I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 3 Chapter 1: Who miserable than I am?

At the end of March, the southern part was already full of grass and warblers, while the northern part was still precipitous. The snow in winter has been cleaned up, and the sun in the sky is still misty and half-warm.

The spring days are still short.

In the city of Jixiang Mansion in the North, a faint cry came from a azure blue palace. Passers-by seemed a little curious, but as soon as they looked over, they caught a glimpse of the lacquered and gold plaque of the mansion, and they dared not look any more.

It is not comparable to the prosperous and prosperous areas of Donghai Prefecture, Tiannan Prefecture, and Zhongzhou. The vast Northland has only three prefectures, which are Heishui Prefecture, Jixiang Prefecture, and Liaodong Prefecture. The three prefectures belong to the "Great Han Prefecture."

Within the territory of Dahan Prefecture, naturally there can only be one palace, that is, the "Hanwangfu".

Northland Cold King!

Unlike those princes who have been weakened in various ways, they are also the blessings of the sturdy folk customs here. The Han Dynasty has always controlled a lot of military and political power in the North.

Especially this generation of Han Wang, Ji Bangying.

He acted entirely on preference and was always perverse and unpredictable. The common people were afraid that any careless behavior would disobey King Han, so they simply avoided it. In front of the Han Dynasty, it is often empty.

"If the prince doesn't pity the slave family, then the slave family will go back to the brothel. Why bother letting me stay in this huge palace with the night sky guarding the boudoir. There are so many sisters and sisters who are hollowing out their minds to harm me."

At first it was just a cry from a woman, and then it turned into a howling and loudly crying, and there was a tendency to become more and more intense.

Across these layers of high walls, one can see that in the side compartment of the Hanwang Mansion, in a large cross courtyard, a woman surrounded by white brocade fur and wearing a blue and white close-fitting dress is opening the door, sitting on the ground, with her upper body protruding. Yelled in a chair.

She covered her face with her hands, unable to see her face for a while. But just by looking at the figure, it really can be called the bumpy, ups and downs, the peaks and ridges, the waves are like anger, the mountains and rivers are like Tongguan Road...

People can't help but wonder, she deserves to be a woman who can marry into the palace.


Beyond the threshold, a man in a splendid costume frowned and shook his head, seeing that his face was not old, and his white temples were slightly beard, and he still had a gentle temperament on closer inspection.

This man is not someone else, but King Han himself.

Unlike the surly appearance that the outside world guessed, this arrogant Northland Cold King looked a bit like a scholar.

"Wenxiang, don't make me embarrassed, okay." Ji Bangying looked at the woman in front of him, shook his head and said: "You said that other ladies in the house poisoned you, and you can't show evidence. You said you were hit. Poison, but nothing is wrong, you... aren't you making trouble out of nowhere?"

"Who said I'm okay?"

The woman raised her eyes, revealing a face of natural flattery, pursing her mouth, and said: "The slave's chest has been painful, and his heart has been pounding hard. If you don't believe the lord, touch it."

With that, she stood up abruptly and walked towards King Han.

"Yeah..." King Han waved his hand quickly, "This king believes, this king believes!"

Looking at the woman's chest, he really believed that her heart was beating very fast, and it was shaking outside.

"Wenxiang, you know that the doctor prescribed nourishing medicine to this king. If you want to reboot for three months, you must not seduce me." King Han sighed deeply.

"Bah, shameless." The woman named Wenxiang sipped, "Is it just to seduce you when people stand up? If you feel a little uncomfortable, you will know to call a famous doctor. The slaves have been poisoned for a few days and have not seen you. Find a famous doctor to see, and he said that he cares about me..."

"My life... why is it so miserable..."

"The doctors of the entire Jixiang Mansion have invited you, what else do you want?" Han Wangtan said.

"What kind of stinky fish and shrimps are they?" Wenxiang held her chest with her hands, "I can't see where they are uncomfortable at all."

"No way, no way." King Han closed his eyes, muttered a few Buddhist horns in silence, opened his eyes, and said angrily: "Come on! Send me the Nine Madams to Yaowang Town! Ask the old man in Changchun for medical treatment! One day's doctor No, no... I don’t want to come back if I don’t end my abstinence for a day!"

Ji Bangying waved his big sleeves and ordered the servants.


Wenxiang blinked, seeming to want to say something. But Ji Bangying seemed to be afraid of breaking the power after seeing her more, so he hurriedly left the courtyard in a big stride.

After a while, several maidservants brought large bags and small wraps to Wenxiang, "Madame Nine, shall we go?"

"Hmph, just leave." Wenxiang turned her face, frowned and followed the man to leave.

