I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 3 Chapter 4: Longjueling Halongya Town

There was silence in the clean room, Li Chu listened to Lang Yuguan's narration, he thought about it, and said: "Speaking of the old woman in Long Jueling..."

He remembered that he had just seen an old woman who was almost crushing the heroes outside Yaowang Town. It was said that she was also a young girl. It sounded a bit similar. He didn't know if it was related, so he told Lang Yuguan.

Upon hearing this, Lang Yuguan said, "I will send someone to invite her."

After instructing his disciples to do it, he said: "Several juniors are looking for the master, and the doctors in the surrounding areas are not useful. Now I am the only one supporting me in Yaowang Town, and I am forced to reduce the number of consultations every day. The number of people. Alas, if the Master is here, those patients will be treated anyway."

Not long after, the disciple invited the girl who looked like an old woman over, but saw her trembling footsteps, clearly like an old man. Only by glimpsing the glimmer of light in Li Chu's eyes can the girl's expression be clearly seen.

Seeing her like this, Lang Yuguan frowned, and after a pulse examination, his expression gradually became serious.

"Please wait a moment." He said, and then ran to the inner room, where the sound of flipping through the pages of the book was heard.

After a while, when he came back, his face was already heavy.

"If what I expected is good, mother-in-law, you... this girl, you are not sick, but parasitic by a kind of exotic worm called'Lu Chong.'"

"Huh? It's Lu Chong!"

Hearing this, the old woman was shocked and shocked. After a while, she asked, "What is that?"


Lang Yuguan had to explain to her, "It is a rare weird worm that is parasitic on living creatures. It can absorb the other party's Yangshou and transform into the power of one's own body. Usually the living body parasitized by it cannot survive. How long will it take to die, so the'lu insect' is also known as the'stealing life Gu' in the south. This kind of insect has not appeared in the ancient records for at least thousands of years."

"It has a characteristic that it cannot move by itself. After the living body parasitized by it dies, it will still attach to the corpse. Therefore, usually only in contact with the corpses or coffins of those who died strangely, can it be parasitized. Girl. Did you... ever touch these before you got sick?"

"Of course it's impossible." The old woman was a little sluggish after listening to Lang Yu's words, and shook her head again and again. She asked again: "Mr. Lang, is there a way to save my life?"

"It's not difficult to get rid of the worm, but the worm in your body should have grown very big now, and it will **** up your lifespan. If you get rid of it hastily, then you will not There are a few days left to live. I can stop it with medicine first so that it can no longer harm you, and then see if I can return it back..."

When Lang Yuguan said this, he was a little bit hesitant. It seemed that this was probably his blind spot of knowledge.

The patient himself seemed to have noticed a little too, and at this time he looked a little uncomfortable and fell silent.

Lang Yuguan seemed to think of something again, so he asked, "I don't know where did you come from, girl?"

"Longya Town." The old woman replied: "Longya Town below Longjue Ridge."


A cloud of suspicion rose in Lang Yuguan's eyes again.


"Why... this world seems crooked?"

Outside the hospital, Wang Longqi woke up vaguely, only to feel that the pictures in his eyes seemed to be tilted at a considerable angle.

After blinking vigorously, he realized that his neck was crooked...

He wanted to straighten his head, and then let out an "Ouch", "My neck hurts."

"Seventh Young Master, don't move around." Seeing this, Old Du, who was looking after him, said with great concern: "You can rest for a while, and it will be fine later."

"I seemed to see a girl just now..." Wang Longqi held his head, trying to remember what happened before the coma.

Before the voice was over, I heard a cry.

Lao Du's face in front of him instantly turned cold, he raised his hand knife and made a sound of unsheathing a sharp blade and rubbed it.

"If you think about it again, don't blame me for being impolite."

Wang Longqi was agitated immediately, and immediately remembered what happened at that time, and immediately shook his head obediently, indicating that he did not dare to think about it anymore.

"Where is Li Chu?" He asked again.

"Oh, the master and the disciple of the old man in Changchun are discussing things in it. I have already checked for you just now." Du Lanke replied, "There is almost no blood in the poison."

Wang Longqi was about to be happy when he heard the words, and suddenly reacted. The order of these words seemed to be wrong, and he immediately covered his face with his hands, "No, my head is a little dizzy, I'm going out for a stroll."

With that, he stood up and walked out of the hospital.

The sky outside is a bit gloomy, the air is a bit dry, and the wind is blowing with sand and dust from the north, which is far from the climate in the south of the Yangtze River.

Feeling a little more relaxed, I twisted my neck and saw two women walking on the path to the left.

The first one is slim, with wide hips and thin waist, full of moon in mind, but this figure is enough to be fascinating. What's more, her face is equally eye-catching, with a face of Furong, a natural pair of affectionate eyes, and there are many kinds of unspeakable amorous feelings.

