I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 2 Chapter 63: Buddhism

Outside the Tiannan Mountains, there is a mountain that looks quite unique among the mountains. Its mountainside and foot are blocked by jungles and horizontal mountains, and only one peak is exposed. However, the top of the peak was hidden by white clouds for some reason, and it looked like a huge cloud.

According to legend, many years ago, a Taoist monk walked into southern Xinjiang and came here all the way, accompanied by a cute little girl.

The little girl walked here and exclaimed: "Wow, what a big cloud!"

The high monk laughed and said, "It's not a cloud, but a mountain."

So the little girl said: "It's a big mountain."

Then the eminent monk took the little girl to the top of the peak, and she could see that it was really a mountain surrounded by white clouds.

Since then, the eminent monks have built temples and practiced here.

Because of that childish remark, he named the unnamed mountain at his feet "Yiduoshan".

The temple he built was named "Yunfu Temple" because it seemed to be floating on white clouds in the distance.

After the emergence of Yunfu Temple, it gradually replaced the head of Buddhism in Bailong Temple, faintly facing the head of Taoism, Bai Yujing, and became one of the best among the twelve immortal doors.

Among the twelve immortals, there are seven sects and five factions. In addition to their greater power, the five major factions have a higher status. In fact, there is another point because they all have the responsibility of defending the earth.

The imperial court of Zhongzhou ruled Tianque and ruled the evil laws of the world, so there is no need to say more.

Beyond this.

The Baiyujing of Kunlun in the west guards the Shenxu; the Arctic Jianzong Daxueshan guards the Ghost Valley; the Thunder falls to the gods gate in the East China Sea and guards the Longyuan; and the Tiannan Jingtu Yunfu Temple guards the demons.

The reason why Yunfu Temple is responsible for this important task is that the Buddhist supernatural powers have a considerable restraint effect on monsters, and it is more effective to deal with them with half the effort.

The same is true for the devilish energy in Qin Zhenghu's body. Li Chu's Little Bodhi Mantra has a stronger effect on this thing than sunlight. It's a pity that the little Bodhi mantra can't get rid of Qin Zhenghu's demons. If you want to completely eradicate it, according to the little genius doctor, Qin Zhenghu still needs to practice the "Qu Mo Jing" himself.

"Qu Mo Jing" is not a very treasured scripture in Yunfu Temple, but it is also bundled in the Tibetan scripture pavilion and cannot be watched by outsiders at leisure.

If you want to practice, you must at least be a disciple of the mountain gate of this temple.

In fact, with Li Maoqing's status, it shouldn't be too difficult to ask for a magical power of this level from any immortal gate. It's a pity that this sutra belongs to Buddhism, and Li Maoqing came from a Taoist school after all. Moreover, Yunfu Temple has a closer relationship with the Southern faction in the court hall, and Li Maoqing is a representative of the Northern faction.

This delicate relationship made him dispel the idea of ​​asking for scriptures from Yunfu Temple.

As for Qin Zhenghu himself, if he was still the Great Southern General with 200,000 troops in charge, he could of course come directly to ask for it. But now he has fallen into Pingyang, if he reveals his identity, he might not know what to call first.

After a lot of discussions, everyone decided on the safest method.

Let Qin Zhenghu hide his name and worship Yunfu Temple with a new identity. After practicing the Qumo Sutra and returning to normal, the showdown will take place.

In this way, Li Chu had to follow him.

After all, when Qin Zhenghu became ill, only he could easily overcome it.

Now that Li Chu is here, Lao Du will naturally accompany him.

After all, his role beside Li Chu nowadays, besides shouting six six six six, has recently added a "backpack" role, which is quite important.

The plan of the two was that they would come to apprentice with Qin Zhenghu. As long as he succeeds in his apprenticeship, they will fail at will.

The task is easy and pleasant, just as a trip to play.


The next day, the three of them came to Wangyuntai opposite the Yiduo Mountain, where the legendary Yunfu Temple Patriarch and the little girl looked at the mountain.

Lao Du raised his eyes and looked at the mountain covered by white clouds, learning from the little girl in the allusion, and said with a smile: "Wow, it's a big cloud."

Qin Zhenghu sneered: "Stupid."

"..." Old Du grinned and turned back: "Remember your own identity."

"What am I..."

Qin Zhenghu just spit out a starting gesture, and suddenly remembered something, closed his mouth angrily, and said nothing.

Lao Du leisurely followed Li Chu's figure.

Stroll in the green hills and swim among the white clouds.

The three of them walked up a mountain along the climbing road, and there were constant pedestrians along the way. Although the road was not narrow, it was almost shoulder-to-shoulder. Most of them are women, so Li Chu is frequently looked down upon.

He looked around, and said: "This Yunfu Temple is in the middle of the mountains, and there is almost no city around it. There are so many believers who can come here just to worship the Buddha. It is worthy of being a top immortal gate."

