I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 2 Chapter 77: 1 way to the north! [End of this volume

"This one……"

Just when Li Maoqing was a little hesitant, he suddenly handed over a big baggage.

Looking at the past, it was Old Du's dark and simple smile, "Master, the luggage has been packed for you."

Li Maoqing was surprised, this is too quick, right?

What kind of steward genius are you?

"Hahaha..." Qin Zhenghu smiled next to him: "Master, this is so clear that it is to send off guests. If it were me, I would be embarrassed to stay here."

Before he could finish speaking, Old Du passed another baggage with his right hand, "General Qin, this is yours."

Qin Zhenghu's smile immediately faded.

After a while.

The two masters and apprentices stood at the gate of De Yunguan where the gate was closed, a gust of cold wind swept across, and with a whistle, they brought up two fallen leaves.

Slightly bleak.

Qin Zhenghu frowned, "It's not right, Master, is there any shameful past in this old man who can't let people in official positions know? Otherwise, why just drive the two of us out?"

"Hehe... did you think about it?"

Li Maoqing shook his head helplessly.

"Fine, I have been with Yu Guanzhu for these days, and I have a temperament with each other. I am considered a rare confidant and friend. I believe he will never be a villain. Even if there is any unspeakable past, I am not good with him. Difficult, maybe it's better if you don't know... Don't look at me with that kind of eyes, I am definitely not afraid of his apprentice."

Facing Qin Zhenghu's skeptical gaze, Li Maoqing resolutely said.

But Qin Zhenghu still had more doubts. Li Maoqing gradually became guilty, so he had to wave his hand and said, "Okay, okay, I admit it is a little jealous. No way, who can make my apprentice worse than his apprentice."

"Is this **** able to get me involved?" Qin Zhenghu suddenly glared, "Why don't I be up for it? Lao Tzu gave an order, the two hundred thousand troops in the south of the sky..."

"Now I don't have anything to do with you..." Li Maoqing pours cold water relentlessly.

"Sooner or later it will still be mine..." Qin Zhenghu was also discouraged and muttered twice in dissatisfaction.

"This matter is not necessarily so easy to handle. Yang Dingtian has been coveting the military power of the Quartet for so long, and he has finally grasped one side, where will it be so easy to let it out. You can go back to Chaoge City with me first. There is something to do." Li Maoqing thought.

He was unwilling to leave Deyun Temple, because there would be an inexplicable peace of mind here, as if the courts were all outside. Every day you only need to drink tea carefree, play Go, read yellow picture books, chat with the old Taoist priests, watch the juniors play around...

Family happiness.

But now that I stepped out of the door, I had to think about the affairs of the court.

"Don't worry, I will definitely stun the dumb turtles of the court as soon as I go back." Qin Zhenghu said confidently.

"I mean...Be polite when you face the saint." Li Maoqing sighed.

Qin Zhenghu grinned and said, "Master, you know me. I have always respected the emperor Laoer."


Li Maoqing covered his face with his hands and shook his head again and again.

Just as the master and apprentice were about to leave, Li Maoqing suddenly said, "I have forgotten one more thing."

He stepped forward and knocked on the door of Taoist Temple again, and Lao Du cautiously stuck out a black face, "Master, what else is there?"

Li Maoqing handed over a bundle of scrolls, and said: "This is the magical power of the'Wan Sword Art' I wrote the day before. It was intended to be given to Dao Li when I was going to leave. I was suddenly'resigned' just now and almost forgotten."

"Wan Jian Jue?"

After all, Lao Du had also traveled north and south to meet the world. Knowing the gold content of this sword tactic, his eyes suddenly brightened.

"It is the authentic Ten Thousand Sword Art of Daxue Mountain, or it was given to me by the Scarlet Brow Sword Master. Although Xiaoli Daochang has a strong cultivation base, I found that the magical powers he cultivated are very few, and most of them are single attacks, lacking some. The magical power of large-scale strikes, if faced with many enemies, maybe it will suffer. This magical power is exactly what he lacks." Li Maoqing said.

Recommended, really good, it is worth installing, after all, you can cache books and read them offline!

"I understand, Master of National Normal University, this is a great gift." Old Du Xin nodded happily.

Then he closed the door with a bang.

Li Maoqing looked at the door panel only two inches from the tip of his nose, and muttered silently: "This Taoist man... is so ruthless."


When Du Lanke sent Wan Jian Jue in, Yu Qi'an nodded in satisfaction.