Wang Longqi recognized at a glance that this was the woman who was in the attic just now, only that her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and another ominous wave rose up.

"It's over." He wailed in his heart: "She is smiling at me!"

Good opportunity, Wenxiang, who came on the opposite side, looked at Wang Longqi with a smile.

In fact, she saw Wang Longqi alone, and felt that it was a good time for the two to meet, so she tried to show him a certain look in an attempt to attract his attention.

But in Wang Longqi's eyes, this is clearly a seduction.

Or it can be said to be murder.

At this critical juncture, I heard another violent shout from behind Wang Longqi: "Huh!"

As if there was a thunder on the ground, a black shadow rushed out of thin air, a hand knife was raised high, and fell heavily, slap!

Wang Longqi softened with no room for resistance.

Puff through.

Falling softly to the ground again.

"Haha." The black death face behind him sneered, "Dare to look at women?"

After this sneer, Lao Du dragged Wang Longqi's leg and slowly dragged him into the hospital.

Highlight a ruthless.


Wenxiang and the little maid were shocked by him again, and they stood together in fright.

After a while, Lao Du disappeared with Wang Longqi, and they recovered.

"What a feud..." The little maid had lingering fears, "I can do such a heavy hand without saying a word."

"Do not!"

Wenxiang suddenly found something, and the light of a famous detective appeared in her eyes.

"This is not hatred, but love."

"Hmm?" The little maid was startled.

"You're still young, you have little knowledge, and it's normal to think of it." Wenxiang showed a smile that is familiar to the world. "These two times I just glanced at the connector, and there was no conversation at all. It is completely impossible to expose. That's it. The old Taoist beat him because he didn't want him to see beautiful women. Then I guess there is only one possibility, that is... being jealous."


The little maid grinned.

"Looking at that person's wretched appearance and wicked temperament, I thought he would be a senior literati. Unexpectedly...the two of them actually..."

"I need to give enough understanding." Wenxiang sighed: "The times are different, men and women are the same."


Li Chuzheng finished the conversation with Officer Lang Yu and walked out of the hospital, he saw Lao Du dragging in Wang Longqi who was unconscious.

"He's not awake yet?" Li Chu asked.

Old Du replied coldly: "I woke up, but fainted again."

Li Chu nodded very understandingly, "It's really hard for him."

Old Du asked again: "What did the doctor say?"

"Wang Longqi's poison is difficult to deal with. I have to go to Long Jueling to find two genius doctors, Changchun Shou and Xuanhu Weng." Li Chu said, "You don't need to go with me, let him stay here. Take a rest, take care of him here."

"Don't worry, Master." Old Du nodded: "I will definitely take care of the Seventh Young Master."

Li Chu looked at Wang Longqi's neck that was about to be twisted ninety degrees against his shoulders, and nodded lightly, "I don't worry if you do things."

Immediately, without much nonsense, Li Chu came out of Yaowangzhen.

It was getting late at this time, and according to his previous style of doing things, he actually didn't like being too anxious. But this time is different. According to the current situation, Wang Longqi will either die under a poisonous outbreak seven days later, or he will be hacked to death by Lao Du's hand knife in less than seven days...

So he can't help procrastinating.

Just out of the gate of Yaowang Town, just in time for a gust of wind above his head, Li Chu looked up and saw a huge goshawk falling from mid-air.

On the back of the goshawk stood a group of people in white clothes, their dresses were very similar to those of the Yanzhao Clan disciples who had been cleaned up earlier.

Li Chu frowned.

Sure enough, when the goshawk fell, the group of Yanzhao disciples brought out a stretcher. On the stretcher was a man lying on the stretcher. It was the former Zhenguanxi who had been paralyzed by Li Chu's punch.

"Brother Kansai, it's him!"

Seeing Li Chu, the disciples suddenly screamed.

"Yes, it's him! Uncle Guan!" Brother Guanxi on the stretcher also yelled immediately, "A disagreement will severely wound me and stole my things!"

In fact, Zhenguanxi's physical condition is no longer suitable for revenge.

At least not suitable right now.

But the situation does not allow it!

He was actually hiding things in his heart, and he had to complete a task when he came here. But before he could enter the gate of Yaowang Town, he was beaten like this.

What's even worse is that after returning, he found that the connector token he carried with him had been lost!

If this news goes back to the mountain, I am afraid that I will be hung on the flagpole to apologize.

So he didn't care about being seriously injured, and hurriedly cried to his second master uncle in Yanzhaomen to seek revenge for himself.

In fact, revenge is small, but retrieving tokens is big.

With this cry of him, one of the disciples behind him walked away from the crowd.