"The top immortal gate belongs to the top immortal gate, but Yunfu Temple was not so lively decades ago." Lao Du explained.

"It's also thanks to the birth of Zen Master Yi. I want the Zen Master Yi to have a beautiful appearance and a high level of cultivation. He wore white clothes to win the snow, which caused many women in the Heluo Dynasty to set up the wish of'not marrying a monk in this life'. "

"Since then, Yunfu Temple has gained such popularity. After decades of precipitation, even though Yi Zen Master seldom appears in front of others now, there will still be fans from all over the world who want to come to visit this Yunfu Pure Land and take a look. Look at the place where the white-clothed monk practiced."

"So that's it." Li Chu understood.

In the past ten years, the most prestigious people in the arena are nothing more than those two people, as the three-year-old boy on the road knows.

Tiannanjiang is easy and Northwest children are invincible.

Excluding those hidden land gods, these two people can probably be regarded as the pinnacle of cultivators in the eyes of the general public.

Among them, Tong Zhiyang is the head teacher of Bai Yujing, whose cultivation is known as invincible in the world and no one has challenged successfully so far.

As the oldest and most powerful leader of the Immortal Gate, he also possesses the highest to most powerful strength, and it is normal to have this status.

But his name is just behind Jiang Yi.

Is it just because it is flat?

It is not a couplet, of course not for this reason.

In comparison, Jiang Yi did have a lot less seniority, and he didn't have so many shocking records. He is not even the abbot of Yunfu Temple, although his cultivation level may have already surpassed his master abbot.

The reason why the people still put Jiang Yi in the front is very simple.

More people like him.

Today's Jianghu Tianjiao is like a sky full of stars, such as Zhan Liuming, Zhan Yunting, and Chu Xiangyu whom Li Chu has contacted. They have different styles, and each has its own supporter.

But in Jiang Yi's era, no one could compete with him, he was like Haoyue round, Jiao Ran was in the air.

The so-called moon star is rare.

At that time, he was practising and entering the world Zen, and every time he went to a city, he had to go into it to build a platform and lecture and argue. Almost wherever they go, the people will fall into enthusiasm.

Moreover, before Jiang Yi, the relationship between the ordinary people of the Heluo Dynasty and the practitioners was not like this.

It was only after his national tour to teach Zen that the people began to strongly pursue the practitioners, and the practitioners realized that these mortals without spiritual roots have such great power.

In a sense, he is the pioneer of this new era.

Wearing the white monk robe of the moon that year not only allowed the white-clothed Sengjiang Yi's name to spread across the country, but also opened up a new path for future cultivators.

Insufficient talent, good looks.

Of course, the founder Jiang Yi's own talent is unquestionable, at least he is recognized as the strongest among the Buddhist schools in the world.

Those who say that Jiang Yi is not worthy of being compared with Tong Wudi will often be speechless as long as they come to Yunfu Temple in a mountain. Only by seeing the horror popularity that has lasted for many years, can people truly realize what is real...

Top stream.


Yunfu Temple has been expanded to a magnificent scale. After the turbulent people flowed halfway through the mountain and scattered everywhere, it became less crowded.

The three of them inquired all the way to the place where Yunfu Temple recruited disciples.

In front of a simple Buddhist hall, two fat monks in monk robes were sitting there with kind eyebrows and a long line at the table.

There are still many people who want to come to Yunfu Temple to become a monk.

Especially after Zen Master Yi became famous, there were many more bad elements with bad intentions. These people used to know that they could not marry a wife and have children when they became a monk.

The line was lined up until the afternoon when it was the turn of three people.

Dulanke stepped forward and said: "The three of us are together, please also sign up for us."

The fat monk on the left smiled kindly and said: "The three of you are... three generations of my ancestors and grandchildren are my Buddhist believers? Kindness, kindness, really rare."


Du Lanke was silent for a moment, and said to his heart that this Buddhist disciple was so dirty how to talk.

After a pause, he reluctantly smiled and preached according to the original pretext: "The master said and laughed, what are the three generations of grandparents, we are three brothers."


The two fat monks were shocked.

Looking at the faces of Dulanke, Qin Zhenghu, and Li Chu for a long while, it was still unbelievable.

Based on the appearance of these three people, it is reasonable to say that Durange is a grandfather, Qin Zhenghu is a son, and Li Chu is a grandson.

It can be said that they are brothers...

It’s too hard to be a parent, right?

But these two were monks from Yunfu Temple after all, they had trained their minds, and soon recovered.

"The three, please sign up."

"My name is Du Lanke, my second brother is Qin Hu, he is mute, and my third brother is Li Chu." Old Du finished the introduction by himself.

This part of the statement was originally made up by him, because Qin Zhenghu's reputation was so great that a word was specifically hidden.