"This old boy can be considered deliberate. This supernatural power is suitable for Li Chu's cultivation. However, this supernatural power is used by you. It must be very powerful... You must use it with caution."

Although Daxueshan has many sword tactics, Wan Jian tactics can be regarded as a classic among them.

Li Chu also knew a little about this.

It seems that the national teacher is also hard, and it happens to send a range of magical powers that he lacks.

He took the scroll and nodded: "The disciple understands."

After driving away the miscellaneous people, Yu Qi'an also began to formally tell the story of the past.

"My friends in the Northland Rivers and Lakes, you should have known one thing earlier, that is Guo Longque, the leader of Broken Tablet Mountain, known as the number one anti-thief in the world."

Although I heard about it for a long time, Lao Du was still a little surprised when I heard Yu Qi'an admit it in person. Unexpectedly, a little-known old Taoist in Jiangnan could have a relationship with the anti-thief leader in the north.

I really need to learn more from my master to become the subject of "Human Networks".

The old Taoist spoke slowly, full of vicissitudes of life, "In fact, his real name is not Guo Longque, but Guo Dang. It's just that he can't use his real name to go through the rivers and lakes, so he changed this big one."

"The origin of the two of us is really a long story..."

"I won't say anything at all."

"Puff..." Everyone wanted to blurt out only when they felt the evil groove.

Seeing a circle of gazes like wolves and tigers, Yu Qi'an had no choice but to smile, and continued: "Anyway, we both grew up with children. According to the northern dialect, we are called "fa children."

"Actually, this view of virtue and cloud was originally his family's property. At that time, Guo Dang was just a wild way to apprehend the teacher. And I, from a serious mainstream background, came from an ancient Taoist tradition."

"Later, there were some changes in my inheritance. I came to Jiangnan for some reason and happened to live in this view of Deyun. We got to know each other and became close friends."

"At that time, both of us were not very old, and we were both determined to go out and wander around, and we wandered through the rivers and lakes together."

"Everywhere he goes, he asks for advice from an expert, I look for a confidante; he goes to punish the evil and promote good, I look for a confidante; he goes to kill demons, I look for a confidante... His cultivation level is getting higher and higher. , My kidney is getting worse..."

"Now that I want to come, I really miss that period of days when snow in white came and went like wind..."

"The sense of substitution is very strong, I have already missed it just by listening." Wang Longqi nodded.

"Of course, my cultivation is far better than him." Yu Qi'an emphasized again.

"A lot of things have happened along the way. We started from Jiangnan and traveled through Tiannan, Zhongzhou, Donghai...almost all over Kyushu, and finally reached the Northland."

"When we got there, we experienced some experience, which finally made us change our minds."

"Together we created the fire on earth."

"Huh?" Everyone was shocked.

Fire in the world, the biggest anti-thief force in the Heluo Dynasty.

The founder still has a copy of the old Taoist in front of him?

No wonder I didn't dare to let Li Maoqing hear it. As long as these words were spread out, the lightest thing would be a full-fledged copy.

"Don't be too surprised..." Yu Qi'an smiled and said, "When Human Fire was founded, it was just an ordinary gang. There are many gangs in the Northland Rivers and Lakes, and the fighting is extremely serious. There are some things that we can't do with the two of us alone. , That's why a power was built."

"With our courage and resourcefulness, the fire on earth is naturally invincible. In just two years, we became the largest gang in the North. What followed is that our followers are getting more and more, and things are getting deeper and deeper... …"

"According to my thoughts, it's time to get out and leave at this time. Anyway, we are just here to travel, no matter where we go, we will get a name, and then we will go and hide our merits and fame. Chic."

"But he changed his mind. He told me that he wanted to stay in the north and do a career..." The old Taoist sighed, "We had a long talk that day, and I knew that his thoughts and plans are with me. completely different."

"At that time, I happened to... got the news about Xianyuan, so I went back to Jiangnan and returned to Deyun Temple. And he continued to develop the human fire, and within a few years, he went to Broken Stone Mountain and became an antipathy. thief."

"Actually, I don't know why he rebelled, but I believe that he will never have ambitions to be an emperor. He should have another plot."


While talking, the old Taoist sighed.

"Huh?" Wang Longqi was a little puzzled, "Yu Guanzhu, you have talked so much, what does it have to do with helping me go to the north to find the old man in Changchun?"

"It doesn't matter." Yu Qi'an shook his head, "It's just that people are getting old, and it is inevitable to be nostalgic. It just so happens that you want to hear it again, so let me talk about it."

