I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 203: black water puzzle

"I dare not play this game anymore (!

After being reminded by Eggplant, everyone also noticed Ji Han's situation by the Heitian Pool.

Song Qian asked in a low voice:

"Couldn't it be that Brother Han also learned the ability to control liquids from that man named Walter?"

Chen Ke continued:

"Anyway, it seems to be able to pass."

The three of them also came to the pitch-black Tianchi Lake, watching Ji Han walking in front, the black liquid on both sides naturally parted to make way.

Chen Ke shouted:

"Hey, Brother Ji, is this your ability or some mechanism?"

Seeing that everyone followed, Ji Han turned around and explained:

"I think it's more like the properties of this black liquid. They seem to keep away from people on purpose."

Song Qian and the others also tried it, and they found that as the body moved forward, the liquid would recede, keeping a distance of about half a meter from everyone.

Song Qian asked curiously:

"These things aren't alive, are they?"

Eggplant pressed the liquid with a gun, and didn't feel anything unusual. He shook his head and said:

"It shouldn't be a creature, it's just a liquid with unique properties."

The three of them also followed the exposed path to Ji Han's side.

"Chen Ke, according to the path you judged before, how should you go next?"

Chen Ke took the scanned terrain map and led the way:

"It should be enough to walk another thirty or forty meters."

The four walked continuously towards the center of Heitian Pool along the exposed road.

Although the black viscous liquid separated to the two sides, walking on this Tianchi Road, which is five or six meters wide, still makes people feel a little uneasy.

Ji Han was always vigilant, if there was any accident, such as the liquid on both sides closing up again, then he would press the ground with his tentacles and lift everyone up like he was on stilts.

But all the way to the depths, the liquids on both sides were separated smoothly, and nothing unexpected happened.

At this time, Chen Ke, who was walking in front, suddenly stood still, and lightly stepped a few steps towards his feet:

"It should be here. The perspective of the nine-star mirror in the pre-Qin period came from here."

But Ji Han looked down, only to find that the place was still a pile of rubble, and there was no place to go down.

Chen Ke bent down on the ground and pushed the broken stones away. At the beginning, Ji Han thought it was the black liquid that did not flow cleanly between the cracks in the stones.

But as the gravel above was swept away, a square black stone platform below was finally exposed.

Everyone gathered to check it out. The Black Stone Terrace was about one meter square, and there were patterns carved on it.

Ji Han tried to lift it up, but he didn't lift it up, and he didn't move at all, as if he was locked.

Song Qian stroked the carving on the stone platform and frowned:

"Look, the thing carved on it looks like a puzzle."

Eggplant turned on the flashlight and looked at it, and found that the reliefs of the black stone platform on the ground were very scattered, and it was impossible to see what the whole looked like.

But it can be clearly seen that the stones above were cut into small cubes, with a total of 25 small cubes.

Ji Han also immediately thought of an educational sliding puzzle similar to "Hua Rong Dao" that he had played before.

So he lowered his head and touched it, and sure enough, he easily picked out a piece in the lower left corner.

"I'll go, the guys who live here are quite interesting, and they engage in such mentally retarded institutions."

Eggplant looked up and said:

"Alright, Ji Han, it's time for you to show your skills."

"I don't know how to do this. I haven't played since I was a child."

"Fuck, what are you bragging about?"

Ji Han smiled and said:

"It just feels like a cute contrast. It was very dangerous to find the divine pillar a few times before. Even getting to the place where the divine pillar is is extremely difficult. I didn't expect to put together a puzzle here."

I was either bitten by a snake or a water ghost before. Thinking about it this time, I am taking care of myself.

God finally knew to favor me.

Chen Ke gently slid the stones, broke his fingers and said:

"Leave this to me."

Ji Han smiled and said:

"That's when the experience of playing the game emerges."

Chen Ke took out a mini scanner from his palm, took a picture of the relief on the stone platform and said:

"These ancients underestimated our future people too much. After scanning it, the correct solution will come out soon."

Ji Hanxin said that the four adults couldn't even solve a sliding puzzle and cheated, so don't embarrass future generations.

While Chen Ke was waiting for the scanning of the relief to be completed, he subconsciously slid the puzzle piece on the ground.

At this time, the four of them felt the ground under their feet shake suddenly.

Everyone looked at each other, and Chen Ke also stood up with the scanner:

"What's going on? Didn't it really catch up with the eruption of the volcano?"

Looking far away, Ji Han didn't find anything abnormal, but when he looked at the thick black liquid beside him, he found that human faces began to emerge on the surface of the black liquid wall that was originally smooth.

"There's something on the wall!"

Everyone also looked at the surrounding black walls, and sure enough, black arms gradually stretched out from the black liquid walls on both sides.

Ji Hanxin said that he still thought of these ancients too kindly.

How could they leave only simple sliding puzzles!

Looking at the hundreds of arms and dozens of human faces stretched out from the wall, Eggplant smiled wryly:

"Ji Han, isn't it cute now?"

Ji Han didn't have time to argue with him, so he turned around and asked Chen Ke:

"How long will it be good?"

Chen Ke patted the scanner anxiously while replying:

"It's hard to say, I'll do it as soon as possible."

Hearing this ambiguous answer, everyone took out their weapons, and those things finally came out of the black liquid.

From Ji Han's point of view, those pitch-black people seemed more like they broke free from inside.

These people looked shorter than normal people, and their bodies were still extremely black that did not reflect light at all.

No need to ask, this is definitely not coming out to greet them, so before these people ran this way, Ji Han shot a few bolts with his mechanical crossbow.

But piercing the heads of those black humanoid monsters had no effect.

[Damage: 170]

Seeing the damage, Ji Han also knew that this kind of attack seemed useless, and someone from the nearby black liquid wall had already arrived.

Ji Han took out the Zhenyue sword and slashed the black liquid man in half.

And although the thing fell down, it didn't seem to be dead, and the two halves continued to crawl towards themselves.

Reluctantly, Ji Han had no choice but to stretch out the devil's tentacles, and directly pulled away the approaching black liquid man.

This thing is very useful, although it can't kill those things, but it protects the close body very well.

At the same time, behind Ji Han, there was a loud noise from the Destroyer.

Looking back, I can see that the black liquid people from here to the river bank have been blasted into black mud~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Although their bodies seem to be still reorganizing and preparing to continue attacking, the eggplant shot really Resolution was delayed for quite some time.

Eggplant caressed the Destroyer in his hand and said:

"Ji Han, I have to say that I really love this gun, hey, I'll go!"

It turned out that when Eggplant turned around, he happened to see Ji Han swinging three big tentacles, and thought it was some new monster.

At this moment, Chen Ke, who was protected by Song Qian's heart chain, shouted:

"It's done!"

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