I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 2 Chapter 64: Handsome man can't look in the mirror

In the deserted Buddhist hall, the door is closed tightly.

There are several light gauze curtains hanging in the room, and there is no wind.

On the futon, the handsome monk in white slowly opened his eyes, as if there were countless divine lights in his eyes, the depths of which were difficult to describe.

But at the second glance, I suddenly felt that it was nothing ordinary, as if he was just a monk with gentle eyes. Those gods show their auras, and you don’t know where they are caught.

"Master, don't worry about me."

He spoke slowly, his voice was soft and pleasant.

"I said so, but how can I not worry about you? If something happens to you, who will maintain the name of Yunfu Temple? Can it depend on me?"

Opposite him, outside a few curtains, an old monk wearing a jeweled golden robe, sighed, seemingly relieved.

"You are the master of a temple, even if the disciples are fine, don't you have to rely on you?" The white-clothed monk said politely.

"Haha." The old monk laughed twice.

These two are the two highest-ranked monks in Yunfu of this generation. The abbot of the temple and his disciple Chan Master Chongyi Yi Chan Master.

Easy to be a Zen master, naturally is the well-known Baiyi Sengjiang easy.

Zen Master Chongyi, his master, is not well-known in comparison. So much so that when people in the world think of Yunfu Temple, the first thing they think of is Jiang Yi, but they don't think of who the abbot in the temple is.

In fact, the fortune of Zen Master Chongyi really depends on his disciples.

At the beginning, he didn't have any outstanding points among his peers at Yunfu Temple, and he even seemed a little clumsy.

But he just accepted an apprentice who was against the sky.

Jiang Yi rose too fast. He became the most prestigious monk in Yunfu Temple when he was a teenager. Ninety-nine percent of the pilgrims in Manshan came to him, and the number of people who traveled to talk about Zen was thousands of times as many as some old monks. , The cultivation base's advancement is also rapid.

Although many old seniors in the monasteries couldn't understand Jiang Yi at that time, they mocked him to pass the Buddha on his face. But the anger is just anger, Jiang Yi's strength is also against the sky, people are impeccably strong, no one can help.

Such a person will naturally be promoted.

But if you want to promote him, you have to promote his master first, otherwise you can't make your apprentice step on the master's head.

If you want Jiang Yi to be a superintendent, then his master must be as much as a hall master; if you want Jiang Yi to be a hall master, then his master must be more or less a class leader; if you want Jiang Yi to be a class leader, how much is his master If you want Jiang Yi to be the first, then his master should be more or less an elder; if you want Jiang Yi to be an elder, then his master should be more or less an abbot...

and many more?

On the day that he became the abbot, Zen Master Chongyi was dumbfounded.

That's kind of...

It's the same dreaming as riding a horse

Many years later, someone asked Zen Master Chongyi how he felt at that time. Zen Master Chongyi was still a little excited, he slowly let out a suffocating breath, and whispered:

"It's still quite stressful. Actually, I haven't thought about it clearly until now. How come I became the abbot of Yunfu Temple when I was a good prison? I felt a certain imperative feeling. At that time, I read two sentences..."

"The apprentice leads in, and the practice is personal."

But a few days ago, two young disciples who had seen the character generation secretly ran to Mingshui Valley to pick the treasures of heaven and earth, but one of them lost his life.

After the other came back, he reported the matter.

After all, Mingshui Valley was dangerous, so no other elders were sent from the temple, so it was easy to go directly from Jiang.

Unexpectedly, he returned from wounds after fighting against the fierce thing in the Styx.

Now Zen Master Chongyi was a little panicked.

After waiting for two days and finally waiting for Jiang Yi to heal his injuries, he hurriedly ran to condolences his disciples.


"It's the disciple's recklessness that makes the master worry." Jiang Yi apologized gently again.

"I thought that underwater was just some ordinary ghosts, but unexpectedly it was a Dedao ghost immortal who had practiced for so many years."

"Ghost?" Zen Master Chongyi was taken aback.

Just as human cultivators can cultivate into land gods, some ghosts can also choose to cultivate into ghosts. It's just that compared to the land gods who are already rare in the world, ghosts and gods are a more difficult road.

It is far more difficult than a human body to transcend with the identity of femininity incomplete.

Even if you go back tens of thousands of years and gather all the ghosts and immortals that have appeared in the world since ancient times, it may not exceed the number of hands.

"And that ghost and immortal probably has a lot of origins. He is proficient in many immortal methods. With my current cultivation base, I can't subdue it." Jiang Yi continued, "But I didn't have any serious problems, but it was contaminated with some extremity. I am worried that it will affect my future practice, so I retreat for a few days to get rid of it."

"It's okay..." Zen Master Chongyi nodded and said, "As for the ghost, if it doesn't harm the people, why not provoke it?"

"What the master said is reasonable." Jiang Yi also nodded.