This time it was the turn of the two fat monks to be silent.

The fat monk on the right raised his head and said suspiciously: "The three are brothers?"

"Yes." Old Du nodded without red face and heartbeat.

"Are you entertaining the poor monk?" The fat monk on the right is still younger and angry: "Three brothers, one surnamed Du, one surnamed Qin, and one surnamed Li?"

"Hi..." Old Du took a breath.

Unexpectedly, there is such a fatal loophole in the rhetoric that I have been thinking about all night.

His mind turned quickly, and he quickly remedied: "The two masters don't know, the customs in our place are different, and the children in the family are born after... the neighbor's surname."

"With the neighbor's surname..."

The two fat monks instantly understood, as if they had seen through some big secret, and understood why the three brothers looked like nothing.

"Okay, please wait a moment for the three of you tonight. We will have special disciples to send you to the lay village to go to bed. Tomorrow morning, the selection meeting of Shanmen disciples will officially begin."

After the name was written swiftly, the fat monk on the left put three name plates on the floor for them to walk around.


After leaving, Lao Du wiped his sweat, "I almost put it on, but fortunately I am clever..."

"With the neighbor's surname..." Qin Zhenghu rolled his eyes, "You are really a **** genius."

"General Qin, don't forget the instructions of the National Teacher, since you hit this mountain, you are a dumb." Dulanke responded.

"..." Qin Zhenghu curled his lips, then made two noises: "Ah, ah, ah."

For some reason, Durranke felt like he was swearing when he listened...

The matter of making Qin Zhenghu dumb was the result of everyone's discussion yesterday. The reason is simple. It made him worry about his quality, and made him restrained and worried about his IQ.

It is easiest for him to shut up.


The lay disciple village that the fat monk said was also the largest settlement in the upper and lower reaches of Yiduo Mountain. It is said that it is a village, but it is actually a bit larger than an average town. The teahouses, restaurants, inns, vendors, residents...all above are no different from other places.

Probably the only difference is that there is no entertainment such as brothels and gambling shops.

At least not on the surface.

There was actually no village here at the beginning, just some people who wanted to practice Buddhism at Yunfu Temple but were unwilling to be ordained. Because they were not disciples of the mountain gate, they were restricted from living in the mountain temple, so they gathered in this mountain temple. Outside.

Later, many people who failed to participate in the selection of Shanmen disciples also became lay disciples here, but they were just "forced laymen."

Gradually, there were more and more people like this, and they formed a village.

After Jiang Yi took the fire to Yunfu Temple, there were more pedestrians, and this small village became the only place to stay outside the temple and suddenly became popular. Within a few decades, it has developed into the scale it is today.

Those lay disciples who built houses here earlier have made a fortune, and since then they believe in Buddhism more devoutly.

The three and dozens of others formed a group and waited there for a while.

Then, I saw a young monk with horoscope eyebrows and a few young novice monks walking over to everyone, saying: "I thank you for your kindness, but you will not be able to live in the gate of the mountain before the selection starts tomorrow, so I have to temporarily. Live in this lay village."

"Master is polite", "It's not in the way", "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

As the young monk raised his head, his eyes naturally saw the calmest but most eye-catching person in the team.

At that glance, seeing this face, the young monk shook his whole body, and then lost his face in shock!

"It's you!"

His eyes were wide open, and he didn't know who was talking about, so he suddenly turned around and ran away!

A small novice monk and the candidate disciples were left looking at each other.


Unknowingly, the young monk used his magical powers, flew all the way back into the mountain monastery, broke into a monastery, and almost ran into an old monk who had just walked out head-on.

Upon seeing this, the old monk said displeased: "See my benevolent nephew, you are reckless, but what kind of Zen practice have you cultivated?"

"Uncle Ronghe, I saw again...I saw that person..."

This young monk, who was called a benevolence, tremblingly said.

"On the day when I saw Brother Zhi died in the Underwater Valley, I said that it was a little Taoist priest who went into the water before, and soon came up unharmed. He only went down when he saw Brother Zhi, and died in the Underwater River... "

"I saw that little Taoist priest that day again!" He said loudly~www.ltnovel.com~Huh? "

Uncle Na Rong and Master frowned.

"There are some unspeakable things in the underwater. It's easy to get rid of the demons the day before, and it's a bit dangerous. But the little Taoist priest was unscathed...Where did you see him? But it's me. In the mountain gate?"

"Outside the mountain gate, he is in the candidate team of the mountain gate disciples." Seeren said in a panic.

"Oh?" Uncle Rong He was taken aback again, "A little Taoist with unpredictable cultivation came to participate in the selection of my Buddhism disciples? How weird it sounds... Didn't you admit the wrong person?"

"Impossible!" The monk Jianren shook his head firmly, "Uncle Master, you will know if you go and see."

"That face... it's impossible for a blind man to admit his mistake!"

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