After leaving the yard, I got into a luxurious car with a gold-lacquered dragon. The driver raised his whip and the wheels rolled away.

It was not until leaving the palace that the small curtain of the carriage opened a corner, and a pair of beautiful eyes stared at the fading palace of the cold, as if...



Yaowang Town.

It is located in the outskirts of Jixiang Mansion, a remote deserted suburb. At first there was no town here, but it became a town with more people.

The reason why so many people gather here is actually just because of one person, the old man in Changchun.

In the early years, the old Changchun found that the soil quality here was excellent, and it was very suitable for planting some rare medicinal materials, so he stayed here. After being learned, people from all over the world swarmed in.

As more patients came, many doctors also took aim at this precious place.

On the one hand, here, you can see how Changchun old man grows medicinal materials and how to treat people's diseases. Even seeing more eyes is a blessing. On the other hand, there are many patients who don’t actually need Chang Chunshou to act in person, so they are naturally picked up by the doctors next to them. Over time, a cluster effect is formed.

The old man in Changchun has a very calm temperament, unlike Xuanhuweng who recruited his disciples, and formed the Xuanhu Villa. It's not like that Bai Shigong did to accept Ji concubine, and used all his life's learning in his own three ways.

But a famous doctor like him is like a whirlpool, even if he doesn't do anything, there will be wind and clouds moving around him.

Outside the town of Yaowang today, weeping everywhere.

Because the wall outside the town was sealed, the only door was closed, and a young man stood on the wall of the door, who was repeatedly shouting loudly: “Persons with minor injuries, minor illnesses, and non-incurable diseases, please leave by yourself. Go, don't add drugs to Wangzhen to increase the burden!"

Although he shouted one after another, at least hundreds of people gathered below, constantly talking about his pain.

A newcomer from the periphery asked curiously: "What's wrong with King Medicine Town? Isn't it always a refusal for those who come?"

"Oh..." The patient in front shook his head and said, "I don't know what's wrong in the past few months. Yaowang Town only accepts ten patients every day, specializing in difficult and complicated diseases. Normally, they are not allowed to enter. They are all difficult and miscellaneous diseases, and they must be prioritized. They must be miserable enough to enter, and I don’t know what happened. These people outside are not allowed to seek medical treatment."

"Huh?" The newcomer was surprised.

While we were talking, I saw a gorgeous car driving through the crowd. The driver shouted to give way while whipping the people blocking the road on both sides, extremely fierce.

But when others saw it, instead of daring to get angry, they avoided it repeatedly.

The car drove under the door wall and said to the top: "The Ninth Lady of the Han Dynasty Mansion is here for medical treatment, please open the door."

Without any lag, the door opened with a creak. At the door, a row of neatly dressed youths stood there, pushing out those who were trying to get in with their cars. Wait for the carriage to move in, then slowly close the gate.

"Huh?" The newcomer was surprised again. "Why did the people in this carriage let it go without looking at it?"

"Are you new here?" The man in front glanced at him and said, "That's the car driver of the Han Palace, you dare to stop?"

"Good fellow, King of the Cold North, really crazy." The newcomer sighed.

The man in front turned his head and glanced at him carefully.

But seeing this person is tall and thin, with a black face, looks rather old-fashioned and simple, and is still wearing a Taoist robe.

No one else, it was Dulan Ke, the current pioneering and closing disciple of Xiao Li Daochang of Jiangnan Deyun Guan.

The man looked at Lao Du, he hehe smiled and said, "Brother, I think you are not sick, and you are old. It must be because of the inharmonious **** and powerlessness. I advise you to give up your thoughts, Changchun old man does not Will condescend to look at these diseases."

"..." Old Du was speechless, rolled his eyes and said: "Brother, you have misunderstood. I don't even have a wife. What do you do with this disease?"

"There is no wife so old..." The man looked at him carefully, "Oh, I see, you want to have plastic surgery, right? Changchun old man is not proficient in this. I advise you to go back and make more money. It's much more reliable than these crooked ways."

"Brother, you are so smart."

Du Lanke chuckled, too lazy to care about him, turned around and left.

Leaving the crowd and walking outside, Li Chu and Wang Longqi were waiting there.

"How is it?" Wang Longqi asked nervously as soon as he came back.

"The situation is not good, it's serious now. You can't force yourself when you come to seek medical advice. I'm afraid you will have to go out in person." Old Du said.

Although according to the little genius doctor's information, Changchun old man should not be in Yaowang Town. However, there was no such news from inside or outside Yaowang Town, and even if he wanted to inquire about his whereabouts, he had to enter. When the three of them came, they didn't expect that they would be stuck at the first gate.