"I have made three chapters with that ghost and immortal, and I will no longer gather masters of the world to harass it. It can no longer kill a person. Both cultivators and ordinary people can only be expelled."

"It has always been hidden in Mingshui Valley based on this level of cultivation. It must also be trying to prove the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth and become a true immortal. The magic sound echoes in the Mingshui Valley, and no one will approach it in leisure. In fact, it is quite stable."

"It's just that the disciples will be more strictly restrained in the future, and the news will be spread out at the same time to prevent other disciples from hurting likewise..."

"The main reason is that we can't do anything with it." Zen Master Chongyi frowned, "If you want to deal with it, you can't deal with it."

There was a moment of silence behind the curtain.

Then there was a slightly weakened response: "Indeed."

Talked with the apprentice for a while.

Zen Master Chongyi got up and left. As soon as he walked out of Jiang Yi's Buddhist temple, he saw Zen Master Rong He rushing over again.


Because it was near Jiang Yi's yard, Rong He didn't dare to call out loudly, but even though he lowered his voice, he also conveyed considerable eagerness.

"I just went to see you and found that you are not in the monastery, and I was about to find Brother Yi."

"what's happenin?"

In front of the ordinary monks, Zen Master Chongyi showed the calmness of being an abbot.

Of course, it was also because the previous disciples gave him confidence.

"It was the selection of Shanmen disciples this month, something went wrong."

Rong He relayed what he had just told him about his benevolence, and relayed it to Zen Master Chongyi.

"A Taoist priest with a high level of cultivation, who was unscathed in the Styx before, came to participate in the selection of the disciples of the mountain gate of my Yunfu Temple..."

After listening to Zen Master Chongyi, he squinted to look at Ronghe.

"Senior nephew Ronghe, that Jen Ren is a junior disciple, he is not very old, his mind is unstable, and some omissions in doing things are normal. You have been practicing Zen for more than 30 years, why are you so reckless? This matter is 80%... You see the wrong person, right?"

He said reproachfully.

"Uncle the abbot, it's not true. Seeing benevolence told me that he would never admit that the little Taoist looks..." Rong He was reprimanded by the abbot, suddenly panicking.

"Did you know..." Zen Master Chongyi lowered his voice and said slowly: "There is a ghost in the Styx. He can't easily suppress him. He can only make three chapters with it, and then returns with injuries."

"If you can enter the Styx, and then come out unharmed, then the cultivation base... definitely must be above the easy, at least not lower than the easy, right?"

"This..." Zen Master Rong He's cold sweat came down.

"In the Taoist school, except for Tong Wudi... even if there are any, they are probably some old monsters who have lived in seclusion for many years. How could they come to my Yunfu Temple to apprentice? Even if there is any conspiracy, there will be more advanced means to come. Show...How can it be such a trifling matter?"

"Indeed, I'll go back now and tell the benevolent to stop thinking about it." Rong He nodded again and again.

"It doesn't have to be, anyway, the first round of selection of the Shanmen disciple is the mirror of the heart. Just stare at it."

Zen Master Chongyi said: "When you see the tragic death of your brother at a young age, you will inevitably have a heartburn. Usually you need to guide and comfort him more, and pay attention to your tone of voice. You can't rebuke him like I rebuke you, you know? "


Rong Helian claimed to be, although he feels that the abbot of Zen Master Chongyi still pays so much attention to the mentality of a young disciple, it is quite touching...

But he still wanted to say something.

Abbot, I am human too.

I also have flesh and blood and emotions.


The next day.

Participating in this month, a hundred contestants from the mountain gate gathered in front of a side hall of Yunfu Temple, a large white square, sunny.

Among these people are old players who have participated in many or even years of selection, there are also newcomers who have just arrived with passion, and some have ghosts, such as three players from Jiangnan who claim to be brothers and grandchildren...

On both sides of the square, I could occasionally see some monks from the temple passing by. No matter young or old, they were all unhurried and dignified, which greatly excited the believers and contestants who sincerely wanted to worship the Buddha in the temple.

If you can enter the Yunfu Temple, it is equivalent to getting an iron rice bowl that guarantees income from droughts and floods. The work content is quite stable, the promotion path is perfect and transparent, and you don't have to worry about finding a target.

How good.

Originally this kind of monthly selection was presided over by monks of the renown generation, but this time, somehow, the monk who came to the renown generation, Ronghe Zen master.

After seeing him on the field, the players' chests are taller.

If you behave well enough today and be directly accepted as a disciple by Zen Master Ronghe, then you will be prosperous...

Zen Master Rong He came to the crowd and said directly:

"You are welcome to participate in the selection of the disciples of the mountain gate of my Yunfu Temple. There should be many devout and honest people who have participated in the selection for many times, and there are also newcomers who have participated for the first time. The poor monks will give a unified explanation."

