I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 145: vanished islanders

The sudden fall of the stone gate was indeed unexpected, after all, no one stepped on any obvious mechanism.

Seeing that the road was blocked, everyone stepped on the stone platform and hurried back to the door. Wang Cai, who was standing in the front, slammed the stone door with both palms, but the stone door remained motionless like a broken dragon stone.

Cui Fengyu pressed the stone door lightly with his hand, and even if he charged his strength with a move of thunder, it didn't cause much damage to the door-sealing stone.

Wang Cai still wanted to try again, but the rock above his head had already started to drop a lot of gravel following the blows of the two.

Unavoidably being buried below, Song Qian stopped in time:

"Team Wang, don't try it. Since it will be sealed with a stone gate, it won't be opened easily, and it is an institution in the inner world, so it must be aimed at people with supernatural powers."

Chen Ke asked curiously:

"Why do the original residents here even set up institutions in their own temples? Don't they pay homage?"

Ji Han pointed to the water pool and said:

"If you have to pursue rationality, it can only mean that the way people enter the temple is by water, and those of us who take the land route have been targeted."

Eggplant laughed and said:

"So, just now, Chen Ke's jumping into the water life-saving move was correct."

As soon as the words fell, several water splashes suddenly appeared in the pool behind the six people.

There is something in the water.

Everyone turned around and became vigilant. If the original residents here distinguished the intruders through water and land, then they would definitely not just lock up the intruders, but should eliminate them in some way.

At this time, the eggplant is closest to the center of the pool and the place where the water splashed just now.

Fearing that it would be inconvenient to defend after being attacked first, he squatted down on the stone platform and lowered his center of gravity. Cui Feng on the opposite side did the same.

Wang Cai asked:

"See what it is?"

Cui Feng raised his hand and said:

"Shh, in the water, here we come."

After the black pool was silent for a moment, there was a "wow", and a small splash of water exploded in front of Cui Feng.

Then, a sea snake covered with black circular patterns jumped out of the water, and the moment it came out of the water, it moved swiftly like a preying crocodile.

However, Cui Feng had been prepared for a long time, and he stretched out his hand to hold the snake's head almost at the same time, and the body of the sea snake with the black ring pattern wrapped around Cui Feng's arm at the same time.

Before everyone was worried about Cui Feng, they saw Cui Feng use one hand to smash the snake's head with a thunderbolt, and then threw the broken snake's body into the water.

The whole set of movements was clean and agile, and he didn't care that it was a poisonous snake.

At the place where the dead sea snake was thrown away, the water splashed again, and there seemed to be many sea snakes underwater.

Wang Cai reminded:

"Captain Cui, be careful, the black ring sea snake is very poisonous."

Looking at the churning pool, Eggplant scolded:

"Grass, didn't you say that most of the ancient tribes had simple folk customs? Why did you get so many sea snakes to entertain the people who entered the temple?"

"Ji Ge is right. It is probably a trap set for intruders, but the times have changed, and this kind of setting similar to the pot has long been outdated."

While talking, Chen Ke took out a few electric shock bombs from his bag and threw them evenly into the water.

"Everyone, don't touch the water yet."

Then he snapped his thumb, and the electric shock bombs in the water released high-voltage electric shocks at the same time. From above, it looked like several electric eels were discharging at the same time.

With the release of the electric shock ball current, many black-ringed sea snakes floated to the surface immediately.

Eggplant touched his chin and said:

"That's right, you're a good thing, it would be a waste if you don't go to Dianyu, can you?"

Chen Ke shook his head and said:

"No, you need to give more shocks. Snake skin is a good insulator. To ensure safety, you need to give more shocks."

In the end, there were at least dozens of black-ringed sea snakes floating on the surface of the black water pool.

Not to mention being bitten, it is very uncomfortable to look at.

After the potential safety hazards in the water were eliminated, everyone continued to search for a way out along the stone platform, but the hall of the temple is only so big, except for the entrance, there is only a submerged passageway.

Chen Ke pointed to the simple relief mural on the wall and said:

"The engraving on it seems to look like Rota Island. Will there be a guide for the exit?"

Eggplant said:

"Don't be stupid, lock people inside, and then engrave the export instructions on the wall? Do you think these people in the ancient tribes are as simple and honest as you?"

But listening to the conversation between the two, Ji Han was also attracted by the murals on the wall, looked at the next three or four in a row, and said in doubt:

"This relief mural seems to say how to get to the bottom of the water."

As soon as everyone heard that there was a clue to go on, they all took their flashlights to shine on the relief on the wall, which should be the first one from the entrance.

Eggplant looked at the first picture and said "hmm":

"That's not right, this buddy's carving skills are so-so, he made a mistake, you see, on the mural, Rota Island is actually circular."

Everyone also gathered together, and sure enough, on the first picture, there was a ring-shaped island engraved with many simple houses on it.

When I first came in, I didn't think of this picture as an island at all, I thought it was a simple circle.

When I looked at the second picture, only half of the ring-shaped island was left, and it became what it is today.

Song Qian guessed:

"Maybe it's crustal activity. This place was originally close to the trench, and these islands were also created by crustal activity. Maybe it was caused by earthquakes or submarine volcanoes."

What Song Qian said made some sense, but a ring-shaped island, half of which was neatly cut off, is indeed a bit unbelievable. It is completely unbelievable that it is a miracle of nature.

Compared with the first two murals, the third one is a bit special.

A huge vortex appeared in the center of the sea surrounded by the semi-circular island. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Eggplant smiled and said:

"It's quite avant-garde. There were flush toilets back then."

If you don't say that this is the floor plan of Rota Island, it really looks like half a toilet.

The fourth picture also engraved a semi-circular island, but the large vortex in the center of the sea area disappeared, and instead, many people swam ashore from the sea.

In the fifth picture, all the original houses on the island have disappeared, and in the center of the original location, people are building a temple.

In the sixth picture, which is the last picture, a large vortex appeared in the center of the sea area again. There were no residents, no houses, and no other content, leaving only a semi-circular island and a built temple.

Chen Ke complained:

"I suddenly felt that those who left words on the wall were quite kind. I didn't understand the mural at all."

Captain Wang Cai, who had been silent all this time, replied:

"The meaning of the painting seems to be that the people on the island discovered the whirlpool by chance, and the residents here went to the sea through the whirlpool."

Ji Han turned back, looked at three or four pictures again, shook his head and said:

"That's not right. They didn't discover this vortex by chance, but someone guided them to open it."

Seeing that everyone didn't understand, Ji Han continued to explain:

"Look at the third and fourth pictures. After the maelstrom appeared, a group of people came out of the sea. Look at the five or six pictures again. After these people appeared, all the houses on the island were demolished and the temple was rebuilt. Then the people on Rota Island all went down with the whirlpool, which was obviously taught by the group of people who came out of the sea."

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