The man was dressed in a white robe and a linen robe, and he wore a hat on his head. When he lowered his head, he covered his face, revealing only a stubble face. Put your hands around your shoulders and hold a sword in your arms.

This person is Li Zongrui, the second uncle of Yanzhao Clan.

In the Northland arena, it is also a well-known existence.


Li Zongrui raised his head, as if he wanted to say something cruel.

But the sound of "fixed" that followed blocked all his words.

Bang bang bang bang bang...

Li Chu didn't drag his feet in the slightest, he came up with a machine gun-like combo, and fixed all the Yanzhao disciples in place, including the Guanxi brother on the stretcher.

Then he said: "First, I didn't beat him, he should be exactly the one who beat me. Second, I didn't steal anything from him. Third, I really don't have time to waste with you, so the method is straightforward. One point. If you offend, please forgive me."

After a polite explanation, he felt that he had expressed enough kindness. I believe that after these people recover, they should feel their politeness and will not trouble themselves again.

So Yu raised the pure sun sword and went away through the air.

In fact, with his 80th-level spiritual power now, if he were to use his full strength, he might be able to hold a person for a year or a half. In that case, it is almost the same as killing.

For these Yanzhao sect disciples, he has condensed quite a lot of spiritual power, ensuring that they can regain their freedom within ten days. For the cultivator, it is not a big deal to set a ten-day and a half month.

This is already a very gentle approach.


Those pretty boys who were anchored didn't seem to think so.

Li Zongrui's head was still lowered for the most part. At this time, there was a moment of confusion in his heart: "Where is the fixation technique? How powerful is it? I only said one word, I haven't shown my face yet..."

Brother Kansai was lying on the stretcher and wailed in his heart: "I'm like this, do you need to order me again? Isn't it superfluous? I'm like this, even if I want to find a connector to notify the loss of the token, I can't do it. Ah... Forget it, just kill me."


Soon, Li Chu came to Longya Town under Long Jue Ling.

Longya Town is the southernmost town of Longjue Mountain. Those who want to enter Longjue Mountain usually prepare here or find a guide.

It is not a good idea to go directly into the vast Long Jue Mountain to find people. Li Chu wants to explore this small town first to see if he can find some clues.

But as soon as he landed, he realized that the town looked a little weird.

Although it was a little late at this time, it was only not long after sunset, and it was still bright in the twilight.

It was supposed to be the time for the people in the town to come out for activities after dinner. But at this time in Longya Town, the streets and alleys were empty.

And on one street here, almost six out of ten houses hang plain white banners, each of them looks like a dead person. If you listen carefully, you can still hear some crying in the town.

what happened?

Li Chu looked around, wondering.

In addition, he also found that some pungent mist began to float around here, gradually covering the entire town.

After thinking about it, he knocked on the door of a house with a ringing sound.

Tuk tuk.

When he knocked on the door, he also found that there was a medicine bag with sweet fragrance hanging on the door of this house.

Not long after, a middle-aged woman opened the door cursingly. UU read www.uukānshu.com with anger on her face and said: "Who? I'm impatient, the sun goes down and dare to knock on the door, you don't want to live our house... "

Under the recommendation, it is really good, it is worth installing, after all, there are many books, complete books, and fast updates!

After she opened the door and saw Li Chu's face, her words stopped abruptly, blinked, and quickly dragged Li Chu into the yard with Li Chu, "Come in and talk."

"Excuse me, excuse me. Actually, I'm here just to inquire about something."

Li Chu wanted to decline her enthusiasm, so he listened to the woman: "The miasma outside is so bad that you can't live if you smell it too much, so you have to come in and say anything!

It turned out to be a miasma.

Only then did Li Chu know, touched his body, it seemed that there was nothing wrong, and then he was relieved.

"Lord Path, what do you want to ask when you come so late?" the woman said again.

"I would like to ask, have you seen the traces of the two old genius doctors, Changchun Old Man and Xuanhu Weng, in your town? I am here to look for them." Li Chu asked directly.

"Oh, those two old genius doctors." The woman actually knew something, she said: "They came to our town and taught us to prepare a prescription against miasma. But they said the source of the miasma is still there. Long Jueling went to the mountains."

"Oh?" Li Chu asked, "Do you know where in Long Jueling they went?"

"I don't know about that." The woman shook her head and said, "But Wang Er should know that it is his guide for the two old genius doctors."

"Wang Er?" Li Chu asked again: "Where is Wang Er now?"

"It's so late, he should be sleeping in Widow Liu's house." The woman thought for a while.

"Huh?" Li Chu felt something wrong when he heard this.

"The trail leader, don't think too much about it." Seeing the woman waving her hand, she smiled and said, "He is Widow Liu's husband."

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