I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 3 Chapter 5: No time, give it to me!

Widow, usually refers to a single woman who has a dead husband.

It is known that if a woman's ex-husband is not dead, then she cannot be called a widow; if a woman has a husband, then she must not be a widow.

And Wang Er is the husband of Widow Liu.


Li Chu asked: "Wang Er is a ghost?"

"Isn't it a ghost? It's a pervert!" The woman rolled her eyes, "Do some things that knock on people's door after dark. Who in the whole town doesn't know what he wants to do..."

Li Chu suddenly felt a bit tingling in his back, and he couldn't help but explain: "I was really asking about things sincerely when I knocked on the door."

The woman smiled: "Hey, what are you nervous about, Mr. Xiaodao, you look like a good person at first glance. Come, come in and have a drink of tea? The new tea from yesterday."

Li Chuyi raised his hand: "No."

He asked the Widow Liu where exactly was her home, and left quickly. When she was leaving, the woman gave him another medicine pouch, which contained the medicine that two old genius doctors taught the residents of the town, which could resist the miasma.

Now in Longya Town, no one will risk their lives to move out in the middle of the night, except for the men and women who are affair.

Walking alone along the empty long street of the town, the night sky was filled with faint mist, which was quite frightening.

However, Li Chu is not the little Taoist who would be afraid of meeting evil spirits now. Now, it is the evil spirits who should be afraid.

Recalling his weak and helpless state at level seventy-one... Today's Li Chu only felt a moment of sorrow.

When he came to the door of Widow Liu's house, Li Chu clicked the door again.

Tuk tuk.

Not long after, there was a woman's response from inside: "There are people, there are people, come back tomorrow night."

"Huh?" Li Chu replied with a black line on his face, "I'm here to find someone."

A man’s voice came from inside, "Everyone is here to find someone, so you have to talk first, then come first, man."


This man is probably Wang Er. After Li Chu was speechless for a while, he shouted, "I'm here to ask something, so I won't delay too much time."

"Oh, who the **** is it? It's been a delay in the middle of the night." A plump woman put on a thick robe and mumbled to open the door.

When the door was opened, she was silent for a moment when she saw Li Chu.

Then he pulled Li Chu in, "Come in and ask slowly."

"Um..." Li Chu said, "Wang Er is here, right?"

"Don't worry, I'll let him go." The woman said very firmly, turning her head and shouting into the room: "Wang Er, are you sleepy? Go home early to sleep when you are sleepy."

"I'm sleepy with you...

"Who dares to grab a bed with Lao Tzu..."

Wang Er ran out of the room with an angrily face, but he was a big fat man with a strong build. When he ran out, seeing Li Chu, he also fell silent for a while.

After that, he touched his face silently.

Look at Widow Liu next to her.

He suddenly sighed deeply: "I should be sleepy."

In the tone, there was some inferiority and depression, which sounded a little bit sorrowful.

"No..." Li Chu explained: "I just came to you."


Upon hearing this, Wang Er and Widow Liu stared at the same time.

Wang Er looked horrified.

After a pause, Widow Liu sighed again: "Should I be sleepy?"

In the tone, there was some inferiority and depression, which sounded a little bit sorrowful.

The small courtyard was full of love and hatred for a while.


After a lot of effort, Li Chu explained to them clearly that he and them are not in the same way.

It was a Taoist priest who wanted to inquire about things and wanted to find the traces of two old genius doctors.

Wang Er finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Widow Liu seemed vaguely lost.

Hearing Li Chu's question, Wang Er thought for a while, looked around, his expression was a little strange, and said, "The two old genius doctors, I was indeed the guide who led the mountain."

"They said they wanted to go into the mountains to find the source of this sudden miasma in the town, so I took them in, and then searched all the way. Suddenly a strong wind blew and a thick fog came, and we couldn't see anyone anymore. ."

As he said, he flinched.

"Opening our eyes again, we are separated. After the two of them disappeared, I couldn't find it when it was dark, and I was in danger. There was really no way I could come back first."

"Is that so?"

Li Chu Ning eyebrows looked at Wang Er, feeling that he was not telling the truth.

So he persuaded: "I hope you don't hide anything from me. Only those two old genius doctors can get rid of the miasma in your town, and finding them is vital to us."

"No, I never lie."

Wang Er smirked, wiped the cold sweat on his head, and said vainly.

Widow Liu next to her murmured: "Just now you said you can last for half an hour."

