I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 240: Way of decay

When the devil's tentacles and bone blades touched the black smoke, they turned into fly ash.

This startled Ji Han, what exactly was that?

Before he had time to think about it, he stretched out another devil's tentacle and pulled Song Qian back first.

Seeing the strange black smoke approaching, Ji Han couldn't use much of his mind, and the "Nightmare Youming" in his mouth also had to know the end, and he backed away with everyone.

When Gemini, You Qi and Tia saw the old Dyson's attack, they all backed away, as if they didn't want to get involved.

The black smoke released by old Dyson gradually surrounded the four of Ji Han. Seeing that only half of the demonic tentacles that Ji Han had just been dispelled remained, no one acted rashly.

Chen Ke was a little panicked, and whispered:

"Is it sour at this time? It's a bit exaggerated."

Eggplant also scolded:

"Grass, are the effects similar?"

Facing the encircling black smoke with instant dispelling ability, the hearts of the four were a little confused.

Because in this case, there is almost no possibility of escaping, and the black smoke cannot be dealt with at all.

Even if the teleporter is turned on, it cannot be teleported to the real world instantly, and it will still be melted away by the black smoke.

In other words, not long ago, the Tianchi Lake in Changbai Mountain had gone through a fierce battle to obtain the Divine Pillar, which cost a lot, and then rushed to send down Ji Han who had a sudden illness. It is incredible that everyone can resist the surprise attack until now.

Old Dyson seemed to be full of confidence in his black smoke, and walked forward with a cane, whispering:

"Did you really underestimate the few of you? They really can't kill you."

Ji Han's brain was running fast, but he couldn't think of any solution, so he could only delay the time and ask:

"What the **** is this black smoke?"

Old Dyson raised his withered arm and said:

"It's not necessary for a dead person to know that much, but I still want you to know who died, Dyson, number D, code name decay."

It seems that this old guy's ability is not acid, but using the strange black smoke to rot and shatter everything he touches.

Damn, there is still no way to deal with it!

Old Dyson's withered palms gradually gathered, and the surrounding black smoke approached the four of them.

Eggplant whispered:

"Turn on the transmitter, let's try to drag the black smoke."

Ji Han knew that all this was in vain, he could only look through the skills and props when he was in a panic, and saw "A Thousand Corpses Surrounded by Souls" again.

The ghosts summoned by this trick may not be afraid of the decay brought by the black smoke, but those corpses are carrying the resentful spirit bone fire to suppress the exorcism golden flame in their bodies.

Once that move is used, the two fires will collide in the body immediately.

But now there is really no other way, fight!

"Hey, stay by my side, don't leave, start teleportation when you find the opportunity! Thousands of corpses and souls surround you!"

Countless ghosts flew out of Ji Han's body again, different from before, this time all the ghosts were covered with blue flames.

The ghost with blue flames spun quickly around Ji Han and the four, gradually dissipating the surrounding black smoke.

Everyone in the Consciousness Society was afraid of being affected by the rotten black energy, so they quickly withdrew from the battle circle. They didn't expect Ji Han to have such a strength to fight to the death.

Field has a deep impression of that kind of ghost. Back then, Ji Han summoned these ghosts and manipulated the skeletons of those mermaids to attack him, Walter, and Yamazaki.

"Be careful, those ghosts seem to be able to summon and manipulate corpses."

Old Dyson smiled instead:

"This is interesting, let's struggle a little more! Gemini, pay attention to their movements, once they start teleportation, you will go over and stop them immediately; You Qi stay here and don't move, guard against the sniper; Tia assists me , If you find an opportunity, limit them, and leave the rest to me."

Ji Han forcibly used "Thousand Corpse Soul Surrounding", although the black energy was dispersed for a while, but the pain in his chest was even more unbearable, the pain was so painful that he almost passed out.

Although the location was in the chest, the pain seemed to go deep into the soul.

There are two kinds of strange flames, no wonder turning off the pain system still has no effect.

What's even more exasperating is that the old guy seems to prevent other people from attacking, and their defense has the guy who can deflect attacks, so if they consume it like this, they will only be dragged down.

Seeing Jian clenching his teeth and blood dripping from his mouth, everyone knew that this was definitely not an ordinary pain.

Ji Han could treat his foot as if it was eaten by the shadow, but now it hurts like this, this is definitely not something ordinary humans can bear.

Fearing that Ji Han's body would not be able to hold on, Song Qian helped Ji Han wipe off the blood from the corner of his mouth and asked:

"Brother Han, I'll be invisible to hold you back, you teleport back to the real world to see if you have a chance to escape."

Ji Han was speechless at this time, he could only grit his teeth and shake his head desperately.

When he escaped, he had already asked Song Qian to sound the alarm to the alien guards, and they should find a way to rescue them.

But I have already deceived the captains to a foreign country, and now it is good to be able to rush back to the headquarters, let alone rescue, I am really doing it myself.

Now everyone acting separately will only speed up the speed of death. In this case, it is impossible to escape.

Since the Dyson enemy is the most powerful, as long as it is seriously injured or eliminated, it is possible to end the battle.

But at this time, everyone's attacks seem to have no effect on him, and we can only place our hopes on the ghost burning with the bones of the resentful spirit.

Fight it! Sniper in the middle!

Seeing that the surrounding black smoke had been blown away, Ji Han completely released all the ghosts in his body. With Song Qian's support, he propped up his body and manipulated the ghosts to rush towards Dyson.

Seeing this situation, everyone hid far behind Dyson~www.wuxiamtl.com~ A huge amount of black smoke burst out from the old Dyson's body instantly, like a huge black skull, He enveloped himself in it.

Seeing those ghosts with blue flames that Ji Han fired at him one after another, like a big sword burning with blue flames stabbing at him, Dyson showed no fear:

"Everything is mortal, and souls are destroyed!"

Those ghosts plunged into the black smoke and disappeared without a trace, like a blue sword thrown into a bottomless black lake.

And the places around that were affected by the blue flames or black smoke were either broken or completely decayed.

Therefore, other people on both sides were only amazed at the strength of the two, but did not dare to participate in it.

With a loud roar, Ji Han blasted the last wave of ghosts into the black smoke, and the skeleton made of old Dyson's black smoke was finally shattered.

As the ghost and black smoke cleared, old Dyson still stood where he was, but a blue flame rose from his left arm.

I saw him enduring the pain and relying on the black smoke from his right hand to rot away the blue fire and some flesh and blood on his left arm.

After forcibly using the "thousand corpses and souls around", Ji Han spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell backwards in pain, and the three eggplants immediately supported him.

But before everyone checked Ji Han's situation, several black needles flew over and stuck on the four people who hadn't had time to take precautions.

Everyone suddenly felt numb for a while, and then fell to the ground.

I don't know if it was because the golden flame in his body gained the upper hand because he used too much wraith bone fire just now, or because of the effect of the black needle, Ji Han felt the pain in his body weakened a bit.

Seeing that the black needle thrown by Tia's sneak attack hit the target, You Qi wanted to go there first to avenge the wound on her neck just now.

But just a few steps away, a table knife flew towards him from the darkness.

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