I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 204: same black

"I dare not play this game anymore (!

Hearing what Chen Ke said, Ji Han hurriedly asked:

"Can it be opened?"

"No, it's just that the scan is complete, and the correct steps are also shown."

Everyone sighed in unison.

"Then hurry up, don't talk out of breath, okay!"

The three continued to clean up the surrounding monsters for Chen Ke to delay time.

Since it can't be completed right away, Ji Han subconsciously scanned these things, and got the information:

【Black maliciousness】

[Health volume: 10001000]

[Explanation: Your smiling face and your body will gradually emerge from the black rock flow, and eventually it will become you, a body assembled countless times, full of malice. 】

Damn, can you say something understandable! Although the blood volume of this thing is not high, it seems that it cannot be killed.

Ji Han could only repel these things one after another.

The space where everyone is in the middle of the aisle is the narrowest, and Song Qian can ensure that she and Chen Ke are safe by waving the heart lock chain.

The long road on the way was handed over to Eggplant and Destroyer, who basically cleared the road with one shot, and even the shore was blasted out of a big hole.

Although the interval between each shot is a bit long, the eggplant can still be controlled.

Seeing Eggplant with a gun in Ji Han is like the Pepper of Destruction in Plants vs. Zombies.

And the three black liquid walls at the front were handed over to Ji Han and his three tentacles.

In order to increase the destructive power, Ji Han luckily equipped the three tentacles with weapons: bone blades, daggers and claw knives.

Eggplant and Song Qian looked back, and saw that those black liquid people were barely within 8 meters of Brother Han's body, and were dealt with or blown away by the tentacles.

Seeing the three thick tentacles flying, the two couldn't tell which side was the monster.

Even Chen Ke, who was lying on the ground and following the step-by-step diagram to put together a puzzle, was putting together the puzzle with one hand and releasing the smart nano electromagnetic gun with the other.

There was no need to look up at all to crush those missing black liquid people.

The life of a sharpshooter is so boring and boring.

And those black liquid people who were crushed gradually began to gather together, and after standing up again, their images became more and more nondescript.

Like a big spider missing a few legs.

Until that thing also threw a tentacle over, Ji Han stretched out his own tentacle to block it.

Seeing the same attack patterns on both sides, Ji Han suddenly realized: this thing is imitating himself!

"These things imitate!"

As soon as Ji Han finished speaking, three black humanoid monsters waving chains like Song Qian appeared in the middle of the road.

Song Qian flicked the chain to block two of them, and then gently kicked Chen Ke away to prevent him from being attacked by the other with the chain.

As Chen Ke dodged, the gravel on the ground was also shot into flames.

Not only can these things be imitated, but the attack power of imitated things is not weak.

After Chen Ke turned over, he found something strange, so he shot and broke the two.

If the power is similar, isn't the eggplant?

Song Qian was about to remind Eggplant when she heard Eggplant shout first:

"Look down!"

Just when everyone was subconscious, they saw a few black **** ejected.

But those black **** hit the ground like ordinary black liquid. After breaking away some gravel, they scattered directly, and did not cause much damage.

Eggplant stood up again and said:

"Fuck, I thought these things could make a big sniper, I was so scared."

Speaking of raising the Destroyer, it was a shot, and those black liquid men holding large sniper shots were scattered again.

Ji Han also breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that fortunately these things can only imitate physical attacks, otherwise it would be troublesome.

Seeing that the big octopus in front of him also rushed towards him, Ji Han didn't care about his martial virtues, so he blocked it with the same tentacles as it.

Then he exchanged the Zhenyue sword for an explosive arrow, raised his hand and shot it at the thing's body.

There was a loud "bang", and the black liquid was blown up and scattered in all directions.

"Chen Ke! Are you still okay!"

"Okay, Brother Ji, you need the piece in your hand, throw it to me!"

Ji Han stepped back and threw the jigsaw puzzle stone in his hand to Chen Ke, and continued to clean up the black liquid people around him who were still about to change.

Chen Ke excitedly placed the last stone in the lower left corner, but with the sound and urging around him, he panicked and didn't put the stone in perfectly. Only one end was put in, and the rest got stuck on it.

In desperation, Chen Ke had no choice but to stamp his feet.

With a "click", the last stone returned to its place. Before Chen Ke could tell everyone, his body sank.

The black slate that was spelled out fell down.

Chen Ke didn't expect that this was some guy's wicked design, and the door opened inward.

Ji Han happened to see Chen Ke when he handed the stone just now, so seeing him fall at this time, he hurriedly stretched out his tentacles to save him.

The thick tentacles reacted quickly, but they really pulled.

Sweeping away the liquid people who gathered again, Ji Han shouted into the cave:

"Chen Ke, are you okay?"

In the darkness below, Chen Ke responded:

"Come down, everyone, there's no problem here!"

Everyone gathered towards the entrance of the cave when they heard Chen Ke's response, Ji Han turned around and shouted:

"Song Qian, eggplant, go down first and see if the door can be closed and opened. After you go down, you have to lock these things outside."

Eggplant jumped down, but Song Qian came over to face Ji Han back to back, and didn't get off right away.

Until I heard Eggplant shouting:

"Come on down, there's no problem here!"

Ji Han supported the ground from his tentacles, hugged Song Qian behind him and jumped into the square black hole together.

I thought there would be a burst of falling, but I didn't expect to fall to the ground after falling only two meters.

Seeing the two coming down from the side, Eggplant hurriedly raised his gun to push the stone door that had already hung down, but the height was limited, so it was still a little short.

Seeing this, Ji Han raised the devil's tentacles to help Eggplant close the door.

With a crisp sound of "click", the stone door was closed tightly again, and it could be seen that this side of the stone door was still a stone jigsaw puzzle.

The four of them were able to rest, watching Ji Han retract the three demonic tentacles into his body.

Eggplant pranayama complained:

"Ji Han, I didn't say that you feel more like a monster than those monsters. Have you ever thought about doing something else with those tentacles?"

"Other things? Tentacles?"

Song Qian also poked her head over and said:

"Tentacles? What's that?"

Ji Han hastily changed the subject again:

"Chen Ke, where is this? It's so dark, why don't you turn on the lights?"

I saw Chen Ke spread his hands to express his innocence, and flashed to reveal the lighting stick he had already thrown.

I saw that although those lighting sticks were on, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com did not illuminate the area where they were located.

Shining alone in the dark, it's like a lighting stick dropped into a dark universe.

Everyone has seen this situation before.

It was the pure black mountain that I saw next to the Crescent Lake. When Ji Han and the others passed through the absolutely black rock tunnel, the lighting sticks they threw were also in this state.

Chen Ke smiled bitterly and said:

"Brother Ji, why are you really right? The stone here and the Heishan stone next to the Crescent Spring may really be the same thing."

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