I Can’t Be a Sword God

: Leave speech: the itch of one book

The recent state is a bit hard to describe and very poor.

During this period, several commentators said that the plot of this paragraph was boring.

In fact, I feel that way too.

The main reason is not that I am out of trouble, but that my mentality has come to a period of burnout.

When every author starts a book, he absolutely thinks that the story is interesting, so he wants to tell it to others and write it to others with great enthusiasm.

But I never thought that this book could go, nor did I expect to be able to write it for so long.

Although I always thought that I was good at writing and funny, there was no reason not to get up...but just think about it.

If someone tells me that newcomers can achieve this result, I will believe it. But if you say that this newcomer is me, I definitely don't believe it.

If I believe it...however, I have to change the title of the book that is not so sloppy.

The first order was more than 4,000 when it was first put on the shelves half a year ago. I still clearly remember the mentality at that time, that is, I was flattered and couldn't sleep with joy.

At that time, I had a lot of enthusiasm for the story, thinking about the plot every day, thinking about what kind of unfolding would be interesting. Even the first two months without earning a penny, I had a very happy day every day.

But if you write a million words in a book, you will encounter problems.

After all, writing is more tired than writing. It was probably during the Chinese New Year that I suddenly felt that I didn't like to ponder the plot much anymore. My enthusiasm for this story doesn't seem to be that strong anymore. Every day codewords start to become tasks, and it feels uncomfortable.

Even I had a resistance to all the text, and I couldn't enter any other books.

In the past, it might take me six hours to write four thousand words, deleting, deleting, and modifying. Recently, it only takes three hours. If you don’t think about the plot in advance, you can pull it down when you finish writing. Naturally, the energy density is not that high.

Writing is not like manual labor, you can force yourself to do it, it's quite difficult anyway.

And I started to have other ideas crazy in my mind. I want to write double open, want to write a new brain hole, want to find a girlfriend, want to write a novelette publication, want to write a public account, want to write a script to kill...

There are many good ideas that make me feel very excited.

But I obliterated these thoughts in time.

Because I know myself too well, with my laziness, barely burdening the daily update of a book is already the limit, and any extra thoughts are irresponsible.

I asked the editor, and the editor probably said that there is no good way. Every book reaches 600,000, 700,000 words or one million words, there will be this kind of burnout period, and the author can only adjust it. Many authors can't handle it, and they basically end up at this number of words.

Probably like a seven-year itch in a marriage?

Of course I won't be over. The plan when I opened the book was eight volumes, eight hundred and eight chapters, and two million words. I don't want to write more, and I don't want to write less.

So I have been trying to adjust for a while.

(It refers to running out to play during the day.)

You see those long stories that can write several million, in fact, this is also the case.

It's just that people either have a prepared outline to support it, and no matter what, there is also a framework... I am inherently inadequate in this regard.

Either just update casually, want to write and write again... In this regard, I am more than enough to compare.

Otherwise, after reaching a certain number of words, start writing casually. There are some well-known old books, in fact, no one has ordered them anymore, they are just hanging. It is because of the large number of words in the front, as long as it is not over, new readers will keep coming in, and you can make a lot of money by writing casually.

But I don't want this. At least my expectation for this book is from beginning to end. Even if the state has ups and downs, it shouldn't be too different, let alone arrogant.

Thanks to this unit drama structure, even if my state is worse for a while, it will affect a plot at most, and it won't just collapse.

After these two days, I finally felt a little bit back. I started to think about new things, and it would be funny because I thought of a certain plot, and I could rediscover the fun of this story.

Moreover, I went to find a bad review again.

When I was fighting spirit before, because I was about to seal the stubby forever, I often went to Youshu.com and pirated reviews to see how those sbs were scolded, and then came back and started codewords full of fighting spirit, ready to hit them. s face.

One particularly funny one is that some people say that this book is all a routine, that is, when someone encounters trouble, they come to the protagonist and the protagonist solves it.

To prove that the routine is repeated, the author is rubbish.

This kind of person looks at Conan like this, watching three episodes will feel that the routine is repetitive.

Because every episode is going out to meet a murder case, and then a detective will come forward to solve it.

As for the story core hidden under the simple form of driving the story, it probably can't understand it with ten turbochargers in its little head.

The unit format of the third volume and the fourth volume is not that strong, and the core of the story is somewhat repetitive, but it is not serious. Although the tasks in the first two volumes were all tasks, I did almost every story with a different core.

I really analyzed the core of many classic stories.

Probably it is a different combination of character relationships, emotional transitions, plot flashpoints, etc. This is why it is solved with one sword every time, but it can still write more than a million words.

Because it's really deliberate, it's not those little geniuses who just slap their heads, oh! It's just repetitive routines that add to the stubbornness.

I want to be beautiful.

The recent plot can clearly feel that when I can't be so careful, the explosion of the plot becomes very weak. As a reader, the most direct feeling is boring.

Fortunately, everyone still gave me considerable tolerance.

At present, the book’s average order is 24,000, and it is still in a rising period.

I really appreciate all the friends who supported me.

It can be seen that I like Deyun Club, and Lao Guo treats the audience as his parents~www.ltnovel.com~ with absolute respect.

My attitude towards readers has always been the same.

So as long as I have spent money on this book, even if I say too much, I will delete it silently, and I don't want to reply.

And for those who like to read this book, I really did my best not to disappoint you.

The update issue that has been criticized, in fact, I also want to make progress... as far as I can.

But if you want to write well, you really need to take a day off to get the follow-up outline.

Having said so much, it is probably just to explain the previous problem. Then I would like to express that I have regained my enthusiasm, and I will work harder to put my limited life into unlimited creation.


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