"..." Wang Longqi was speechless and said: "In normal times, it doesn't matter if I hear you talk nonsense for three days and three nights, but time is running out now..."

"It's not all nonsense. If you encounter difficulties, you can go to Duanbei Mountain to find the help of the heroes and heroes, just mention my name." The old Taoist said immediately.

Hearing this, Old Du asked keenly: "Which name do you mention?"

After coming to Deyun Guan for a long time, he almost conditioned this worry.

"As long as I mention my real name, Guo Dang must know it." Yu Qi'an smiled.

"Okay, remember. It shouldn't be too late, the little genius doctor will give me medicine quickly, and then we will set off." Wang Longqi couldn't wait to stand up and said.

"Yeah." The little genius doctor was surprised and said: "I forgot. I haven't given you the medicine yet."

"Then you still sit here and listen to the story?" Wang Longqi's eyes almost stared out.

"Don't worry, it can be done in one hour, and you can definitely save your life before dawn." The little doctor believed.

"I have something to do, too." Li Chu stood up and said, "Xianhuang Gu is still where the King Wooden Man died. I have to go and get it back."

"Ah..." Wang Long raised his head with seven eyes, "Then how long will it take you?"

"I will go back and forth with my full sword. It should be very fast." Li Chu said.

After that, he raised his halberd, stepped on the pure sun sword, and went straight to the sky.

Somehow, thinking of going to the Northland this time, he felt a sense of restlessness in his instinct. I don't know if it is because of Wang Longqi's affairs, or there will be other encounters.

This kind of intuition is definitely not groundless. There have been a few inexplicable premonitions before, and indeed things happened. As he rose to the 80th level, all aspects of his physical abilities had crossed a threshold. This kind of blessing to the soul should have improved.

It seems that this trip to the Northland will not be that simple.

And the master...

Based on his understanding of Yu Qi'an, he always felt that the master still had something to hide, it seemed that there was something that could not be said.

Maybe you have to wait until the Northland to see the leader of the anti-thief to know.

Of course, the best result is that there is no need to seek any help at all, and we successfully found Changchun Sou to help Wang Longqi detoxify, and everyone was very happy.

Now he is fully defending his sword, and the speed has already reached a heinous level. Of course, only his own body can withstand that huge tear.

This kind of imperial sword is naturally not like when imperial sword is killing people, it will not inject so strong spiritual power, nor does it have the power of the comet. Even if it is not dark, you can only vaguely see a white line piercing the sky, so no one will notice.

Naturally, Li Chu would not know that at the top of a snowy mountain he passed, a battle about "Swordsmanship is No. 1 in the World" also came to an end because of him.

I have seen that comet crossing the border. The Scarlet-Browed Sword Saint and Baili Lone Star have no thoughts of fighting. What is the meaning of UU reading www.uukanshu.com to fight for the second place?

When I came to the former site of the Snow Mountain, it was already a huge pothole. With the impression and mind-eye skills of the previous follow-up, I still found the Xianhuang Gu quite smoothly.

After all, this is the baby of Little Koi, and you can't lose anything.

When he rushed back to De Yunguan, he saw the little genius doctor holding a bowl of medicine with a serious expression, facing Wang Longqi.

"Qi Shao, I want to remind you again. Once you drink Bing Ling San, you will no longer be a man. You can't touch the **** in the world any more. If the blood is congested and the blood flow increases, the effects of Bing Ling San in your body will dissipate. Faster, maybe it will be cool in less than seven days..."

Wang Longqi's expression was as serious: "I see."

The little genius doctor said again: "Before you drink this bowl of medicine, what else do you have to say?"

Wang Long said in seven pauses: "There used to be many good girls standing in front of me without clothes, but I didn't cherish them. I regretted it when I was not able to do it. The most painful thing in the world is this. If God can give it to me. If I have a chance to do it again, I will say'come together' to those good girls. If we want to add a deadline for this time, I hope it will be'all night'."

A cool breeze blew, Wang Longqi closed his eyes, and slowly drank the bowl of medicine aimed at Bing Ling San.

Li Chu looked at the scene full of ritual feeling, a little puzzled, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Old Du said: "Bing Ling San is most afraid of blood flow acceleration, so Qi Shao must remain calm. After arriving in the North Land, if he is going to encounter any accelerated congestion, we must stun him as soon as possible."

Li Chu nodded: "Okay."

Wang Longqi drank the Bing Ling San. After a while, Gu Jing opened his eyes without wave and said: "Now we can set off?"

"We... all the way north!"

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