I can synthesize extraordinary genes infinitely

Chapter 787 [799] Shocked to hear about the meeting of the old gods! (Please give me a monthly ticke

Inside the pavilion.

Mu Yaoqing sat opposite Pei Jinye. After the young woman in cheongsam poured the tea, she stood up and bowed to leave.

"Senior, please."

Mu Yaoqing reached out her hand respectfully, indicating to Pei Jinye to try this spiritual tea.

"The tea was flown over from Xizhou, and the tea set was exchanged from a collector in Beizhou. It is at least a hundred years old, made by a master refiner, and has never been used..."

She knew the origins of these things very well.

Although her mother has always been the new business star to the outside world, in fact she is the real player behind the scenes.

But strictly speaking, these are all leftover from Pei Jinye's fun.

He picked up the teacup and took a sip.

It's just ordinary spiritual tea.

But they are extremely expensive in the world.

Pei Jinye put down his tea cup and looked up.

"In the past month, you have either given me food or books. Tell me, what do you want from me?"

Mu Yaoqing's eyes were sincere and she said: "Senior's talent and knowledge are the most powerful I have ever seen in my life. I want to come and learn from Senior when I have time."

"There's not much I can teach you." Pei Jinye shook his head.

Mu Yaoqing said quickly: "I know that inheritance is of great importance. I don't expect to receive inheritance from my seniors. I just want to broaden my horizons by being around my seniors."


She raised her glass with both hands and begged to look.

For Mu Yaoqing, it is also important to stay with Pei Jinye and learn the way of the strong.

During this period of contact, she had given up the idea of ​​becoming a disciple of Pei Jinye.

From Pei Jinye, she could easily feel the feeling of being far away.

This feeling made her completely unable to understand Pei Jinye.

just like……

He would leave anytime, anywhere.

Moreover, Pei Jinye also made it clear that he had no intention of accepting a disciple.

Although this made Mu Yaoqing feel frustrated, she quickly adjusted her state and settled for the next best thing.

"I'm not sure I have much time. You should know during this period that I am not always here." Pei Jinye said slowly.

Mu Yaoqing said hurriedly: "I know, but it doesn't affect me. I always feel that I can gain a lot by just chatting with you."

This is not because she is trying to flatter you.

Indeed, after chatting with Pei Jinye for so long, her thoughts suddenly became clear.

This senior's ideas always allow her to find new ways.


Pei Jinye reluctantly agreed.

The smile on Mu Yaoqing's face didn't look fake at all. She happily picked up the water glass and stood up, drinking tea instead of wine and calling Pei Jinye sir.

Pei Jinye raised his hand and motioned for her to sit down.

"When you are looking for me, just throw the note in. I will naturally come to you when I see it...I will be going out in the near future. The return date has not been determined, it can be as short as three days or as long as half a month."

Mu Yaoqing listened carefully and nodded: "Don't worry, sir. I don't want to be a burden to you. I'm lucky to be able to get inspiration from you in life."

"Your luck is behind you, don't underestimate yourself." Pei Jinye smiled slightly.

Mu Yaoqing paused, a little lost.

When I came back to my senses, I felt a little emotional.

"Sir, you are really different from those strong men outside."

"How is it different?" Pei Jinye asked calmly.

Mu Yaoqing looked around and lowered her voice: "Those people just like to rely on their old age and want to be flattered by the people below. But sir, you are different. You are willing to respect us weaklings."

Pei Jinye took a sip of tea, looked at her, and said calmly: "Everyone starts from the weak step by step."

Mu Yaoqing will be grateful for these words for a long time to come.

The power of these words is far more powerful than the skills he obtained from Pei Jinye.

“Students are taught.”

Under the sunset.

Mu Yaoqing watched Pei Jinye leave.

She stood alone in the pavilion and thought for a long time.

This time, she felt lucky to have Pei Jinye as her teacher.

Fortunately, during her interactions with Pei Jinye, she did not treat this gentleman with the principles of later generations.

"It turns out that there really is respect between people...but some people just don't understand."

Mu Yaoqing looked coldly after reading the information on the phone screen.

As she was leaving, she made a phone call.

"From the moment that man decided to abandon us, he has nothing to do with me, and now he wants to come back to snatch my property... Isn't this a joke? Ask a doctor to see if there is anything wrong with his brain."

For Mu Yaoqing, he was simply too kind by putting his biological father in a mental hospital.

"After communicating with my husband for so long, the evil thoughts in my heart...are dissipating."

"Is this a good thing... or a bad thing?"

Mu Yaoqing tilted her head and turned to look at the villa where Pei Jinye was.

"Sir, you have to work hard to live... This time I have the upper hand. When that day comes, I hope I can be strong enough to protect you!"

Pei Jinye finally got the news he wanted from Nebula Tower.

That evening.

He had already taken a plane to Xizhou.

Known as the largest square city in Xizhou.

Under night.

The stars twinkle.

Located in the Ling Tea Hall on the 17th floor of the building.

Pei Jinye sat at the window seat. After being brought in by the waiter, he randomly chose this seat and ordered a pot of spiritual tea called White Whale.

The white mist rising above the tea cup accumulated above, forming a white whale... swimming in the water vapor.

"In a hundred years, the quality of Lingcha has not improved much. On the contrary, these frivolous things have been improved. If you add an embellishment, there will be an extra zero after the price..."

Have a playful laugh.

Pei Jinye himself is a weapon refiner and a cultivator, so he can see through the little tricks on this kind of equipment at a glance.

The beluga swam for a while and gradually dissipated.

It was at this time that conversations came from the side...

"The group of robbery cultivators in Beizhou said they escaped..."

"Escaped? Oh my god, are those people in Beizhou just living on hard food? This can also help people escape!"

"The other party is from Tidepool!"

"Tide pool? Oh my god, it's actually this organization..."

Someone exclaimed and lowered his voice: "Didn't I say before that this organization is related to the Holy Alliance? Why haven't they been eliminated yet?"

"You remember wrongly, it's not the Holy Alliance, it's the Old Gods Association! When the Old Gods Association fell apart, some of them were still alive. This organization only appeared recently... If one of their organization members hadn't been captured, I'm afraid everyone would have I still don’t know this secret history.”

"The Old Gods Association...the Old Gods Association again..."

In a corner, a little girl of six or seven years old tugged on her mother's sleeve: "Mom, are the old gods good or bad?"

But the beautiful woman hurriedly covered her mouth: "Don't mention this name, do you hear me?"

"So...the Old Gods still exist?"

By the window.

Someone gently put down the tea cup.

Thoughts are flying, a touch of silver.

There will be more at noon. If you write as soon as possible, I will send it in advance. Please vote at the end of the month~

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