"The first stage of the selection of this mountain gate is called the'Mirror of Mirroring the Heart.' This mirror of Mirroring Heart is a precious artifact in my temple, which can reflect the evil thoughts in people's hearts. If you want to enter my temple for evil and conspiracy , Now I can turn around and leave. I will not be held accountable if I wait for a change. If I wait for it to be reflected by the mirror, the serious ones may be punished.

This first round did not go beyond Li Chu's expectations. It was nothing more than a background check, which eliminated bad guys and ensured the purity of the organization.

Listening to Zen Master Rong He's words, the crowd whispered, but no one quit. After all, if you can get here, you probably know a little bit, and you won't be dissuaded from it because of this.

Talk about it.

Behind it, a young monk lifted up a huge wooden platform, but it was empty.

Then I saw Master Ronghe brushing his sleeves, and a brilliance appeared out of thin air, and gathered on the wooden platform into a large bronze mirror that stood tall and dazzled. The bronze mirror was not facing the crowd, but one. Empty direction.

Zen Master Rong He drew another red line at two feet in front of the mirror.

"After a while, everyone, please stand in front of this red line and stand still for three breaths. Because the mirror can stimulate the soul to a certain extent, don't go too far, so as not to endure it." Zen Master Rong He reminded. .

As his voice fell, everyone began to move forward in an orderly manner, accepting the test of the mirror.

The first person to step forward was a young man in a commoner coat. He was a little nervous, standing in front of the red line, his throat rolled.

I heard Zen Master Rong He suddenly shouted: "Why do you want to enter Yunfu Temple?!"

The shout was thunderous, and the people around could not hear him, but he was shocked.

After the three breaths, I saw some flowing images appearing on the mirror.

It seems to be a dilapidated cold kiln, in which an old woman lingers on a sick couch, and a childish boy kowtows in front of the bed...

"So I wanted to practice Dharma for the mother to heal diseases..."

Zen Master Rong He nodded, "filial piety and pure, middle and upper class."

A little monk behind him wrote down his comments, and the boy left happily.

Then there is a middle-aged man with a slightly thin body, the same process, the man stood in front of the red line and closed his eyes, as if he wanted to adjust his thoughts.

Then Rong He's unexpected voice rang through his mind.

He couldn't help but shake all over.

After three breaths, a large area of ​​blur suddenly appeared on the mirror, and it seemed that some flowing snowflakes blocked all the pictures.

"Humph!" Zen Master Rong He said in an irritating manner, "He is full of lust, expelled from the mountain gate and cannot re-enter!"


This scene immediately scared the rest of the players.


It was the turn of the three brothers.

Durranke blinked and quietly moved back half a step, "Second brother, I'm a little scared, you come first."

He pushed Qin Zhenghu forward.

Qin Zhenghu blinked and then quietly moved back half a step, "Ah, ah, ah."

Then he pushed Li Chu forward.

Just at this time the previous person ended. Zen Master Rong He looked at Li Chu and noticed a small change in their position, but he didn't care.

He originally wanted Li Chu to come forward, so he smiled and said, "Come on."

Li Chu was fearless, and walked forward calmly, standing in front of the red line, facing the bronze mirror.

A handsome face was reflected in the bronze mirror.

Li Chu frowned and glanced away.

He doesn't like looking in the mirror.

Immediately after that, Zen Master Rong He repeated his old skills and said, "Why do you want to enter Yunfu Temple?"

At that moment, Li Chu was actually a little guilty.

After all, his heart when he entered Yunfu Temple was not sincere, but when he thought about it, he was not sincere.

Anyway, his original plan with Lao Du was to accompany him on the run, so that Qin Zhenghu could go in.

Thinking of this, he became calm.

However, he was still a little worried that the mirror would reveal their plan, so he turned his eyes back and glanced at the face of the glasses.

After three breaths.

Suddenly heard a click.

Then came a series of karaoke sounds.

Then it was Zen Master Rong He's "No way?"

Finally, Hula——

This time, a little bit of light and shadow appeared on the bronze mirror, it suddenly cracked, and then it broke into pieces!


There was an uproar in the crowd for an instant, and they didn't know why this happened.

It's just that in this uproar, there was an excitement of "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh".

Qin Zhenghu was worried that his impure purpose would be exposed, and he was naturally delighted at this time.

Zen Master Na Ronghe was dumbfounded~www.ltnovel.com~ This mirror mirror has been used for hundreds of years, how could it suddenly burst? It’s okay for others to use it, and it suddenly breaks when I push it, so I’m going to be held accountable.

But obviously there was no attack...

Is it because you saw something you shouldn't see?

He looked at Li Chu suddenly suspicious.

At this time, he listened to Old Du clapping his hands and shook his head:

"Oh! My third brother's most feared thing in his life is to look in the mirror. The large and small mirrors in the house were shattered by him. Unexpectedly, this magic weapon is inevitable."

When everyone's eyes gathered on one of his faces, he immediately raised the volume again, and said loudly, "I wonder if you... have you ever heard the legend of'Beauty Mirror'?"

"Those who are extremely handsome, just can't look in the mirror!"

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