I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 116: desert flying fish

The five members of Ethan's team finally swam to the shore after a difficult underwater battle.

But these pale corpses under the water didn't stop chasing after them, and actually caught up with them to the shore.

Ethan turned around and cursed:

"Fuck! Will, quickly find the sniper position, let's cover."


Will took out the sniper rifle as he spoke, reloaded the bullets in combination, aimed back and aimed at a corpse that was rushing towards him, and shot him in the face with a headshot.

After the underwater fight just now, the five of them already knew that these corpses need to attack the head to kill them.

Several other people also cast their powers. Little K used his charming eyes to freeze the corpses around him for three seconds. Although the time was not long, it was enough for Will.

Here, the black girl stretched out a pair of black hands and bound the two corpses, and then the black man Samuel knocked the heads of the two corpses to pieces with one heavy fist.

Ethan, who was furious, ignored the body's scratching and biting, pulled up a body and twisted off its head.

After a fierce battle, the Ethan Five of the International Alien Alliance finally killed all the strange corpses that were chasing up.

Although they didn't suffer any serious injuries, they were already in a state of distress. The corpses that suddenly revived underwater really left a deep shadow on these foreigners.

After the battle was over, Ethan turned around and cursed:

"Samuel, didn't the **** tell you not to touch that bell!"

Samuel panted heavily at this time:

"I didn't know it would be so serious. It was just looking at the light and wanting to touch it. Who knew it would be like this. Fucking mysterious and terrifying eastern power."

The strange corpse at the bottom of the water startled everyone.

Out of curiosity, Samuel touched the copper bell with the light on the bottom. Unexpectedly, the copper bell shattered, and a dozen or twenty light spots like fireflies emerged from it.

When the light came out, it swam towards the surrounding corpses, and immediately merged into them after touching the corpses, and then the corpses were revived collectively, broke free from the chains, and began to attack everyone.

Ethan wondered when these black people would get rid of their stink of disobeying the rules.

Little K stepped forward and asked:

"Captain, shall we continue?"

She really didn't want to trouble Ji Han and the others anymore, after all, they saved her.

Before the captain could reply, Will, the blond white sniper behind him, disassembled the sniper rifle again and said:

"It must go on, otherwise the suffering will not be in vain. I have to see what the **** they are doing."

Ethan nodded and said:

"That's right, the more dangerous it is, the more important the place they go to. Isn't there an old saying here, 'If you don't enter the tiger's den, you will never get a perfect son'. Everyone, take a break, and then go down to chase them. Will, you Is the posted tracking signal still there?"

Will took out the small radar in his arms, but at this moment the target on it had disappeared.

"Shit, the signal source disappeared, they should have found the signal sticker, we have to find it slowly."

Ethan thought that there was no other way, and he blamed himself for not thinking carefully. If Will hadn't secretly pasted the signal paper in advance, the five of them couldn't even find this place, and they were probably still in the headquarters of the Outer World Guards. It's exhausting.

At this time, behind the Crescent Lake, in the tunnel of the Black Rock Mountain.

The four of them still proceeded cautiously.

According to Chen Ke's positioning scan, everyone has traveled 648 meters.

Touching the rough rock walls around, Chen Ke said curiously:

"Although the rock wall is very rough, the tunnel is very neat. Is this really built by the ancients?"

Eggplant scolded:

"Let me tell you, Chen Ke, are you suffering from archaeological disease again? Let's go out first, it feels cold here."

As soon as the eggplant finished speaking, the lighting stick thrown by Chen Ke fell into a new area.

The light from the lighting stick is not absorbed, but illuminates the surroundings.

The four of them walked forward and felt that the touch under their feet had changed. It was no longer a hard stone, but soft sand.

Everyone took the flashlights to shine around, only to find that the pure black rock wall was behind them, and there was a large sandy field in front, which was somewhat similar to the place where they came in from outside.

Looking at the pure black mountain wall sloping inward, Ji Han asked:

"Are we entering the Black Rock Mountain, or are we going through the mountain?"

Chen Ke replied:

"Should it have passed through? There is already yellow sand here."

Song Qian shone a flashlight on the top of her head and said:

"It's really hard to say, after all, what the dome is is not yet confirmed."

Eggplant asked:

"What? Ji Han, do you think there is any influence?"

Ji Han shook his head and said:

"There is no such thing as the Black Stone Mountain in the Nine Stars Mirror of the Pre-Qin Dynasty. It should have appeared later, so I am a little worried, so let's move on."

There are also stone-paved paths on the sand here, but it may be because the sand is relatively fine, and many stones have sunk into the sand over time, so the stone paths are also intermittent.

Gradually distanced itself from the absolutely black rocky mountain, and the flashlight and lighting stick also resumed their functions.

Not long after walking, Chen Ke threw the lighting stick and flashed the flashlight.

Eggplant's eyes were sharp, and he immediately noticed that there seemed to be something flashing on the sand next to him.

I hurriedly stopped to take a flashlight to take a picture, but I didn't see anything, only empty sand.

Ji Han patted the eggplant and said:

"What? Did you find anything?"

Eggplant frowned and said:

"Something seemed to flash across the sand, but I couldn't see it clearly."

When Chen Ke heard it, he didn't pick up the lighting stick thrown in front of him, he just stepped back and said:

"I'll go, then don't just stop by yourself, call me."

Four flashlights shone there~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Although the light increased, there was still nothing to be found.

At this moment, there was a sound of sand flowing from behind the four of them.

We turned around and took photos together, only to see a small sand dune collapsed a few meters away.

Ji Han was a little curious. It is normal for a small sand dune to slide and collapse, but this is not outside. There is no wind and no one is moving. Is the collapse caused by the vibration of everyone walking?

Song Qian asked:

"Could it be quicksand?"

Eggplant shook his head and said:

"No, the quicksand should be in the low position between the sand dunes, and there will be no small sand dunes on it. I think Ji Han is right. Something is really wrong here. Let's pass quickly."

The four quickened their pace, and Chen Ke picked up the lighting stick that fell on the sand.

Because many stones in front were gone, and the stone road was broken, Song Qian took the lead to try it with one foot to prevent quicksand, and then turned back to let everyone come over after confirming that there was no problem.

But just when Song Qian was about to continue testing the sand, a huge black figure suddenly sprang up from the sand on the right, twisted its body and bit Song Qian.

Fortunately, Song Qian reacted quickly and lay down in time to avoid the attack.

The sand brought up by that thing splashed all over the ground, and after the body fell into the sand on the other side, it quickly burrowed into the sand again.

Song Qian retreated to everyone's side and said:

"What was that just now?"

Because of the raised sand, Ji Han and Chen Ke couldn't see clearly in the darkness, but the eggplant standing at the end seemed to see clearly what it was.

But he didn't answer right away, but took a breath first, then frowned and said:

"Grass, although it is outrageous, but I just saw it flying over the sand, it seems to be a big fish."

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