instead, he turned around and wanted to open the door of the office to comfort the frightened Ji Mo.

After all, she is an ordinary girl, so if she is a housebreaker, she has already been taken away by the police, so there should be no problem.

But at this time the captain received a distress signal from Song Qian, the content was very concise:

"Consciousness-only will pursue ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The situation is critical!"

And identified the location at the foot of Changbai Mountain.

I didn't expect these children to run there, but now it's unrealistic to think about going to the rescue, and the other captains didn't come back.

Helpless, the captain could only deploy all the foreign fighters near Changbai Mountain to rescue, but he also knew that it would definitely be too late.

So I was also contacting the International Alien Alliance, looking for a suitable space power user to go quickly.

The captain was in contact when he suddenly sensed a powerful ability in the office behind him.

It turned out that Liu Dan in the office just saw the captain make a move, but he didn't care at first, and wanted to exchange control with Ji Mo again.

But she felt a throbbing in her chest, and the panic for no reason made Liu Dan worried about Ji Han's situation.

After hesitating, he heard a few words from the captain outside the door, and then Liu Dan confirmed that something happened to Ji Han and the others!

After a while, I found that the energy of the divine pillar seemed to be restricted in some way, and I could transmit it by myself.

But I can only teleport myself alone. If I want to bring them back again, I am afraid I need to release the divine pillar.

Liu Dan grabbed the Taidao inside the house and opened the space teleportation to Changbai Mountain. At the same time, the captain also felt her supernatural ability, but when he opened the door, there was only Ji Mo's disappearing figure and a sentence:

"Captain, I will bring them back!"

The captain wanted to stop him, but Ji Mo had already disappeared from the room.

The space of this distance was teleported instantly, and the captain immediately guessed Ji Mo's real identity.

In the darkness of transmission, I heard Ji Mo praying from the bottom of his heart:

"Brother, Sister Song Qian, Chen Ke and Eggplant, don't let anything happen to you!"

Liu Dan comforted:

"Don't worry, I swear I'll bring them back safely."

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