"I was in a bad condition... I was a little tired from working during the day... It will definitely not be like that again..." Wang Er's face flushed suddenly, and some strange words were said in his mouth.

After that, he waved his hand altogether, "The trail leader, there is so much I can say. I don't know where the two old genius doctors have gone. If you really don't believe it, go into the mountains and look for them."

Seeing their state, Li Chu had no choice but to raise his hand and "set it."

Wang Er was immediately set in place.


Widow Liu was about to speak, she was a little surprised when she saw him like this, she pushed Wang Er, but he didn't see any movement.

"Why are you hard?"

"Sorry, time is running out and we can only make the best move." Li Chu said politely: "Because I do have an urgent matter to find two old genius doctors, and I beg you to tell me the truth you know. Go back to me. I have found two old genius doctors, and I will definitely be rewarded. If you still refuse to tell me the truth, then... it hurts me to beat people."

Of course, this is just a threat.

In any case, it is impossible for Li Chu to act on ordinary people. It's just that he thinks Wang Er's state is 80% lying, so he wants to scare him. People who really have ghosts in their hearts should be afraid.

After that, he unlocked part of Wang Er's acupuncture points so that he could speak out.

"Little Daoist, what kind of fairy means are you, quickly unlock me..." Wang Er immediately pleaded, "It's not that I didn't tell you, it's really my last resort."

"If there is anything unspeakable, you can tell us what we can do to solve it." Li Chu said.

"Oh..." Wang Er cried, "This Longya Town... is within Huang Daxian's mana."

"Huang Daxian?"

Li Chu caught the word.


After a while, a cyan robe left Widow Liu's house. When Widow Liu closed the door, her reluctant gaze followed him so far...

Only after Wang Er asked Li Chu to move him to a locked room, he revealed some unspeakable things.

It turned out that throughout Longya Town, and even the area near Long Jueling, the legend of Huang Daxian circulated...that is, the weasel in the mountains cultivated into a fine.

There is a small hill on Long Jue Ling, and there are many caves on the mountain, which are intricate and intricate. People who enter have never come out.

According to legend, the small mountain bag is a tomb of Huang Taixian.

Those who approached it offended Huang Taixian, so they couldn't come back.

And that day Changchun Old Man and Xuan Hu Weng asked Wang Er to take them to the Huangdaxian Tomb. Wang Er originally refused, but the two old genius doctors gave quite high remuneration.

Out of the heart of righteousness to contact the miasma for Longyazhen, Wang Er accepted it.

Walking all the way to the outskirts of Huang Taixian's tomb, Wang Er heard a few words of excitement in the voices of the two old men.

"is it here?"

"It should be..."

"Unexpectedly...that thing actually exists in the world..."

"You said, there shouldn't be people..."

"That's terrible..."


After this confusing conversation between Wang Eryi, the two old genius doctors actually wanted to go forward and follow a cave into the tomb of Huang Daxian!

Wang Er was in a cold sweat on the spot, and he had exhausted all his guts just by being near here.

But the two old men were very persistent, and even frenzy appeared in their eyes, and they couldn't persuade them. Wang Er turned around and left, but worried that the two old men would be in danger when they entered, so he had to bite the bullet and follow.

Although he was from Longya Town, he really never entered the tomb of Huangdaxian. In that intricate cave, the two old genius doctors seemed to have some way to lead the way. They walked very firmly all the way, much stronger than his guide.

The cave was filled with an indescribable stench. After a long time, the front was still dark, and there was no end in sight. Wang Er couldn't help but retreat.

At this moment, the old Changchun suddenly squatted down, seeming to be fancying something. Seeing that he seemed to have picked up something from the ground, Wang Er persuaded: "Old genius doctor, the things in Huang Daxian's grave can't be moved..."

Who knows, I heard the old Changchun ask in a sharp voice: "Really?"

Immediately he raised his head and saw the old genius doctor with the fairy wind and bones, but the face of a weasel came back!

Wang Er was so scared that he screamed, jumped back a big step, and then looked at the Xuanhu Weng, he also turned into a big weasel in human clothes!

This scared Wang Er so that the first Buddha was born and the second Buddha ascended to heaven, and his blood was cold!

At this moment, only his father and mother had two fewer legs. He turned around and began to run wildly, ran away.

Thanks to his natural ability to remember the way, even in such a panic, he didn't get lost in it. He ran all the way down the mountain until he reached the town of Longya before he collapsed to the ground.

