I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 117: things in the sand

Before Ji Han could reply, Chen Ke asked in surprise:

"Fish? In the desert? Brother Egg, the gun went off, and your eyes went off too?"

Eggplant said:

"Don't talk about it, I did see a fish flying past, don't be distracted, that thing should come again."

Ji Han is also a little unbelievable, a fish came out of the desert, what the **** is this?

At this moment, with a sound of "whoosh", something jumped up from the sand beside the rock at Chen Ke's right foot.

Ji Han hurriedly held down Chen Ke, and the thing flew over their heads.

Eggplant and Song Qian were already prepared, and this time they irradiated them with a flashlight in time.

What a fish!

It is a full two meters long, but the head is very pointed and the body is relatively flat. You can see the reflective scales, but you can't see the gills and eyes.

Kind of like a flounder with layers of armor but no eyes.

Before the thing fell into the sand, Eggplant decisively took out his sniper and shot.

However, with one shot, the fish was not killed or penetrated, but the fish was turned over and fell into the sand.

As soon as the big fish came across the sand, it dived in immediately, without giving Eggplant a second chance to shoot.

Although it was not killed, you can still see that the sand on the sand there is agglomerated when it meets the liquid with the flashlight.

Eggplant still hurt it.

Chen Ke stood up in shock and said:

"There are still such big fish in the sand."

Song Qian pressed Chen Ke again and said:

"Squat down first! That thing seems to be able to jump up and attack."

The four squatted on the stone road, wary of the surrounding sand,

Eggplant scolded:

"Wardfa, the skin is so thick, it was not killed just now."

Ji Han took out a mechanical crossbow and explained:

"This thing can walk through the sand, and the outer skin and scales must be unusually thick."

Chen Ke remembered something and asked:

"Brother Ji, didn't you have bait last time at King Zhao's tomb? Can you use that to lure the fish away?"

Ji Han smiled bitterly and said:

"Let's not talk about whether it eats the bait in the water or not, but really eats it. For a fish as big as it is, I have to prepare a sack of bait for it to eat, right?"

Song Qian also took out her pistol and said:

"I didn't see the fish's eyes just now, and it's not even easy to find the weak point."

The fish jumped and dodged too fast, and Ji Han didn't scan its information, so he continued to analyze:

"This fish lives in the dark sandy land, even if it has eyes, it has degenerated. It should rely on other senses for food, or touch or smell or heat induction. I think the last one is more likely."

When Chen Ke heard the heat sensor, he took out two iron **** from his backpack:

"If it's thermal induction, I should be able to attract it with this thing."

Eggplant looked at it and cursed:

"Fuck, why did you even bring the old man with the iron ball in his hand?"

Chen Ke explained:

"This is a multifunctional telescopic ball I made. It can be stretched up to 1m in size, and the core of the ball can emit light and heat, and the direction of movement can be controlled. I originally made it for pathfinding, but I always use it to amuse cats. .”

Ji Han watched the sand around him begin to churn, and reminded:

"It's not it, it's them! Chen Ke, you have to hurry up, there may be fish under the sand on both sides."

Looking at the sand disturbed by the fish on both sides, Eggplant still joked:

"If there are fishing friends here, they will probably die of joy when they see this geomantic treasure."

Chen Ke holds two fairways:

"I'm ready to release anytime."

Ji Han arranged:

"Okay, after a while, Chen Ke opened the two **** and threw them to both sides. After completely attracting the attention of those fish, everyone took the opportunity to run forward. These fish should not dare to attack the stone, and they all took out their flying claws, which can quickly Seize the opportunity when you move. But don’t pull too far away, in case the people behind are in danger, after all, the vision is not good.”

The three nodded to indicate that there was no problem.

Chen Ke held the two iron **** in his hands and pressed them lightly.

The iron ball expands rapidly like a ball. The expanded sphere is composed of iron mesh, which is very elastic, and a small red ball is fixed at the core of the sphere.

The little red ball in the middle has changed color and started to heat up.

Eggplant and Ji Han each picked up one and threw it towards the two sides.

After the two big **** hit the ground, the sand below immediately boiled.

Chen Ke relied on the remote control integrated into his body to directly control the two balls, rolling wantonly on the sand.

I saw a lot of strange fish like the one just now jumping up from the sand suddenly.

Ji Han took the opportunity to scan, and the fish's information appeared in front of his eyes.

【Desert Tilapia (Level 9)】

[Health Volume: 800/800]

[Explanation: Living in the lower layer of the dark desert, the leather armor is very thick and the defense is strong. It relies on heat induction to capture prey. The meat is delicious and chewy, which is a high-quality protein source. 】

Ji Hanxin said, God **** the meat is so delicious, did you introduce it as a fish? I'm not Lord Bayard.

Even a single sniper can't kill him, just eat ass.

Taking advantage of the desert tilapia on both sides, they kept fighting for two balls.

Ji Han shouted: "Come on!"

The four walked quickly along the stone road. Fortunately, most of the desert tilapia seemed to be attracted by the two hotter and closer spheres, so they didn't notice that the four were running along the stone road. past.

After running for about two to three hundred meters, a large piece of rough rocky ground suddenly appeared in front of them. The four finally saw hope and jumped directly onto the rough rocky ground in one breath. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

After distanced themselves from the sandy ground one by one, they sat down on the ground.

Eggplant panted and cursed:

"Damn it, come and find a magic pillar. It's like a sports meeting. If you do it like this, I will feel like I'll lose ten pounds when I go back."

Sitting on the stone steps, you can still see the two bright spots moving on the sand, probably pushed by those fish.

Ji Han joked:

"Chen Ke, don't even mention it, your two **** are of really good quality, and there have been no problems for so long."

"Why does it sound weird..."

Just when the four of them were about to see where they were this time, there was a loud noise from the sandy ground, and then the four of them also felt a slight vibration.

Everyone didn't speak, they all looked towards the sandy ground in unison, and the two glowing **** in the distance didn't seem to move.

The original noisy sound stopped, only the sound of fine sand sliding down could be heard.

Chen Ke said in surprise:

"What shook just now? The ground..."

Before the second word "shock" was uttered, there was a "pop" sound on the rough stone ground next to the four of them.

Everyone turned their heads and saw that a desert tilapia the size of an arm landed next to the four of them.

Ji Han wondered:

"Huh? It's fine if there are fish in the desert, why are there still fish in the sky?"

Eggplant kept staring at the sand field, his eyesight was better than that of everyone present.

Eggplant looked at the sand in the darkness over there, frowned, swallowed and said:

"Something big seemed to have drilled out of the sand just now, and it sent a lot of fish flying. Hiss, it looks like a snake, but it doesn't quite look like it."

There are snakes under the sand? Is this the "Desert Zoo"?

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