"Okay, I'll go!" Wang Long Qiyi gritted his teeth, staggering forward.

In fact, after the poisons and illnesses in his body were frozen by Bing Ling, his physical condition should be better than usual now. But when a normal person knows that there are so many poisons in his body, he will naturally become abnormal...

This is reasonable.


"I! I got smallpox at the age of three, dysentery at the age of five, and a fever at the age of twelve, and his head was broken. Up to now, it can't be added or subtracted within a hundred. I was bitten by a dog three years ago and I became a lame man again. I don’t know what I got this year. I have been coughing up blood for 30 days! Cough cough..."

A young man in ragged clothes was talking eloquently, halfway through, as if to prove something, he coughed again. Cough to the estrus, as if the bronchus is hanging in the upper jaw.

After a long while, he raised the blood on his shirt, looked sullenly, and said with disdain, "How is it? Is it serious enough? Is it miserable enough! Who else?"


Seeing this, some patients in the back didn't know whether they were unbearable or consciously invincible. They sighed and shook their heads and left.

"Hahaha! The mere vulture is a little sick, come to show off! I really don't know how high the sky is."

A loud laugh came from behind.

Everyone was surprised and looked up and saw four strong men carrying a stretcher, and a man lying on the stretcher.

"A certain family came up north from Donghai Prefecture, and they have seen countless people who are seriously ill all the way to seek medical advice. What's your point?"

After he started taunting, he continued to shout loudly: "I! The bone-blood disease uploaded by my ancestors has been counted up to eight generations, and all of them are short-lived. My grandfather died of illness even when he was six years old!"

"When I was twelve years old, my legs became ill, and I couldn't stand up anymore. I couldn't straighten my spine at the age of sixteen. From then on, I was completely useless. To this day, I have nothing to use except a mouth. I ask you, who can be worse than me?"

In his words, there is a great momentum to despise the world's heroes, but no one dares to stand up and refute. Because of his strength, it is indeed the best.

"Ha ha ha..."

Just when all the patients in the audience were restrained by the stretcher hero, a sneer sneered.

A rickety figure walked out slowly on crutches, "I say the world is a man, but that's the case. The class is axe, put the label to sell the first, and few are really real."

When everyone looked down, they realized that this was a short and terrifying old woman with pale white hair and wrinkled face, and she was not as old as she was.

"I only ask you one question, and see if someone can answer it." The old woman said, "Does anyone know how old I am?"

The people around her looked at her sick look, and consciously guessed down, and said, "Fifty years old?"

"Hahaha, far away." The old woman smiled.

"Sixty years old?" someone asked again.

"Further." The old woman curled her lips in disdain.

"Could it be thirty or forty years old?" There was an incredible voice in the crowd.

"Hehe, they are all stupid." The old woman shook her head and said coldly: "This girl is in her 28th year, she is 16 years old like a fake replacement! Youth is just right!"


Everyone took a breath. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

This old woman's illness is so terrifying!

How can she turn a sixteen-year-old girl into what she is now, really is a deterrent to the heroes.

"My aging rate has been five or six times faster than that of ordinary people since I was young. At the age of sixteen, my body is already about the same as a ninety-year-old man."

"Everyone, who said that women are inferior to men!" The old woman's back was slightly straightened, and she looked around proudly.

"You men, can one of you be worse than me?"


The people who were forced by her gaze raised their heads one after another, and no one dared to look down at her.

Obviously, this old woman has surpassed the realm of ordinary people!


Wang Longqi saw that the situation on the court was not good, and immediately stood up.


He spoke with an aura, and everyone came in surprise, wanting to see where the young hero was, and actually dared to challenge this strange old woman.

Looking at everyone's eyes, Wang Longqi felt the pressure was heavy, but he could only bite the bullet and continue.

"I was fine the day before yesterday, but just yesterday, I was arrested and dropped 32 kinds of strange poisons in the world! Each of them was enough to cause an elephant to die suddenly. But it was precisely because of those 32 kinds. Mixed together, unexpectedly did not immediately explode. I took Bing Ling San, and I could only prolong my life for seven days. The worst thing is that in this most likely the last seven days of my life, I can't look at the beauty! Because As long as a certain part of my body is congested, my blood flow will increase and I will die suddenly!"

"I have this hobby in my life... At the end of my life, I have to exercise restraint severely. I want to lift it but can't lift it. I will ask you, who can be worse than me?"

As soon as he said this, everyone lost their color and retreated in shock.

Even the students of Yaowang Town on the door wall were shocked.

"This son is extraordinary!"

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