At this moment, he was leaning against a tree and wanted to sit down and rest for a while. As soon as his face was a little closer to the tree, he saw a piece of bark scraped off the bark, revealing a white bottom with eight characters engraved on it.

"Don't talk to others, Huangxian has ears."

Wang Er was frightened again suddenly.

Huang Daxian is indeed alive, and he can even count which tree he can lean on, and he has engraved a warning on it in advance.

Those two old genius doctors must have been sanctioned for being disrespectful to Huang Taixian!

I'm afraid Huang Daxian forgave him for being in awe, because he was trapped in, so he was allowed to escape, only to give a warning.

After trimming for a while, Wang Er returned to normal, scraped off the words on the bark, and went to Widow Liu's house to suppress his shock.

After talking to others, they all said that the three had separated in the fog.


Recalling what Wang Er had just said, Li Chu had already arrived at the location of Huangdaxian's grave.

In the night, the miasma here is indeed quite strong, and it is almost difficult to see.

But you can still see the mountain masses all over the caves in front. It is not huge, but it does look a little weird, and it is full of evil.

Li Chu didn't talk too much, and directly opened the mind and eyes technique.

No matter how dark the cave is, there is no way to escape such prying.

In an instant, the breath in Wong Taixian's grave was in full view. In that cave, there is a very strong demon spirit! Especially at the bottom of the cave, the evil spirit is almost too strong to see the number.

Sure enough, this Huangdaxian tomb is simply a place where monsters occupies.

Li Chu thought for a while, but didn't choose to enter by himself.

Instead, he sacrificed the Pure Yang Sword.

He has special path-finding skills.


With a raised halberd finger, a red long rainbow instantly and mercilessly penetrated into the black cave.


In Yaowang Town.

As the night enveloped, the girl Wenxiang and the little maid Fangfang approached the hospital where Wang Longqi lived, looked around, and then made a gesture.

"Fangfang, follow the plan." She ordered.


The little girl resolutely agreed, with heroic generosity on her face.

Then, the little maid walked out of the darkness and came to the hospital.

There are actually two people living in this hospital. The outside is Dulan Ke, and the inside is Wang Longqi, the two are almost inseparable.

Fangfang knocked on the door, Lao Du opened the door and smiled and said, "What's the matter, please?"

"The Daoist Uncle..." Fangfang raised her eyes to look at Old Du, and suddenly cast a watery wink, "I have something to say to you, isn't it convenient?"

Lao Du looked at the little girl in front of her, her pupils dilated in an instant. He has lived for forty years, has he ever encountered such a scene?

Immediately, he smiled: "What is it?"

The little girl glanced behind him, lowered her eyebrows and said, "There are others here, why are you so embarrassed to say. Come out with me, and I want to talk to you in a whisper. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

Old Du's eyebrows jumped suddenly.

Looking at Fangfang's eyes, as if saying, just walk with her, isn't love here?

He naturally followed her out without resistance.

Fangfang led Lao Du Chao outside the hospital, while quietly making a gesture with his right hand in the darkness.

As soon as the two left, Wenxiang's infinite graceful figure immediately flashed out and entered the hospital.

That's right, this is the strategy that the master and servant thought of.

Tune Du Lishan.

Originally, I was still a little worried about whether the beauty plan would have any effect on this black-faced Taoist...

Unexpectedly, ha ha.

The effect exploded.

As soon as Old Du walked away, Wenxiang immediately opened the door of the inner room.

Wang Longqi, who had just woke up in bed, saw someone breaking in and sat up. Seeing the beauty again in the daytime, he was so excited, his eyes widened again.

But his first reaction was not how beautiful she was, but that his neck was already hurting...

Be restrained.

He quickly asked: "This girl, what are you doing?"

Unexpectedly, Wenxiang immediately came to his bed and whispered: "Time is running out, give it to me!"


As soon as he said this, Wang Longqi's mind was like a volcanic eruption, and countless pictures of him being sealed by him spewed out with a bang.

"I can't do it..." he murmured, and he was about to admit his fate.

At this time, I heard a loud shout from outside, "Huh!"

A dark shadow appeared in the room at some point, as if it was a curse of being 100% hand-knife, a fast and ruthless hand-knife, once again fell on Wang Longqi's neck.



On the grass outside the hospital, Fangfang only felt a gust of wind blowing in front of him.

She blinked in horror, "Why... people disappeared in an instant..."

"What the **** is this?"

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