I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 146: dance with dead snakes

"I dare not play this game anymore (!

After hearing Ji Han's explanation, Eggplant curiously said:

"Come out of the sea? A conch girl? A mermaid? Tell these islanders to go down and donate sperm to reproduce a new race?"

Ji Han was not disturbed by Eggplant's whimsy, he went back to look at the first two relief murals and said:

"If these six paintings are regarded as a complete narrative work, then the people who came up from the bottom of the sea are likely to be the islanders in the first and second pictures, with half of the island sinking to the bottom of the sea."

Song Qian nodded thoughtfully and said:

"It makes sense, and only when they return from the sea will the remaining residents of the island believe them and finally go to the bottom of the sea together."

Cui Feng continued:

"You mean to say that the inhabitants of the semi-circular island that sank into the bottom of the sea found a way to get to the bottom of the sea through the large whirlpool? Could it be that they discovered the divine pillar on the bottom of the sea?"

Ji Han replied:

"It's possible that the divine pillar was originally on a semi-circular island that sank on the seabed. The fall of the island activated the ability of the divine pillar to create space, thus protecting the island and creating a large vortex that can go up and down."

Chen Ke frowned and said:

"No, isn't this a problem? We came here to find the divine pillar, and now tell me to use the divine pillar to create a large vortex to go down. Isn't this an infinite nesting doll? If we have the divine pillar, we can What are you going down for?"

Ji Han tapped on the fifth mural with a flashlight and said:

"The way to go down, people have already told you, it should be hidden in this temple. What do you think? Those people who came up from the bottom of the sea. Why don't you just take the people up there? Instead, you have to tear down the house and build this temple. Temple? There must be a reason why it had to be done, and that reason, of course, is to go down to the bottom of the sea again."

The discussion of several people also aroused Wang Cai's curiosity.

"Why do these islanders have to go to the bottom of the sea? Isn't it good to live on the island?"

Eggplant smiled and said:

"I guess it's the third part of "The Temptation of Coming Home": The Temptation of the Mermaid."

Chen Ke looked around and said:

"In any case, let's find a way to get out of here first."

Cui Feng said:

"I've searched everything I can, except for the platform in the middle of the pool. I'll go and have a look."

Just as Cui Feng was about to go there, Ji Han grabbed her and said:

"No, since it is a mechanism set up for visitors who come by land, if you go to the stone platform in the middle of the pool, it is likely to be a mechanism trap."

Cui Feng didn't speak, but silently shook off Ji Han's arm.

Song Qian also said:

"Brother Han is right. If you want to go out now, you can only go by water."

In fact, Ji Han had already thought of it, but he was really against going into the water, and it was a black pool of unknown circumstances, with dozens of highly poisonous black-ringed sea snakes soaking in it, maybe some of them were electrocuted to death.

Everyone's opinion is similar, although Chen Ke has cleaned up the poisonous snakes in the water, but there is no guarantee that there will be no dead ones, and it is really dangerous to enter the water at this time.

At this time, Song Qian stood up.

"I'll go down and have a look first. Of course it would be best if there is a way out or a mechanism to open the door."

Cui Feng and Wang Cai looked at each other, stopped Song Qian together, and said:

"Haven't you figured out the mission of our two captains coming with you? You are only responsible for going down and bringing back the divine pillar. Although I don't know why the captain arranged for you to go, there must be his consideration. We will definitely spare no effort to carry out protection tasks, so how could this kind of thing let you go?"

As they said that, the two of them prepared to take off their clothes and go into the water.

Song Qian knew that Captain Cui Feng and Captain Wang Cai were meticulous in their missions and absolutely obedient to the captain, but this was the first time they experienced it in a joint mission.

When Ji Han heard this, he thought that the game could be played by you with such a sense of mission, he never thought of it.

If this is a live broadcast of the game, I will yell high and low: Brothers, please put your tears on the public screen.

But when Ji Han was still secretly delighted that a teammate had completed the dangerous task instead, a bullet box appeared on the game interface again:

[Optional task: who else can I choose]

[Mission Description: Jump into the water before everyone else, find and open the mechanism of the temple]

[Mission Rewards: All monetary rewards in this Divine Pillar mission will be doubled. 】

Ji Han's eyes fell on the last two words.

double? Double all monetary rewards for complete missions? Just jump in and complete the mission?

This reward is indeed very attractive, but this water pool and this poisonous snake make him feel uncomfortable, which is similar to jumping into a scorpion basin. I have blue nutrient solution, which can cure snake venom.

Seeing that Cui Feng and Wang Cai had already taken off their coats, put down their valuables and were about to jump into the pool.

Gritting his teeth, Ji Han didn't even have time to take off his clothes, picked up Cui Feng's diving goggles, and jumped into the pool with his eyes closed.

This leap of faith in money shocked everyone on the stone platform.

Cui Feng reacted quickly, but it was too late to stop it.

After entering the water, Ji Han didn't have time to feel the temperature of the water around him, and he didn't dare to think about whether there were any live poisonous snakes in the water. When he touched the dead snake's slippery body, he pretended not to care about the goosebumps on his body. .

Put on the diving goggles and swim to the depths of the pool.

Wang Cai hadn't reacted yet, and said doubtfully:

"How did he get down?"

Cui Feng looked at Ji Han's submerged figure in the pool, and cursed:

"Hmph, you **** who doesn't listen to the arrangement."

Then he picked up Wang Cai's diving goggles and wanted to continue diving, but Eggplant stopped him:

"The situation below is unknown, so don't go down anymore? Since Ji Han dared to jump, he must be sure of the situation. As long as someone finds the mechanism to get out, it will be fine. If there are too many people going down, you may be bitten. Let's wait for Ji Han's news first. "

Chen Ke continued:

"Understand, Team Cui, Brother Ji is such a person. When there must be one person to bear the risk, he has never been the only one to bear the risk for others, and no one else is allowed to be responsible for him. But just in case, I also take I bought some anti-venom serum, Brother Ji also has his own antidote, don't worry."

Wang Cai nodded affirmatively:

"That's right, this kid has the strength and courage of a captain."

Ji Han in the black water pool didn't hear the praise from the people above, but swam towards the corridor.

The water is not very deep, about three meters, and the jump is relatively quick, and Ji Han didn't bring oxygen equipment.

But with the previous reward in Crescent Lake: increase the underwater sports ability by 30%. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is now easy to do without equipment.

Looking at the pitch-black pool from above, I found that the water was just a little muddy when I got down. With the help of a flashlight, I could barely see things clearly, but the visual range was very close.

Feeling that he had swum to the end of the tunnel, at the bottom of the water with low visibility, Ji Han groped around and found something at his feet.

I didn't adjust the angle of the flashlight, and I still can't see what it is.

It is round, with three holes on one side, and there seems to be a big uneven hole underneath.

Well, good thing, it's a skeleton.

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