I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 2 Chapter 60: 1 game of unilateral crush

At the moment when he saw Li Chu's face revealed from the sealed demon bag, the "boy" suddenly remembered a truth that a sage named Lu once said.

The more you worry about something, the more it will happen.

In order to avoid the head-on collision with this little Taoist priest, he specially did not take action personally, hired a professional team, and was also prepared to kill others, completely preventing Li Chu from having any chance to find himself.

But who would have thought that there would be surprises when opening the bag?

Although this boy is just a physical puppet, and the wooden man in him is strictly a puppet, the wooden man has a real soul and mind.

It is precisely because of this that so many people think that this is the ontology of the wooden king.

that is.

The little wooden people are flesh and blood and sentimental, and they are also afraid and cry.

Will also feel helpless.

Such as this moment.

At this moment, it hoped that a demon body that helped the wilderness came down from the sky to rescue itself, but a pity, let alone that the demon body was not here at all. Even if it was, the real wooden king would probably not let him play against Li Chu.

After all, as long as it waits until the day when he takes full control of the devil's body, it will be an invincible killer. It is unwise to fight against a strong enemy who doesn't know the details before he is fully in control.

Nowadays, high-rise buildings rise on the ground, and you can only escape by yourself.


At first, Master Fu Yao thought that King Mu Ren's fear came from his act of killing the Koi, and he was proud of himself, but watching him frantically pointing at the person in his hand, he couldn't help but wonder.

Even if you are afraid, you don't have to be afraid of it. With such a poor psychological quality, you can still be a magic king?

Combined with the apprentice's trembling reminder on one side, he suddenly realized that the problem was wrong.

Then turned his head to take a look.

Then she was shocked.

After all, in his opinion, catching koi should be a sure thing. How come it was a real koi carp, but a fake fish came out?

He can't figure it out.

And depending on the level of fear of King Mu Ren, this guy should be a ruthless person.

Master Fu Yao instantly thought of the master of the legendary Koi, the little Taoist with extremely strong cultivation.

Could it be him?

He suddenly realized something was wrong.

Looking at the current situation, it seems that the Muren King is not the biggest threat. This little Taoist priest will follow all the way here, and he will definitely clean up all those who are plotting against the Koi.

Then it seems that their masters and apprentices are hardly spared...

At this moment, the little Taoist priest and the wooden king were like tigers and wolves who suddenly met, and their masters and apprentices were just a few little white rabbits trembling on the sidelines.

It seems that no matter who wins, they have no good fruit.

How to do?

The current situation is so difficult that Master Fu Yao, who has been in the rivers and lakes for decades, suddenly does not know how.


Zhao Cai’s little head is very flexible. When he saw Li Chu’s uncomfortable face, he realized that it must be when he was peeing. Jinbao pretended to be without seeing anyone clearly. Came in.

Hi, so angry.

If you do things with such stupid people, you will make some mistakes if you don't pay attention.

Do you want to keep an eye on it all the time?

He obviously solved it quickly, and even because he was too anxious, he urinated a few drops on his hand.

and many more.

Thinking of this, he blinked, then rubbed his right hand on Jinbao's clothes.


Jinbao had a calm expression on his face.

In fact, he never understood the situation.

How can a good home delivery become a black food, how can a good boy become a wooden king, how can a good koi become a little Taoist...

The speed at which the plot is changing is far beyond the upper limit he can handle.

The head hurt by the master is still a bit painful. Doesn't this affect your IQ? He thought worriedly.

There is really no way to do this job.

Not as good as...

After making this ticket, let's go home and sell small balls.


The atmosphere sank strangely in an instant.

The wooden king didn't dare to move, the master Fu Yao didn't dare to speak out, and even those who used to attract wealth and treasures didn't dare to be presumptuous.

All eyes fell on Li Chu's face.

Li Chu's mood was very stable, and he didn't hit someone by surprise as soon as he got out.

He got rid of the demon bag, then looked at Master Fu Yao, and said, "Can you let go of my neck with your hand?"

Master Fu Yao realized that he hadn't let go, and he was a little numb...

For some reason, he was clearly controlling the opponent's life gate, but the second he looked at Li Chu, he felt that he was choked by fate and was suffocated.

"Okay, okay..." He quickly agreed to let go of his hand.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

After some elegant and easy-going responses, Li Chu raised his eyes to look at the boy opposite.

When he observed the outside with his heart, he had already noticed that the boy was wrong. The eyebrows are flexible, but lifeless.

Similar to what I saw that night in Mizutani Xinyin.

It can be said that King Mu Ren's ability to refine puppets is truly unique in the world.

The wooden man possesses the soul and mind, and the flesh possesses the power, and then use the wooden man to manipulate the flesh... you don't need to control the whole process by yourself.

Such a structure may lead the puppets of single-line manipulation by an era.

After a pause, he asked, "Why do you want to catch Xiaoyue'er?"


Hearing the words, the boy on the opposite side pondered.

This little Taoist priest doesn't know if it's because of Xianhuang Gu?

He rolled his eyes and suddenly shouted: "You want to know? I won't tell you!"

After all, the boy is violent!


The surrounding coercion instantly increased thousands of times, and Master Fu Yao and two disciples were forced to lean against the door wall, squatting and shivering.

I just feel that the gods are fighting, and the mortals suffer.

As if wind and thunder came on the ground, that small body flew over, with a whistling vigor!

Li Chu's eyes were bright and bright. When he saw the boy flying here, a brilliance swept out of his head and escaped in the opposite direction.

This is not the first time he has seen this gecko docking.


In the blink of an eye, he had already pulled out the Pure Yang Sword.

As long as you do enough, even the simplest actions will be different.

Just like Li Chu's sword-drawing action nowadays, in addition to being extremely handsome and unrestrained, his speed has also improved a lot.


A red dragon whizzed out, instantly engulfing the boy who was violently rushing forward, and then swallowed the wooden figure that turned into a streamer and flew away, and finally hit the wall full of seals.


The loud noise exploded in the space, making the ears hum, that Chilong had been piercing the attic before giving up.


Master Fu Yao and the two apprentices made a gesture of leaning back and sucking in cold air.

I thought it was a fight between gods, but... was it a unilateral crush?

Magic King, this is it?

The smoke cleared, and the dazzling sunlight came in.

And in the hole opened by Chilong, there seems to be something else...

As the boy said earlier, this attic is actually a cell he carefully built, and within the thick walls, there is indeed a hidden space.

Li Chu stepped forward, and saw a half-dilapidated cell ~ www.ltnovel.com~ A cross-shaped iron frame in the cell, and countless iron ropes fastened a very burly man firmly to it. .

He blinked his eyes slightly, looking tortured and dying.

Even so, he still can see that he has a heroic outline, a strong physique, and his whole body has an aura that cannot be concealed by weakness. He must have been as powerful as a tiger before.

As Li Chu's footsteps slowly approached the past, he hadn't waited for him to wake up the man to ask anything.

I saw a strange black aura suddenly bursting out of this person's body, and something seemed to start to wriggle and wander under the skin and blood vessels, and the black gas that permeated would make a bang when exposed to the sun. His whole muscles seemed to be bulged by this black energy, and his eyebrows were also frowned tightly.

It seemed that this black air was a punishment that made him extremely painful.

"You are..." Li Chu asked in surprise.

Hearing his voice, the locked man raised his head abruptly, gritted his teeth, his eyes were scarlet, and he gave a vicious cry:

"Hit me!"

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